You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science

ENGR_O: Engineering

  1. ENGR_O 303 (3) Engineering Project Management

    Project management including initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing engineering projects. Managing the scope, costs, schedule, risks, and human resources in engineering projects. External party engagement, including Indigenous communities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 169, APSC 201.

  2. ENGR_O 305 (3) Engineering Economic Analysis

    Cost concepts, accounting, time value of money; depreciation and taxes; public sector projects; economic evaluation techniques; handling uncertainty; sustainability in economic evaluation; societal context; infrastructure management needs; project impacts, mitigating risk. Case studies. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Second-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  3. ENGR_O 310 (3) Fluid Mechanics II

    Differential conservation, equations and solutions, boundary layers, compressible flows, and introduction to turbomachinery. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: APSC 253.

  4. ENGR_O 315 (3) Systems and Control

    Dynamic systems, linear systems, control concepts, block diagrams, transient response, root locus, frequency response, Bode and Nyquist plots, and controller design. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: APSC 246.

  5. ENGR_O 320 (3) Electromechanical Devices

    Three-Phase AC power systems. DC and AC magnetic circuits, transformers, DC machines, principles of electromagnetic devices, synchronous machines, induction motors, and brushless DC motors. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: APSC 255.

  6. ENGR_O 325 (3) Civil Engineering Materials

    Structures and properties of common materials: aggregates, Portland cement, concrete, asphalt, timber, composites, and metals. Relationships between materials structures and mechanical properties. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 259.

  7. ENGR_O 327 (3) Reinforced Concrete Design I

    Analysis of reinforced concrete members subjected to flexure, shear, and combined bending and axial forces. Design of one-way slabs, beams, and short columns. Serviceability analysis. Bond and anchorage. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 259, APSC 260, APSC 261. Corequisite: ENGR 325.

  8. ENGR_O 330 (3) Reliability and Risk Analysis for Civil Engineering

    Applied probability and simulation for civil engineering infrastructure. Methods for probabilistic risk and reliability analysis. Risk-based decision making. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 254. Corequisite: APSC 258.

  9. ENGR_O 331 (3) Infrastructure Management I

    Introduction to asset management, municipal infrastructure systems, performance and prioritization measures, data management, life cycle costing, decision support tools, integrated approach. [3-0-0] Corequisite: All of ENGR 305, ENGR 330.

  10. ENGR_O 332 (3) Surveying and GIS Analysis

    Theory and application methods for measuring and representing objects of interest on, below, and over the earth's surface, and for analyzing data to meet engineering design and operational objectives driven by socio-economic or environmental concerns of natural and engineered systems. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 169, APSC 254.

  11. ENGR_O 335 (3) Transportation Engineering

    Analysis, planning, design, and operation of transportation systems, including: governance, economics, land use, transport modes, users, roads, freeways, end-of-trip facilities, public transit, and intersection controls. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 254.

  12. ENGR_O 340 (3) Soil Mechanics

    Geological processes, soil classification, principle of effective stress, seepage analysis, shear strength, soil compaction, consolidation, and slope stability analysis. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 253, APSC 260.

  13. ENGR_O 341 (3) Engineering Hydrology

    Hydrologic processes, climate change and hydrologic cycle analysis, urban flood management. Emphasis on quantitative techniques. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 253, APSC 254.

  14. ENGR_O 342 (3) Open Channel Flow

    Channel characteristics, flow classification, specific energy and momentum, uniform flow, critical flow, hydraulic jump, flow control structures, channel design, unsteady flow, contaminant transport. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 253.

  15. ENGR_O 347 (3) Environmental Engineering

    Air, water, environmental pollutants, and treatment design concepts. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 182, APSC 183, APSC 253.

  16. ENGR_O 350 (3) Linear Circuit Theory

    Transient and steady-state analysis of linear circuits, Laplace transform analysis, mutual inductance and ideal transformers, frequency response and Bode plots, passive and active filters, introduction to synthesis of passive networks, two-port network models for linear systems, and circuit simulation. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 246, APSC 255.

  17. ENGR_O 351 (3) Microelectronics I

    Signals and amplifier fundamentals, the operational amplifier, diodes, metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor amplifier circuits, and bipolar junction transistor amplifier circuits. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 255.

