PHYS_O 111 (3) Introductory Physics for the Physical Sciences I
Mechanics primarily for students majoring in the physical sciences (e.g. physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, geology, physical geography) or engineering. Particle kinematics and dynamics, work and energy, momentum, gravitation, rigid body motion, fluid statics and dynamics with applications to the physical sciences. Credit will be granted for only one of PHYS 111 and PHYS 112. Students with Physics 12 may opt out of the tutorial by self-enrolling in the XM2 tutorial section. [3-3*-1] Prerequisite: One of PHYS 11, PHYS 12 and one of MATH 12, PREC 12, MATH 125, MATH 126. Physics 12 is strongly recommended. Corequisite: One of MATH 100, MATH 116.