LLED_O 200 (3) Introduction to Writing in Academic and Professional Registers
Examination of sociolinguistic knowledge and skills that are central to the production of academic and professional texts.
Examination of sociolinguistic knowledge and skills that are central to the production of academic and professional texts.
The processes by which individuals become competent members of society through the use of language.
An overview of teaching and learning in English language arts for primary grades (K-3) with attention to oral language, reading and viewing, writing and representing. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
An overview of teaching and learning in English language arts for intermediate grades with attention to oral language, listening, reading and viewing, writing and representing. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Best practices are presented for integrating the teaching of reading and writing in content area material. Multiple instructional strategies will be provided to enable students to make content reading and writing accessible and successful. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Based upon current research in reading and language arts practices, students will engage in the selection, administration, and interpretation of formative and summative literacy assessments for the purpose of evaluating reading and language processes. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
The influences of language, emergent literacy, and growth are examined. How reading and writing develop as integrated processes within oral language acquisition is also explored. Credit will be granted for only one of LLED_O 463 or ECED_O 463. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: ECED_O 463.
Key issues, research, and practice are examined to improve literacy achievement for elementary students with a range of reading and writing difficulties. Credit will be granted for only one of LLED_O 464 or EPSE_O 464. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: EPSE_O 464.
Key issues, research, and practice are examined to improve literacy achievement for students in middle and secondary grades with a range of reading and writing difficulties. Credit will be granted for only one of LLED_O 465 or EPSE_O 465. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0] Equivalency: EPSE_O 465.
Learning techniques and principles in second language acquisition will be explored. Students will be encouraged to create and modify lessons pertinent to their own K-12 or postsecondary classroom settings. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Explores how educational drama can be used to support literacy programs in elementary and middle school language arts programs. Content focus is primarily for elementary and middle school educators, however, modifications for other grade levels can readily be made. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Research and best practices will be examined with the intent of acknowledging the link between numeracy and literacy and experiencing how specific pedagogy in the classroom can support this link. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Language teaching methods, instructional skills in English and motivational design are examined. Sociocultural factors and language acquisition are explored with a focus on teaching and assessing listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Grounded in English and additional language teaching and learning across age and proficiency levels, sociocultural considerations are taken into account while exploring curriculum, lessons, materials, technology, interaction, and classrooms. Professional development and social justice are examined, with an emphasis on language teachers as scholar-practitioners. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Intended for a wide range of educators, this course conceptualizes additional language acquisition theory from multiple angles in child, adolescent, and adult contexts. Key issues, concepts, and theoretical perspectives are evaluated and explored with emphasis on current empirical research. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]
Professional development as an additional language educator through a supervised 20- hour practicum including guided lesson observations (10 hours) and focused teaching practice (10 hours). Concurrent seminars develop skills in lesson planning, instructional strategies, reflective practice, classroom leadership, interculturality, and community building. Restricted to students with at least third-year standing or enrolled in one of the following programs: Bachelor of Education, Diploma or Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies in Contemporary Education, Certificate in Teaching English and Additional Languages. Pass/Fail. [3-0-0]