  18. ENGR_O 352 (3) Microelectronics II

    Building blocks of integrated-circuit amplifiers; differential multistage amplifiers; frequency response; feedback; output stages and power amplifiers; and operational amplifier circuitry. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 352 or ENGR 451. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 351.

  19. ENGR_O 353 (3) Semiconductor Devices

    Semiconductor materials, carrier transport phenomena, P-N diode, metal-semiconductor junction, light-emitting diode, semiconductor lasers and photodiodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFET, and other semiconductor devices. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 255.

  20. ENGR_O 359 (3) Microcomputer Engineering

    Microcomputer architecture, number representation, assembly language, parallel and serial input/output, interrupts, memory, peripherals. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 255.

  21. ENGR_O 360 (3) Engineering Probability and Statistics.

    Set theory, conditional probability, distribution function, functions of random variables, central limit theorem, sample distributions, confidence intervals, elements of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, testing the fit of a distribution. Applications of probability and statistics in engineering. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR_O 360 or ENGR_O 560. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC_O 248.

  22. ENGR_O 361 (3) Signals and Communication Systems

    Fourier series and Fourier transform analysis of signals, sampling theorem, amplitude, phase, and frequency modulation, baseband digital transmission, pulse code modulation and quantization, Nyquist pulses, inter-symbol interference. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 361 or APSC 270. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 246.

  23. ENGR_O 362 (3) Digital Signal Processing I

    Discrete-time signals and systems, difference equations, sampling and aliasing, decimation and interpolation, quantization errors, z-transform, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, implementation of discrete-time systems, finite and infinite impulse response filter design. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC_O 270.

  24. ENGR_O 375 (3) Energy System Design

    Primary energy sources and carriers. Energy conversion. Analysis of thermal systems. Reacting systems and combustion. Thermal systems design including steam power plants, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, and refrigeration systems. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 252, APSC 253.

  25. ENGR_O 376 (3) Materials Science II

    Review comprehensive study of phase diagrams, phase transformations, TTT diagrams, heat treatment, ferrous and nonferrous alloys, composite and concrete materials, and materials selection. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 259.

  26. ENGR_O 378 (3) Electromagnetics for Engineers

    Maxwell's equations, time harmonic fields, plane waves in media, polarization, Fresnel equations, transmission lines, scattering parameters, the Smith Chart, and waveguides. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 278.

  27. ENGR_O 380 (3) Design of Machine Elements

    Product design methodology; static and fatigue failure theory; design/selection of components including shafts, springs, bearings, gears, brakes, and clutches; design of bolted joints, power screws, and welds; design evaluation and optimization. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 260.

  28. ENGR_O 381 (3) Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

    The design, analysis, and synthesis of mechanisms, linkages, cams, and gear trains; dynamic force analysis; balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 181.

  29. ENGR_O 385 (3) Heat Transfer Applications

    Steady and transient conduction heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, convection heat transfer, introduction to heat exchanger. [3-2*-1] Prerequisite: All of APSC 248, APSC 252.

  30. ENGR_O 387 (3) Vibration of Mechanical Systems

    Vibration of mechanical systems. Single and multiple degree of freedom systems. Undamped, damped vibrations. Forced vibrations and resonance. Modal analysis, modelling vibrating systems. Spectral analysis. Measurement and control of vibrating mechanical systems. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: APSC 246.

  31. ENGR_O 400 (3) Applied Machine Vision for Engineers

    Application of machine vision across various engineering disciplines. Analysis of visual scenes, feature descriptors, colour, segmentation, shape estimation, motion, stereo, pattern classification, camera calibration, 3-D vision, software and hardware architectures. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in BASc program.

  32. ENGR_O 401 (3) Bioinstrumentation

    Bioinstruments used for tracking vitals, diagnosis, and treatment of disease in the vascular, muscular, nervous, and respiratory systems. Introduction to the fundamentals of each body system, electrical safety, signal acquisition, biosensors, transducers, amplifiers, and analysis of human physiological measurements. Hands on experience with sensors, biomedical devices, and design through labs. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 254.

