You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Visual Arts, Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

VISA_O: Visual Arts

  1. VISA_O 090 (0) Safety Training

    Develops students' competence in using the tools in the woodshop and metalshop through demonstrations and the completion of a small project. This non-credit course is required in order to work in these facilities. Pass/Fail.

  2. VISA_O 102 (3) Drawing and Two-Dimensional Art Practices I

    This foundation course will introduce the principles, practices, and concepts central to drawing and two-dimensional art. [2-2-0]

  3. VISA_O 103 (3) Drawing and Two-Dimensional Art Practices II

    Continuation of VISA 102. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 102.

  4. VISA_O 104 (3) Three-Dimensional Art Practices I

    This foundation course will introduce the materials, principles of form and space, and ideas in contemporary 3D art practices. [2-2-0]

  5. VISA_O 105 (3) Three-Dimensional Art Practices II

    Continuation of VISA 104. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 104.

  6. VISA_O 106 (3) Introduction to Digital Media I

    Introduces digital media in contemporary art practice through photography, computer imaging, video, and other emerging digital technologies. [1-3-0]

  7. VISA_O 108 (3) Introduction to Digital Media II

    Expands on digital media in contemporary art practices through computer imaging, animation, and other emerging digital technologies. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: VISA 106.

  8. VISA_O 110 (3) Studies in Photography

    Introduction to digital photography and its cultural context. Fundamental techniques of digital photography and principles of visual communication as applied to contemporary photography. BFA students cannot receive credit for VISA 110. [2-1-0]

  9. VISA_O 137 (3) Introduction to Art I

    Survey of art theory and practice for students with little or no previous art experience. A wide range of ideas, approaches, and media will be studied. BFA students cannot receive credit for VISA 137. [2-1-0]

  10. VISA_O 206 (3) Sound Art

    Introduction to the art of listening, acoustic communication, sound making, sound technology and interaction. The course covers the basic principles and properties of sound and its applications in digital media creation. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: VISA 108.

  11. VISA_O 215 (3) Painting I

    Introduction to the materials and techniques of painting. Exploration of colour, surface, structure, and space. Students will be encouraged to search for personal imagery. Critical evaluation skills will be developed through individual and group critiques. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 103.

  12. VISA_O 225 (3) Painting II

    Continuation of VISA 215. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 215.

  13. VISA_O 233 (3) Printmaking: Screenprinting I

    Examination of the various processes of screenprinting. Project-based course with considerable emphasis on technical development and skills acquisition. Focus will be on the synthesis of a student's personal imagery and the process of screenprinting. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 103.

  14. VISA_O 235 (3) Sculpture I

    For the student who wishes to specialize in sculpture. Students will examine three-dimensional space through a variety of projects and materials. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 105.

  15. VISA_O 244 (3) Photography I

    Introduction to the basics of photography and darkroom techniques through the use of the camera as an expressive, conceptual, and artistic tool. A 35mm SLR film camera and tripod are required. Prerequisite: One of VISA 103, VISA 106, VISA 108.

  16. VISA_O 245 (3) Sculpture II

    For the student who wishes to specialize in sculpture. Students will work with the concepts of space and materials to create personal solutions to problems set by the instructor. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 235.

  17. VISA_O 253 (3) Printmaking: Screenprinting II

    Provides opportunities for students to continue their exploration of the medium of screenprinting. More advanced processes will be introduced, with continued focus on the development of each student's personal imagery. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 233.

  18. VISA_O 254 (3) Introduction to Printmaking: Etching and Lithography

    Introduction to drawing-based printmaking processes - line etching and stone lithography. Focus is on gaining familiarity with these processes and on personal imagery. Basic drawing skills are an asset. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) VISA 103 or (b) VISA 147. or permission of the instructor.

  19. VISA_O 255 (3) Introduction to Printmaking: Linocut and Letter Press Printing

    Introduction to the printmaking processes - relief printing and text-based letterpress printing. Focus is on gaining familiarity with these processes and on the development of personal imagery. Basic drawing skills are an asset. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: One of VISA 103, VISA 147. or permission of the instructor.

  20. VISA_O 256 (3) Photography II

    A further refinement of photographic and darkroom processing skills emphasizing creative, conceptual, and experimental approaches. A 35mm SLR film camera and tripod are required. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 244.

  21. VISA_O 261 (3) Video I

    Introduction to organizational, technical, creative, and critical skills required in video production. Provides experience in all stages of the production process, including pre-production, production, and post-production. Considers a variety of approaches to video, such as artist videos, music videos, and television productions. Credit will be granted for only one of VISA 261 or FILM 261. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: One of VISA 106, VISA 108. Equivalency: FILM 261

  22. VISA_O 266 (3) 2D Animation

    Introduces core principles and techniques required for the creation of two-dimensional digital animation projects. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: VISA 108.

  23. VISA_O 268 (3) Strategies in Digital Art: Visual Communication

    Concepts, principles, and techniques to design effective interfaces exploring areas of branding, information architecture and interaction design. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: VISA 108.

  24. VISA_O 269 (3) Strategies in Digital Art: Virtual Worlds

    Critical understanding and research-creation of virtual environments employing non-linear storytelling, media aesthetics, modelling, animation, interaction design and coding using 3D modelling software. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: VISA 108.

