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Applicants with International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Courses

The UBC Okanagan campus recognizes these advanced secondary school programs for admission and for transfer credit.

Program requirements listed in Program Requirements for Canadian Secondary School Applicants will be applied to applicants, as appropriate, for the IB or AP curriculum presented for admission.

International Baccalaureate Diploma

For students who complete the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, admission to the University will require a minimum of 24 points, including bonus points. Due to limited enrolment, a higher score will be required for admission to most programs.

IB Diploma students are required to complete all courses that are part of their IB Diploma. All courses will be considered as part of the overall assessment. UBC will focus on all IB Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL) subject areas that fall into course categories relevant to the applicant’s intended area of study to form the core assessment. It is encouraged, but not necessary, to take IB courses to the HL level in subject areas related to the intended area of study. Ab Initio language courses and grades will be used in the overall and core assessments for students completing the full IB Diploma.

International Baccalaureate Certificate Students

International Baccalaureate certificate courses may be combined with an approved high school credential for the purpose of admission.

For students who present IB certificate courses, the admission average will be calculated on the higher of either the official IB final score or the final school grade. In those cases where an IB score is not available at the time of admission selection, the course/school grade will be used.

The grade conversion scale that will be used to determine admission based on official IB results is as follows. Note that the equivalencies are based upon whether the IB course is presented at the Standard Level (SL) or the Higher Level (HL).


IB SL GradeIB HL GradeIB HL Math Grade% Equivalent

International Baccalaureate Transfer Credit

Credit for equivalent first-year UBC Okanagan campus courses will be awarded to students who achieve a grade of at least 5 in Higher Level IB Arts courses and 6 in Higher Level IB Science courses. Select Standard Level IB courses may be considered for credit as well. Details are provided at youbc Okanagan.

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) courses may be combined with an approved high school credential for the purpose of admission.

For students who present AP courses, the admission average will be calculated on the higher of either the final AP exam score or the final school grade. In those cases where an AP examination grade is not available at the time of admission selection, the course/school grade will be used.

The grade conversion scale that will be used to determine admission based on official AP results is as follows:


AP Grade% Equivalent

Advanced Placement Transfer Credit

Credit for equivalent first-year UBC Okanagan campus courses will be awarded to students who achieve a grade of 4 or better on the appropriate AP course. Details are provided at youbc Okanagan.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Courses Approved to Satisfy Prerequisites

Grade 12 CourseAdvanced Placement CourseInternational Baccalaureate Course (Standard or Higher Level)
Biology 12BiologyBiology
Chemistry 12General ChemistryChemistry
English 12English Language and CompositionEnglish Language A
Physics 12Physics (1, 2, or C)Physics
Pre-Calculus 121 Mathematics2
1 If it is to the applicant’s advantage, one of AP Calculus (AB or BC), IB Calculus, or the Calculus Examination Certificate may be used in the calculation of the average of admission (in addition to Pre-Calculus 12), where program admission requirements allow.
2 IB Math Studies does not satisfy the prerequisite of Pre-Calculus 12.


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