  33. ENGR_O 402 (3) Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications

    Basics of biotechnology, DNA and RNA technologies, nanobiotechnology, medical biotechnology, and ethics in biotechnology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing

  34. ENGR_O 404 (3) Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering

    Biomechanics and motor control of human movement; kinematic, anthropometry, and kinetic analysis; fundamentals of injury biomechanics; rehabilitation engineering with a focus on wheeled mobility, prosthetics, and orthotic design. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  35. ENGR_O 405 (3) Engineering Leadership

    Introduction to Engineering Leadership. Leadership styles. Understanding persuasion and influence. Goal setting and accountability within an engineering team, team building and team dynamics, including issues of equity, diversity and inclusion in teams. Credit will be granted for only one of APSC 505 or ENGR 405. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc., B.A. COSC or B.Sc. COSC standing.

  36. ENGR_O 406 (3) Microelectromechanical Systems

    Mechanisms, design, fabrication, and testing of microsensors, actuators, and MicroElectroMechanical systems (MEMS). Credit will not be granted for both ENGR 406 and ENGR 506 [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  37. ENGR_O 407 (3) Inclusive Design

    Design and prototyping of devices from different perspectives of inclusion, with an emphasis on disability, chronic illness, and population diversity; analysis of existing technologies and practices, including built environments, portable devices, user interfaces, sports, and occupational task and process design. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: Third-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  38. ENGR_O 408 (3) Energy System Transition

    GHG emission reductions, examination of the sources and use of energy, the distribution of energy, and evaluating practical transition strategies. Participation in a field trip is required. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR_O 320.

  39. ENGR_O 409 (3) Construction Digitalization and Informatics

    Lean construction; logistics optimization; n-dimensional Building Information Modeling (nD BIM); Internet of Things and Construction 4.0 technologies; new business models; digital fabrication and platform-based construction. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 409 or APSC 509. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of ENGR 303, MANF 470.

  40. ENGR_O 410 (3) Technology Innovation for Engineers

    An introduction to the concept of Innovation, with particular focus on technological innovation, and its impact on economic, social, health, legal, and cultural aspects of society. Technological innovations are explored using creative, design and entrepreneurial thinking. Causes for acceptance or rejection of technological innovations are examined using behavioural economic theories. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. COSC standing.

  41. ENGR_O 411 (3) Technology Entrepreneurship

    Technology and innovation, business models, customer development, intellectual property, product development, customer validation, hypothesis testing, company positioning. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR_O 411 or ENGR _O 511. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.

  42. ENGR_O 412 (3) Signals, Systems, and Inference

    Review of signals and systems basics; LTI state-space methods; probabilistic models and estimation of random variable; hypothesis testing rules; random processes and power spectral density; signal estimation based on linear minimum mean square error principle; signal detection in i.i.d. Gaussian noise and coloured noise. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 412 or ENGR 512. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 360, ENGR 361, ENGR 362. Fourth-year standing in Electrical Engineering

  43. ENGR_O 413 (3) Law and Ethics for Engineers

    Ethical theories and their application. The Canadian legal system. Companies, partnerships, independent contractors. Contract documents, specifications, liability, torts and liens. Intellectual property. Agency; evidence; role of an expert witness. Employment law. Professional Governance Act, Code of Ethics, consultation and engagement with Indigenous communities. Credit will only be granted for one of ENGR_O 413 or APSC_O 513 [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  44. ENGR_O 414 (3) Precast Concrete Structures

    Means and methods of precast concrete construction; advanced design of precast concrete structures; analysis of experimental data of precast concrete components; innovations in precast concrete construction. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 414 or APSC 514. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 325 and ENGR 327.

  45. ENGR_O 415 (3) Reliability Engineering and System Safety

    Reliability, maintainability, and availability of systems, failures models and probabilistic risk analysis, failure mode effect analysis, fault tree analysis and event tree analysis, reliability and system improvement using design of experiments, Taguchi-based methods, quality function deployment. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 415, ENGR 515 or APPP 515. [3-0-0]

  46. ENGR_O 417 (3) Pipeline Integrity Management

    Pipeline regulation codes, pipeline integrity management, pipeline operations, materials and fabrication, examination techniques, corrosion protection, and geohazards evaluation. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  47. ENGR_O 418 (3) Applied Machine Learning for Engineers

    Fundamentals of machine learning, toolboxes in machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, applications of machine learning in various engineering disciplines. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 418 or ENGR 518. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. COSC standing.

