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Education Doctorate Leadership and Learning, Faculty of Education

EDLL_O: Education Doctorate Leadership and Learning

  1. EDLL_O 602 (3) Setting Conditions for Transformative Leadership

    Theoretical elements of transformative leadership with a focus on establishing conceptual and practical frameworks for engaging in educational leadership for transformation at the levels of self, school, system, and society. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

  2. EDLL_O 605 (3) Special Topics

    Seminar that examines special topics and current issues within education. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

  3. EDLL_O 606 (3) Culturally Responsive Leadership in a Diverse Society

    Theoretical underpinnings for education leaders to think more deeply and consider issues involved in implementing social justice education and to respond to societal pressures around issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

  4. EDLL_O 608 (3) Ethics, Governance and Reform in Contemporary Context

    Co-investigation of the ethical values, educational aims, and conditions of political legitimacy of educational institutions in the early 21st century. Normative and descriptive accounts of these institutions are examined in relation to contemporary social problems (and possible solutions) with an orientation to their implications for public policy and leadership-in-practice. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

  5. EDLL_O 699 (0) Practice-Based Dissertation

    Pass/Fail. Restricted to students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.).

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