Astronomy, Faculty of Science

ASTR_O: Astronomy

  1. ASTR_O 110 (3) Astrophysics I

    Physical principles of the celestial sphere, laws of motion, light, and optics; observational techniques using earth-based telescopes, artificial satellites, and inter-planetary probes; planets, moons, and smaller bodies in our solar system. Three-hour biweekly lab; satisfies 3 credits of science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 110, 111, 112. [3-3*-1] Prerequisite: One of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Principles of Mathematics 11; and Physics 11.

  2. ASTR_O 111 (3) Astronomy I

    General principles of the celestial sphere, laws of motion, light, and optics; observational techniques using earth-based telescopes, artificial satellites, and interplanetary probes; planets, moons, and smaller bodies; some observational work. Three-hour biweekly lab; satisfies 3 credits of science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 110, ASTR 111, ASTR 112. [3-3*-0] Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 is strongly recommended.

  3. ASTR_O 112 (3) Astronomy I (Non Lab)

    General principles of the celestial sphere, laws of motion, light, and optics; observational techniques using earth-based telescopes, artificial satellites, and interplanetary probes; planets, moons, and smaller bodies. Does not satisfy science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 110, 111, 112. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 is strongly recommended.

  4. ASTR_O 120 (3) Astrophysics II

    Modern stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astrophysics, emphasizing stars and stellar evolution from protostars to black holes; galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and quasars; large-scale Universe and cosmology structure; special and general relativity. Three-hour biweekly lab; satisfies 3 credits of science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 120, 121, 122. [3-3*-1] Prerequisite: One of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-Calculus 11, Principles of Mathematics 11; and Physics 11.

  5. ASTR_O 121 (3) Astronomy II

    Emphasizes modern stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astronomy; stars and stellar evolution from protostars to black holes; galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and quasars; large-scale structure of the Universe and cosmology. Three-hour biweekly lab; satisfies 3 credits of science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 120, ASTR 121, ASTR 122. [3-3*-0] Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 is strongly recommended.

  6. ASTR_O 122 (3) Astronomy II (Non Lab)

    Emphasizes modern stellar, galactic, and extragalactic astronomy; stars and stellar evolution from protostars to black holes; galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and quasars; large-scale structure of the Universe and cosmology. Does not satisfy science lab requirement for B.A. graduation. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 120, 121, 122. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics 11 is strongly recommended.

  7. ASTR_O 210 (3) Physical Processes in the Universe

    Introduction to observational conventions. Applications of physics to astronomical systems, including orbital mechanics, radiative processes. Introduction to stellar properties and atmospheres, accretion, and general relativity including black holes and modern cosmology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of MATH 101, MATH 103 and one of PHYS 121, PHYS 122.

  8. ASTR_O 321 (3) Stellar Astrophysics

    Stellar structure and evolution. Hydrostatics, radiative transfer, fusion, equations of state. Main sequence stellar models. Low and high mass stellar post main sequence evolution. Stellar remnants. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 321 and PHYS 321. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PHYS 200, ASTR 210. Corequisite: PHYS 216. MATH 225 is recommended.

  9. ASTR_O 401 (3) Astrophysical Processes

    Thermodynamics, atomic and molecular spectra, ionization and excitation, radiative transport, line and continuum opacities. Basic particle and fluid dynamics of stellar and gaseous systems in astrophysics. Gravitational dynamics. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 401 or ASTR 501. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PHYS 301, and ASTR 321 or PHYS 321. PHYS 324 is recommended.

  10. ASTR_O 411 (3) Radio Astronomy

    Astronomical observation and data visualization with emphasis on radio astronomy techniques. Single dish and radio interferometry. Radio telescope design considerations. Radio frequency interference mitigation. Planning and reducing astronomical observations. Involves visits to Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 411 or ASTR 511. [3-1-0] Corequisite: One of ASTR 321, PHYS 321.

  11. ASTR_O 501 (3) Astrophysical Processes

    Thermodynamics, atomic and molecular spectra, ionization and excitation, radiative transport, line and continuum opacities. Basic particle and fluid dynamics of stellar and gaseous systems in astrophysics. Gravitational dynamics. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 401 or ASTR 501. [3-0-0]

  12. ASTR_O 511 (3) Radio Astronomy

    Astronomical observation and data visualization with emphasis on radio astronomy techniques. Single dish and radio interferometry. Radio telescope design considerations. Radio frequency interference mitigation. Planning and reducing astronomical observations. Involves visits to Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory. Credit will be granted for only one of ASTR 411 or ASTR 511.

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