  48. ENGR_O 419 (3) System Identification

    Identification of dynamical systems by considering input signals, sensor measurements, noise, and disturbance, as well as using parameter estimation, model selection and validation, and practical considerations. Credit will only be granted to one of ENGR 419 or APSC 519 [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 480.

  49. ENGR_O 420 (3) Fundamentals of Healthy Buildings

    Building biology, bio-house design, health effects of building materials, construction techniques, temperature, light, ventilation, plumbing, ergonomics, and psychological factors. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  50. ENGR_O 421 (3) Public Transit Planning, Design, and Operations

    History of public transit and its relationship to urban development, transit systems planning and modelling, transit service design and operations, transit performance and capacity analysis, transit lines and networks design, and Intelligence Transportation System (ITS) applications with emphasis on Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS). Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 421 or ENGR 521. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 335.

  51. ENGR_O 422 (3) Surface Engineering

    Surface energy, surface tension, contact angles, superhydrophobic surfaces, adhesion, roughness and texture, surface chemistry, and solid/liquid interactions. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 252.

  52. ENGR_O 423 (3) Wearable Devices

    Design and prototyping including textiles, hardware, software, data storage, miniaturization, wireless communication, power, environment, and fabrication. Analysis of wearable technologies and challenges of mass adoption. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 401.

  53. ENGR_O 424 (3) Smart Cities

    Smart city concept, smart city standardization, smart grid and energy management, Internet of Things and cloud computing for smart city, smart city lighting, intelligent transportation, technology enhanced infrastructure, water solutions, smart buildings and technology, data analytics in smart cities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  54. ENGR_O 425 (3) Design of Steel and Timber Structures

    Introduction to limit states design of steel and timber structures: material properties, design of tension and compression members, beams, columns, and connections. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 325, ENGR 327.

  55. ENGR_O 426 (3) Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

    Analysis of statically indeterminate structures using flexibility and stiffness methods. Linear and non-linear analysis, introduction to finite element method. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 179, ENGR 327.

  56. ENGR_O 427 (3) Reinforced Concrete Design II

    Design of reinforced concrete two-way slabs, slender columns, footings, and walls. Design for torsion. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 325, ENGR 327.

  57. ENGR_O 428 (3) Earthquake Engineering

    Strong ground motion; single-degree-of-freedom systems; earthquake response of linear and inelastic systems; subspace iteration; multi-degree-of-freedom systems; earthquake response and design; building design consideration. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 327.

  58. ENGR_O 429 (3) Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures

    Concrete damage and deterioration mechanisms, assessment and instrumentation; repair and strengthening materials and techniques; design of structural strengthening systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 429 or ENGR 529. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 325, ENGR 327.

  59. ENGR_O 430 (3) System-Based Design and Construction

    State-of-the-art conceptual design and construction techniques of civil engineering systems. Problem-based learning techniques using real life engineering project design and construction case studies - famous, infamous, large, small, failures. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in Civil Engineering.

  60. ENGR_O 431 (3) Design of Timber Structures

    Limit state design of timber structures; Material grade and properties of wood; Design criteria for axial, bending, shear and combined load design of structural lumber; Connection detailing and design; system design [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 327.

  61. ENGR_O 432 (3) Infrastructure Management II

    Impact of climate change, integrated asset management, resilient infrastructure, condition assessment and performance modeling, in-service monitoring and risk-based evaluation, life cycle cost and benefits analysis, prioritization and optimization, advanced modelling and GIS implementation. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 303, ENGR 305, ENGR 330, ENGR 331.

  62. ENGR_O 433 (3) Construction Engineering and Management

    Management of the firm: strategic planning, designing, construction, productivity management, and project closure. Project delivery systems: traditional, construction management, and turnkey. Estimating, bidding, and bonding. Project control tools and procedures. Safety and quality control. Project Management. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 433 or ENGR 533. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 303.

  63. ENGR_O 434 (3) Global Impact of Engineering

    Investigation into the environmental, social, political and economic aspects of technology, including the analysis of social and environmental context of engineering activities. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  64. ENGR_O 435 (3) Transportation Systems Engineering

    Analysis, design, and operation of transport systems that support our urban and rural communities, including: traffic studies and field surveys; capacity and level of service analysis; simulation and optimization of networks; transportation demand management; and CAD optimization of horizontal and vertical corridor alignments. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 335, ENGR 330.

