HIST_O 106 (3) Global Environmental History
Historical impacts of humans on the non-human environment, and the ways in which the non-human environment has shaped human history. [3-0-0]
Historical impacts of humans on the non-human environment, and the ways in which the non-human environment has shaped human history. [3-0-0]
Covers topics and themes in the history of capitalism in all geographic regions since the fifteenth century. [3-0-0]
Survey of ancient history from the first civilizations in the Near East to the fall of Rome. Includes examinations of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. [3-0-0]
Survey of the major economic, political, and social developments from the Civil War to the present. [3-0-0]
The people, places, and events central to the development of Canada from Indigenous settlement to the twenty-first century. [3-0-0]
Study of the emergence of the contemporary world from the origins of World War I to the aftermath of World War II. [3-0-0]
Survey of the major events, systems of thought, and human accomplishments that have contributed to European history. Study includes events dating from approximately 1450, when developments in government, science, industry, art, and philosophy began to accelerate significantly. [3-0-0]
History of science, medicine, and technology and society from antiquity to the eighteenth century. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 118 or HIST 215. [3-0-0]
Introduction to the changes in European society from the late Roman Empire to the Renaissance, with an emphasis on the Middle Ages as a dynamic era. The period saw the development of many of the institutions of modern civilization, including common law, parliament, and the university. Religion, family, and warfare in the Middle Ages are examined. [3-0-0]
Survey of the development of Europe through the political, social, and industrial revolutions that accompanied the age of European imperialism. Examination of the World Wars and their impact on the decline of Europe. [3-0-0]
Events and forces shaping the world since the mid-twentieth century. [3-0-0]
Survey of the major economic, political, and social currents in Latin America from independence to the present. [3-0-0]
Major economic, political, and social currents in Asian history. [3-0-0]
History of Western religious traditions from the first civilizations to the present. Origins of and development in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of HIST 110, HIST 116, HIST 119, HIST 126.
Political, social, economic, religious events and migrations from the reign of Augustus to the end of the Western Roman Empire in the late fifth century C.E.. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 203 or HIST 382F. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: HIST 110.
Study of themes of the major economic, political, and social developments in what would become the United States from the late fifteenth century through the Civil War. [3-0-0]
Overview of the economic, social, political, and intellectual dynamics of the modern history of China. The history of China from the Chinese perspective and the impact of the West and modernization on that history. [3-0-0]
Survey of important events in the history of science, medicine, and technology in a globalizing world from the eighteenth century to the present. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST.
A historical survey of the various lands, ideas, peoples, and cultures that contributed to the formation of the Islamic world, from the advent of Islam in the 7th century to the contemporary period. [3-0-0]
Economic and political development of the Canadian nation state from Indigenous-settler contact to the twenty-first century. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 222 or HIST 122. [3-0-0]
Study of themes of Latin American history from emergence of indigenous civilizations to the end of Spanish and Portuguese colonialism in the nineteenth century. [3-0-0]
The Indigenous people (status and non-status) of Canada from contact to the passage of the Indian Act in 1876. Topics include government policies, environment, gender, religion, oral narratives, colonial frontiers, disease, fur trade. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST and third-year standing; or 3 credits of HIST, INDG 100, and third-year standing.
The Indigenous people (status and non-status) of Canada from the passage of the Indian Act in 1876 to the present. Topics include government policies, environment, gender, religion, oral narratives, activism, urbanization, identity. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST and third-year standing; or 3 credits of HIST, INDG 100, and third-year standing.
Development of state formation, collective government, citizenship, art, literature, and international relations in the eastern Mediterranean world from ca. 700 to 338 B.C.E.. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: HIST 110.
The main cultural, political, social, and economic developments in the Hellenistic World from Alexander the Great to the rise of Rome. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 303 or HIST 383E. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: HIST 110.
Roman political, social, and economic history from the eighth century B.C.E. to the end of the Republic in 27 B.C.E.. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 304 or HIST 382G. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: HIST 110.
Examines the rationales and criticisms of empire; mercantilism, industrial capitalism, and free trade; methods and systems that gave rise to the British Empire and the factors which explain the fall of the first British Empire. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 116 and third-year standing.
French-speaking peoples of North America: Acadians, Franco-Québécois, and French-Canadians. Focus on North American Atlantic Coast, Acadia, Florida and the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes from 1534-1699. Deals extensively with French-Amerindian relations. Introduction to the historiography of French North America. Students who have received credit for HIST 307 prior to W2022 cannot receive additional credit for HIST 306. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 112, HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Historical background for understanding the French-speaking peoples of North America: Acadians, Franco-Québécois, French-Canadians, and Cajuns. Focus on Louisiana, Illinois and the North American interior from 1699-1803. Deals extensively with French-Amerindian relations. Introduction to the historiography of French North America. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 112, HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Study of the history of the natural sciences in early modern time. Science transformed from natural philosophy to technology; theories of nature and human nature; science and objectivity; the social role of the scientist; the intellectual authority of science. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and HIST 118; or HIST 218 and third-year standing.
