You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD)

The UBC Okanagan campus recognizes the British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD) for admission to the first year of an undergraduate degree.

The overall academic assessment will be based on all academic Grade 11 and Grade 12 coursework, including ABE Provincial Level English, or English Studies 12, or English First Peoples 12.

Applicants from recognized secondary schools must write the BC English 12 provincial examination if the English 12 course registration was prior to July 1, 2019, even if not required for the BCAGD.

The BC English 12 provincial examination result will be used if the examination result advantages the academic assessment. In cases where a significant discrepancy exists between the BC English 12 course grade and the BC English 12 provincial examination grade, UBC reserves the right to use the BC English 12 provincial examination grade only.

A minimum average of 67% is required for admission to all programs. However, due to limited enrolment, a higher average is required in most programs. All courses must be completed by June. Summer school courses or grades obtained in supplemental examinations will not be considered.

Entrance requirements to specific programs parallel those for Canadian secondary school applicants. Applicants should refer to Program Requirements for Canadian Secondary School to ensure they have the required courses.

Adult Basic Education (ABE) Courses

The UBC Okanagan campus accepts the BC Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood) in combination with Adult Basic Education (ABE) Provincial Level courses completed at recognized secondary schools, adult education centres, or post-secondary institutions.

For applicants who complete ABE Provincial Level courses, but do not complete the BC Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD), the overall academic assessment will be calculated on all academic Grade 11 and Grade 12 coursework, including ABE Provincial Level English, English Studies 12, or English First Peoples 12.

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