  65. ENGR_O 436 (3) Transportation Planning

    Processes and techniques to facilitate properly integrated land use and transport systems, including: survey and data techniques; trip generation; trip distribution; modal choice; trip assignment; development traffic impact assessment; sustainable transportation strategies; and vulnerable road users. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 436 or ENGR 536. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 335.

  66. ENGR_O 437 (3) Railway Systems Engineering

    Topics on the principles, data, specifications, plans and economics pertaining to the planning, design, construction, and operation of railways tracks, controls, running stock, facilities. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 437 or ENGR 537. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 335.

  67. ENGR_O 438 (3) Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

    Mechanical properties of intact rock. Rock mass properties and classifications. Structural mapping and stereonets. Rock and rock mass strength criteria. Stresses in rock masses. Rock slope stability analysis. Empirical, analytical, and numerical analysis techniques for underground excavations. Rock support and stabilization. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 438 or ENGR 538. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 340.

  68. ENGR_O 440 (3) Foundation Engineering

    Empirical and analytical approaches for foundation engineering. Topics include site investigation, lateral earth pressure, ground improvement, design of shallow and deep foundations, and retaining structures. [3-0-1*] Prerequisite: ENGR 340. Corequisite: ENGR 327.

  69. ENGR_O 441 (3) Advanced Water Treatment Processes

    Theory and design of advanced drinking water treatment processes used for challenging source water conditions including advanced oxidation, membrane filtration, ultraviolet disinfection, and adsorption processes. Discussion of removal of emerging contaminants (e.g. pharmaceuticals), regulated and unregulated disinfection by-products, and current issues in potable water treatment and quality. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 447.

  70. ENGR_O 442 (3) Water Quality Engineering

    The physical, chemical, and biological properties of water with applications to human health, and engineering solutions. The chemical and biological reactions of contaminants as they move through surface and ground water. A brief introduction to corrective actions. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 342, ENGR 347.

  71. ENGR_O 443 (3) Environmental Engineering Laboratory

    Testing procedures used in water quality studies and in the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 443 or ENGR 543. [1-4-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 347.

  72. ENGR_O 444 (3) Solid Waste Engineering

    Applications of engineering principles and practices to land disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 340, ENGR 347.

  73. ENGR_O 445 (3) Design of Water and Wastewater Conveyance Systems

    Identification and evaluation of design solutions for providing a community with adequate water supply, collecting and disposing of stormwater and sewage, and managing excess stormwater flow. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 341.

  74. ENGR_O 446 (3) Biological Treatment Processes

    Theory and practice of biological wastewater treatment including aerobic and anaerobic processes in suspended and attached growth reactors, treatment models, advanced treatment, sludge handling, and treatment plant design. Credit will not be offered for both ENGR 446 and ENGR 546. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 347 and ENGR 447.

  75. ENGR_O 447 (3) Design of Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment

    Theory and design of fundamental physical, chemical, and biological unit operations for drinking water and municipal wastewater treatment. The design principles of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, biological treatment, solid handling, disinfection, and advanced treatment processes are presented. [3-0-1*] Prerequisite: ENGR 347.

  76. ENGR_O 448 (3) Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering

    Airborne contaminants classification, reactions, health issues, and their ecological effects. Meteorological considerations and air quality modeling. Control methods for particulate and gaseous pollutants. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) ENGR 347 or (b) all of CHEM 304, EESC 212.

  77. ENGR_O 449 (3) Aircraft Structures

    Structural components of aircraft; design of aircraft wing and fuselage structures; bending and buckling of thin plates; moments of inertia for complex shapes; stress and deflection analysis; fatigue, safe life, damage tolerant design. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 476.

  78. ENGR_O 450 (3) Clinical Engineering

    The clinical environment and the role of a clinical engineer in supporting and advancing health care, in applying human factors in the health care setting, and performing health technology management. Labs explore a virtual operating room. [3-2*-0] Corequisite: ENGR 401.

  79. ENGR_O 453 (3) Internet of Things

    Sensing, actuation, sampling, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, voice over IP, video codecs, audio codecs, multimedia communication protocols for IoT, wireless communication protocols for IoT. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 254.