Study of the history of the natural sciences since the scientific revolution. This course may be taken separately or as a continuation of HIST 308. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 218 and third-year standing.
[3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either one of (a) HIST 218 and third-year standing, or (b) 6 credits of HIST.
History of South Asia from the founding of the Mughal empire, through the era of British colonial rule, to the postcolonial period. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 311, HIST 396, or HIST 397. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145, HIST 160, HIST 220 and third-year standing.
Examines colonial policies and practices of imperial Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; the role of explorers, traders, missionaries, industrialists, and others in the growth of British imperialism; the emergence of organized colonial resistance and the decolonization movement; independence and the new Commonwealth of Nations. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 126, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
History of women and women's experiences in Canada and the United States from European contact to the latter half of the nineteenth century. Women's experiences in the broader context of political, social, and economic events and changes. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 112, HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Pre-colonial, colonial, and contemporary history emphasizing South Africa. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
The social, economic, political, and religious history of Iran from the Safavid revolution in 1501 to the Islamic revolution of 1979. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145, HIST 160, HIST 220 and third-year standing.
A survey of the social, economic, political, religious, and cultural history of the Middle East from the Ottoman and Safavid empires to the emergence of nation states. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145, HIST 160, HIST 220 and third-year standing.
Examines aspects of the Middle Ages such as popular religion, the feudal system, and courtly love, and the appearance of Parliament, common law, and the university. Focuses on the eventful year 1215. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 119 and third-year standing.
Comparative study of the social, economic, and political characteristics of the 13 colonies as they changed from small European outposts to more mature societies. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Study of the revolutionary origins of the United States of America and the establishment of the American republic. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Study of selected topics in the history of Canadian society including non-Indigenous settlement, rural life, religion, social and institutional structures, immigration and ethnicity, social movements, ideology, family life and life cycles, demographic change, labour, industrialization, and urbanization. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST.
Political and social development in Post-Civil War America with special emphasis on Reconstruction, industrialization, and the Gilded Age. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 211 and third-year standing.
Investigation of main themes in European history from the French Revolution to the beginning of the twentieth century. Domestic politics, the interaction of states, the formation of new states, social and economic transformations affecting the whole civilization, major cultural expressions of the century. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
A political, social, and cultural history of Eastern Europe from the end of the Second World War to the fall of state socialism. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) one of HIST 115, HIST 126 and third-year standing or (b) 6 credits of HIST.
Study of the political, religious, and social changes in England from the late Middle Ages to the early seventeenth century. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 116, HIST 119 and third-year standing.
Study of the changes in politics, economics, and the empire from James I to Queen Anne and Robert Walpole. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 116 and third-year standing.
Sexuality and gender relations from colonial period to the present. Role of family, state, religion, and community in constructing gender roles and sexual identities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of HIST 151, or HIST 240, or third-year standing.
Relationship between culture and class formation from the late-colonial period to the present. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of HIST 151, or HIST 240, or third-year standing.
Significant contributions to science and technology made by civilizations of the ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Development of critical thinking skills through analysis of ancient texts, artefacts, and monuments in their social and historical context. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST 353, WRLD 353, or WRLD 399H. Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
Social movements of Latin America since 1900 that have challenged the status quo. Role of ideology, culture, and identity in the struggles of marginalized peoples. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of HIST 151, or HIST 240, or third-year standing.
The rise of scientific theories of racial and sexual difference and their role in the creation of the early modern Atlantic world (1500-1800), including its economy, culture, and socio-political order. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 118, HIST 218 and third-year standing.
Science in the context of the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment and the rise of colonial science in the Atlantic and Pacific worlds. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 118, HIST 218 and third-year standing.
Select pandemics in the history of medicine and their impact on society, culture, politics, and the economy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 118, HIST 218 and third-year standing.
Interdisciplinary introduction to digital archiving, exhibition, and preservation of cultural heritage and public history. Deals with collective memory, politics of commemoration and collecting, and future of digital collection and museum interfaces. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 380 or DIHU 320. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of ENGL or HIST. Equivalency: DIHU320
Students should consult the department for the particular topics offered in a given year. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
Students should consult the department for the particular topics offered in a given year. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
Students should consult the department for the particular topics offered in a given year. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
Examines the history of commodity production (agricultural, mineral, oil, and other resources) on the African continent from the late nineteenth century to the present day with attention to how commodities have shaped and continue to influence the development of the continent and inform its political, social and economic encounters. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Examines the actions of China in Africa in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as a form of new economic imperialism, following from earlier nineteenth and twentieth century European imperialism in Africa. Considers the responses of African states and the West to China's expansion on the African continent. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 385 or HIST 381 when the subject matter is of the same nature. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Themes and methods of environmental history, focusing primarily on North America from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
Examines developments of Indian society and culture under the British Raj during the period of 1800-1914, the consolidation of British power in nineteenth-century India, and early Indian resistance to imperial rule. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 115 and third-year standing.
