Courses by Subject
- ANTH_O - Anthropology
- APSC_O - Applied Science
- ARTH_O - Art History and Visual Culture
- ASTR_O - Astronomy
- BIOC_O - Biochemistry
- BIOL_O - Biology
- BTEC_O - Biotechnology
- CHEM_O - Chemistry
- CHIN_O - Chinese
- CORH_O - Communications And Rhetoric
- CMPE_O - Computer Engineering
- COSC_O - Computer Science
- COOP_O - Cooperative Education
- CCS_O - Creative and Critical Studies
- CRWR_O - Creative Writing
- CULT_O - Cultural Studies
- CUST_O - Curriculum Studies
- DATA_O - Data Science
- DICE_O - Design, Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship
- DIHU_O - Digital Humanities
- ECED_O - Early Childhood Education
- EESC_O - Earth & Environmental Sciences
- ECON_O - Economics
- EDUC_O - Education
- EDLL_O - Education Doctorate Leadership and Learning
- EADM_O - Educational Administration
- EPSE_O - Educational Psychology and Special Education
- EDST_O - Educational Studies
- ETEC_O - Educational Technology
- ENGR_O - Engineering
- ENGL_O - English
- EAP_O - English for Academic Purposes
- FILM_O - Film
- FDSY_O - Food Systems
- FREN_O - French
- FWSC_O - Freshwater Science
- GWST_O - Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies
- GEOG_O - Geography
- GISC_O - Geospatial Information Science
- GERM_O - German
- HES_O - Health & Exercise Sciences
- HEAL_O - Health Studies
- HINT_O - Health-Interprofessional
- HEBR_O - Hebrew
- HIST_O - History
- IMTC_O - Immersive Technologies
- INLG_O - Indigenous Language
- INDG_O - Indigenous Studies
- IGS_O - Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies
- JPST_O - Japanese Studies
- KORN_O - Korean
- LLED_O - Language and Literacy Education
- LATN_O - Latin
- MGMT_O - Management
- MANF_O - Manufacturing Engineering
- MATH_O - Mathematics
- MDST_O - Media Studies
- MUSC_O - Music
- NLEK_O - Nle?kepmx Language
- NSYL_O - Nsyilxcn
- NRSG_O - Nursing
- PHIL_O - Philosophy
- PHYS_O - Physics
- POLI_O - Political Science
- PDHC_O - Product Design for Human Comfort
- PSYO_O - Psychology
- SECW_O - Secwépemc
- SECH_O - Social and Economic Change
- SOCW_O - Social Work
- SOCI_O - Sociology
- SPAN_O - Spanish
- STAT_O - Statistics
- STMC_O - St’át’imc Language
- SUST_O - Sustainability
- THTR_O - Theatre
- VANT_O - Vantage College
- VISA_O - Visual Arts
- WRLD_O - World Literature