  80. ENGR_O 454 (3) Motor Drive Systems

    Three-phase AC/DC PWM inverter, converter modulation techniques, abc/qd reference frame theory, brushed DC machine drives, induction motor drives, permanent magnet AC machines, brushless dc motors and drive circuits. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 320.

  81. ENGR_O 455 (3) Power System Analysis and Design

    Principles of electric power systems, three-phase transformer, transmission line parameters, admittance model, impedance model, network work calculations, power-flow solution, symmetrical faults, symmetrical components and sequence network, unsymmetrical faults, economic dispatch. Design projects using power system simulator package. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 320.

  82. ENGR_O 456 (3) Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems

    Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical reactions, rechargeable batteries, Li-ion batteries, anode and cathode materials, nanostructured materials for batteries, liquid-solid and solid-solid interfaces in batteries, next-generation Naion and Li-S batteries, supercapacitors, and hybrid Li-ion supercapacitors. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 252, APSC 259.

  83. ENGR_O 458 (3) Power Electronics

    Applications and roles of power electronics, power semiconductor devices, diode rectifiers, phase-controlled rectifiers, DC-DC converters, DC-AC converters, resonant converters. Examples drawn from residential and industrial applications. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 458 or ENGR 558. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 320.

  84. ENGR_O 459 (3) Advanced Electromagnetics

    Electromagnetic waves; Maxwell equations; plane-wave propagation in homogeneous media; reflection, transmission, guidance, and resonance; radiation; scattering; and special relativity. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 459 or ENGR 559. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 378.

  85. ENGR_O 460 (3) Tools and Applications in Environmental and Engineering Microbiology

    Fundamentals of environmental microbiology and DNA sequencing technologies including microbial detection with molecular methods, bioinformatics and computational analysis. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) all of APSC 182, APSC 183 or (b) CHEM 113 or (c) CHEM 123. Third-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. Standing.

  86. ENGR_O 461 (3) Digital Communications

    Signal space concepts, baseband digital transmission on additive white Gaussian noise channel, optimum receiver design, transmission through bandlimited channels, coherent and non-coherent carrier modulations, elements of information theory, introduction to error control coding. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 360, ENGR 361.

  87. ENGR_O 462 (3) Digital Signal Processing II

    Sampling of bandpass signals, oversampling, sigma-delta modulation, decimation and interpolation, sampling rate conversation and its implementation, linear prediction and optimum linear filters, power spectrum estimation. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 360, ENGR 362.

  88. ENGR_O 463 (3) Communication Networks

    Layered architectures, digital transmission fundamentals, circuit-switching networks, packet-switching networks, TCP/IP, automatic repeat request, queueing theory, peer-to-peer protocols, scheduling algorithms, medium access control, local area networks. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 360.

  89. ENGR_O 464 (3) Distributed Ledger Technologies with Engineering Applications

    Distributed ledgers, peer-to-peer communication networks, proof of work, proof of stake, consensus algorithms, legal and regulatory issues, applications in advanced manufacturing, power systems and clean energy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) all of ENGR 359, ENGR 360 or (b) all of STAT 303, COSC 211.

  90. ENGR_O 465 (3) Wireless Communications

    Propagation path loss, shadowing, fading, Doppler spread, classification of wireless channels, modulations for wireless communications, diversity and equalization techniques for fading dispersive channels, multicarrier modulation, spread spectrum communications, cellular networks, practical wireless systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 465 or ENGR 565. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 461.

  91. ENGR_O 466 (3) Introduction to VLSI Systems

    The chip design process using VLSI design styles in CMOS technology. Data path, control and register file design and layout. Clocking schemes, flip-flop and latch-based design. Design project using CAD tools. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: APSC 262.

  92. ENGR_O 467 (3) Real-Time and Embedded System Design

    Multi-tasking, interrupt-driven systems, RTOSs and programming environments, task scheduling, schedulability analysis, inter-process communication and synchronization, resource management, performance measurement. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 359.

  93. ENGR_O 468 (3) Advanced Digital System Design

    Design flows, system-on-chip design practices, timing, clock domains, high-speed data links, intellectual property reuse and platform-based design, application specific computing, ASIC and FPGA technologies, and hardware/software co-design. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 468 or ENGR 568. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 262, ENGR 359.

