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English Foundation Program

Undergraduate degree applicants who meet all admission requirements except the UBC Okanagan campus English Language Admission Standard may be eligible for the English Foundation Program.

Through the program, which is restricted to Bachelor of Applied Science, Arts, Fine Arts, Health and Exercise Sciences, Management, Media Studies, Science, or Sustainability applicants, eligible students are offered conditional admission to their degree program and given an opportunity to improve their English language proficiency while completing courses that can be applied to their degree.

To qualify for the English Foundation Program, applicants must:

  1. Meet all general and applicable program-specific admission requirements, excluding the minimum standards of English Language Competence; and
  2. Present evidence of a minimum level of English language proficiency. See English Language Proficiency Tests and Programs for the minimum scores required to qualify.

Depending on English language competence, students in the English Foundation Program will be enrolled in either EAP_O 103 (3) English for Academic Purposes Level III or EAP_O 104 (3) English for Academic Purposes Level IV. To be enrolled in EAP_O 104, students must either meet the specified minimum entry scores for the course (see English Language Proficiency Tests and Programs) or complete EAP_O 103 with a minimum grade of 68%.

Students may also be eligible to enrol in one (EAP_O 103 students) or two (EAP_O 104 students) additional 3-credit courses while completing the English Foundation Program. See English Foundation Program for a list of course options.

Once admitted to a degree program the English Foundation Program, students cannot substitute results from other English language proficiency tests to gain full admission to their degree program.

Successful completion of the English Foundation Program requires achieving a minimum grade of 68% in EAP_O 104. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be granted full admission to their degree program.

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