  25. VISA_O 271 (3) Video II

    Continuation of VISA 261. Further work on organizational, technical, creative, and critical skills required in video production. Provides experience in all stages of the production process, including pre-production, production, and post-production. Considers a variety of approaches to video, such as artist videos, music videos, and television productions. Credit will be granted for only one of VISA 271 or FILM 271. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: One of VISA 261, FILM 261. Equivalency: FILM 271

  26. VISA_O 282 (3) Drawing III

    Core course in drawing. Various drawing approaches, material applications, and image manipulation practices are explored. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 103.

  27. VISA_O 283 (3) Drawing IV

    Continuation of VISA 282. Extended exploration of various drawing approaches, material applications, and image manipulation practices. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 282.

  28. VISA_O 285 (3-6) Public Art: Mural Painting

    Core principles and strategic planning for the design and creation of large format murals. Field-based course. Credit will be granted for only one of VISA 285 or VISA 460 when the subject matter is of the same nature. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) VISA 103 or (b) VISA 108.

  29. VISA_O 290 (3-6) Special Topics in Visual Art

    For students in Visual Art and other Creative Studies programs who wish to work on a special topic not normally covered in other Visual Arts courses. Topics vary. Not offered every year. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: Second-year standing in the B.F.A. program or permission of the department.

  30. VISA_O 300 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Drawing

    To extend students' abilities in mark-making, image production, and expression of meaning through drawing. Emphasis on developing personal visual languages. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 283.

  31. VISA_O 312 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Painting

    Advanced studio course to increase the student's exploration and understanding of painting. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 225.

  32. VISA_O 322 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Sculpture

    Advanced studio course to explore contemporary practices in sculpture. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: VISA 245.

  33. VISA_O 336 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Printmaking

    Opportunity for students to continue their exploration of select media in printmaking (intaglio, relief, lithography, and screenprinting) within the context of contemporary art practice. Interdisciplinary crossover, evolving processes, and new materials will be encouraged. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: One of VISA 253, VISA 254, VISA 255.

  34. VISA_O 362 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Photography

    Advanced studio course in digital- and film-based photography. Emphasis on photography as an artistic tool. No more than 12 credits in total will be granted for VISA 362, CULT 362, or any combination thereof. Prerequisite: VISA 256. or permission of the instructor. Equivalency: CULT362

  35. VISA_O 382 (3-12) Advanced Practice in Media Arts

    Advanced interdisciplinary course addressing the importance of technology-based approaches in contemporary art with emphasis placed upon the formation of an idea and the media most appropriate to its expression. No more than 12 credits in total will be granted for VISA 382, CULT 382, or any combination thereof. Prerequisite: One of VISA 206, VISA 266, VISA 268, VISA 269, VISA 261. or the permission of the instructor. Equivalency: CULT 382

  36. VISA_O 400 (3-6) Practicum

    Students work and learn in certain off-campus, art-related positions to receive credit toward the B.F.A. degree. The department head, the program coordinator, and the course instructor will determine if the activity meets the criteria to qualify for credit. [0-0-6] Prerequisite: Completion of two 300-level VISA courses in the area of the proposed practicum activity.

  37. VISA_O 460 (3-6) Special Topics in Visual Art

    For senior students in Visual Art and other Creative Studies programs who wish to work on a special topic not normally covered in other Visual Arts courses. Topics vary. Not offered every year. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the B.F.A. program or permission of the department.

  38. VISA_O 482 (6) Advanced Art Practices I

    Advanced studio course for fourth-year visual arts students. Students will propose and carry out an independent program of studio work in consultation with course directors and faculty advisors. Students will be intensively involved in artistic research and creation. Interdisciplinary activity will be encouraged. Self-directed readings, writing projects, individual and group critiques, and participation in a final exhibition will be required. Various professional practice topics will be covered. [2-4-0] Prerequisite: 12 credits of 300-level studio courses, and a combined minimum grade average of 68% in ARTH 301 and another 3 credit 300- or 400-level ARTH course.

  39. VISA_O 483 (6) Advanced Art Practices II

    Continuation of VISA 482. As part of the course requirements, students must participate in a graduating exhibition. [2-4-0] Prerequisite: VISA 482.

  40. VISA_O 485 (3-6) Directed Studies

    Students will investigate a visual arts practice and complete a significant studio-based project. Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the B.F.A. program and permission of department and supervising faculty.

  41. VISA_O 520 (3) Special Topics in Visual Arts

    Restricted to students in the M.F.A. program with specialization in Visual Arts, or with permission of the Department of Creative Studies.

  42. VISA_O 530 (3) Directed Studies in Visual Arts

    Restricted to students in the M.F.A. program with specialization in Visual Arts, or with permission of the Department of Creative Studies.

  43. VISA_O 582 (3) Graduate Studio in Visual Arts I

    A studio course for graduate students in Visual Arts. The production of independent artwork and the critical analysis of that work. Students may work in any artistic discipline. Restricted to students in the M.F.A. program with specialization in Visual Arts, or with permission of the Department of Creative Studies.

  44. VISA_O 583 (3) Graduate Studio in Visual Arts II

    The production of independent artwork and the critical analysis of that work. Students may work in any artistic discipline. Prerequisite: VISA 582. Or permission of the Department of Creative Studies.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.