Examines the origins and growth of the freedom struggle in India, the emergence of independent states in the subcontinent, and the problems of nation building and modernization since 1947. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Study of the relationship of the diplomatic factor to other factors in the origins of the First and Second World Wars. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 126 and third-year standing.
Introduction to oral history, including development of the field and theoretical approaches, ethics of interviewing historical subjects, data storage and management, and practical skills training. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST_O; or one of HIST_O 115, HIST_O 145 and third-year standing.
Topics from the history of colonial British Columbia, Confederation, and subsequent provincial developments during the nineteenth century. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST and third-year standing; or HIST 112 and third-year standing.
Topics will emphasize changes in the economic, social, and institutional structures of the province during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST and third-year standing; or HIST 122 and third-year standing.
History of global capitalism and the non-human environment. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
Special topics such as the role of diplomacy and its relation to other factors in international affairs, Canadian external relations, third-world international politics, Cold-War historiography, and area studies. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST.
Study of selected themes in the history of England from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries. [1.5-0-1.5] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 119 and third-year standing.
History of capitalism and political-economy in Canada. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
Examination of the experiences of women in Western Europe from 1500-1750. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or HIST 116 and third-year standing.
[3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST and third-year standing.
Examines the significance of the Great Patriotic War; the last years of Stalin, the tempering of Stalinism in the Khrushchev years; Gorbachev's failed revolution; the collapse of the Soviet Union; and Russia in transition. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 126, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Comparative analysis of the institution of chattel slavery, its growth, its effects on slaves and masters, its relation to the larger society, and the causes of its decline in the various cultures of the Americas. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 211, HIST 240 and third-year standing.
Mexican history since independence including church-state relations, struggles for land and social justice, state formation, class and gender relations, and the role of popular culture. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 151, HIST 240, HIST 241 and third-year standing.
Post-colonial history of Brazil with special attention to the politics of culture in state-building. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 151, HIST 240, HIST 241 and third-year standing.
Chronological and thematic examination of Afghanistan's history from the emergence of the Afghan polity in the eighteenth century to the present. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145, HIST 160, HIST 220 and third-year standing.
Historical dimensions of current debates about technology, focusing on a single, interdisciplinary theme. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 3 credits of HIST and HIST 118; or HIST 218 and third-year standing.
[3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) HIST 126 and third-year standing or (b) 6 credits of HIST.
International relations of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States from the beginning of the 20th century until 1939. Political and diplomatic settlements between the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and the German invasion of Poland in 1939. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 126 and third-year standing; or 6 credits of POLI and third-year standing. Equivalency: POLI433
International relations of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States since 1939. Emphasis upon the emergence, course, and end of the Cold War. Great Powers in decolonization and the end of empires. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 145, HIST 126 and third-year standing.
Continuity and change in the relations of war and society, and the connections between the economy, society, the military, and government in peacetime and war; not a course in military history. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 116, HIST 126, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
History, structure, and lived experiences of people in African cities from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. African mega-cities and smaller cities will be considered. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 483 or HIST 461B. Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or, one of HIST 115 or HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Self-directed, collaborative studies, in a group-learning environment, initiated and coordinated by senior undergraduate students with the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Course structure, enrolment and delivery methods will comply with the Student Directed Seminars Guidelines. At least third-year standing and permission of the Department are required. [0-0-3]
Supervised investigation of a topic in history or research internship. Involves generation of original data and presentation of that data in an acceptable format. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Third-year standing, 6 credits of upper-level HIST, and permission of the instructor. A minimum of 72% in all completed upper-level HIST courses is required.
Students will undertake supervised investigation of an assigned topic in history. They will complete a significant amount of independent reading and analysis and produce a major term paper at the end of the course. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Third-year standing, 6 credits of upper-level HIST, and permission of the instructor. A minimum of 72% in all completed upper-level HIST courses is required.
Explores selected problems and issues in the theory and practice of historical work. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 492 or IGS 592. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST or third-year standing. Open to non-history majors with permission of the department head. Equivalency: IGS 592
Overview and analysis of the internal and external factors that explain decolonization in sub-Saharan Africa in the twentieth century. Discussion will focus on the problems of nation-building in the aftermath of decolonization. [1.5-0-1.5] Prerequisite: 6 credits of HIST; or one of HIST 115, HIST 145 and third-year standing.
Examination of selected topics and issues in history. With different topics, this course may be taken more than once for credit. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: 12 credits of HIST.
An introduction to documentary media history and the application of digital methods to historical inquiry, interpretation, and communication. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.
Research and writing of a thesis paper under the supervision of a History faculty member. Participation in scheduled colloquia and seminars is required. Restricted to students in the Honours Program (third-year standing; minimum 12 credits of History; minimum grade average of 76% in all attempted History courses; and minimum overall average of 72%).