  94. ENGR_O 469 (3) Polymer Engineering

    Introduction to polymer science and technology, molecular structure of polymers, polymer synthesis, structure-property relationship in polymers, physical properties of polymers, reinforced polymers, polymer composites and nanocomposites, polymer characterization, polymer processing, and forming. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 259, APSC 260.

  95. ENGR_O 470 (3) Microwave Engineering

    Review of electromagnetic principles, waveguides, transmission lines, impedance matching, Smith charts, network characterization, and microwave engineering applications. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 378.

  96. ENGR_O 471 (3) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits

    Introduction to radio communication systems, transmission line theory, network parameters, impedance matching, noise figure and sensitivity, RF transceiver architectures, CMOS technology, low noise amplifier, mixers, oscillators, and power amplifiers. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 471 or ENGR 571. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 361, ENGR 451.

  97. ENGR_O 472 (3) Fibre Optics and Photonics

    Introduction to fibre optic transmission, single-mode and multimode fibre optics, dispersion and absorption design criteria, semiconductor diode lasers, LEDs, modulators, pn and p-i-n receivers, point-to-point and network implementations of fibre optic networks and integrated photonic systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 472 or ENGR 572. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 378.

  98. ENGR_O 473 (3) Antennas and Propagation

    Wave propagation models, radiation patterns, directivity and gain, radiation resistance, Friis transmission equation, reciprocity, dipole antennas, image theory, loop antennas, uniform and non-uniform antenna arrays, broadband antennas, aperture antennas. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 473 or ENGR 574. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 378.

  99. ENGR_O 474 (3) Analog Integrated Circuits

    Design and analysis of analog integrated circuits with emphasis on CMOS technology. MOS device physics and models, processing technology and layout, differential amplifiers, current mirrors, noise, feedback, opamp design and compensation, two-stage CMOS opamp design, switched-capacitor filters. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 352.

  100. ENGR_O 475 (3) Materials Selection and Design

    Review of materials classifications, ASTM standard for ferrous materials and non-ferrous alloys. Material property charts. Materials selection and material indices. Introduction to various materials processing. Process selection and materials selection with multiple constraints and objectives, cost analysis. [3-0-1*] Prerequisite: ENGR 376.

  101. ENGR_O 476 (3) Mechanics of Materials II

    Bending of curved beams; bending of beams with asymmetric cross-sections; shear flow and centre; review of beam deflections; column buckling; Castigliano's theorem; statically indeterminate beams, frames, and rings; Torsion of noncircular members. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: APSC 260.

  102. ENGR_O 477 (3) Aircraft Propulsion

    Propulsion requirements, effects of Mach number, altitude, and application; basic propeller theory; propeller, turboshaft, turbojet, turbofan; cycle analysis and optimization for gas turbine power plant; inter-relations between thermodynamic, aerodynamic and mechanical designs; selection of aeroengines; principles of rocket propulsion systems. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 310.

  103. ENGR_O 478 (3) Alternative Energy Systems

    Description of alternative sources of energy, electric vehicles, thermosolar energy, generation of electricity by photovoltaic effect, wind power energy, hydropower, geothermal, nuclear power, power plants with fuel cells, aspects of hydrogen as fuels, fuel from biomass, energy storage parameters, integration of alternative sources of energy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 375, ENGR 385.

  104. ENGR_O 479 (3) Measurement Principles in Thermal-Fluids

    Instruments and methods of measuring fluid thermo-physical properties. Pressure-based velocity measurements. Thermal anemometry. Particle-based techniques for velocity measurement. Sonic anemometry/thermometry. Measurement of flow pressure and density. Measurement techniques for temperature and heat flux. Fundamentals of data processing and analysis. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 310, ENGR 385.

  105. ENGR_O 480 (3) Modern Control

    State-space modelling and design. Review of linear and matrix algebra, highlights of classical control theory, state-space modelling, continuous and discrete state equations, stability, controllability and observability, design of feedback systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 480 or ENGR 580. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 315.

  106. ENGR_O 481 (3) Mechatronics

    Operating principles, analysis, modelling, and performance specifications of sensors, actuators, and mechatronic systems. Sensor selection, actuator sizing, and integration. Programmable logic control (PLC) systems and control techniques pertaining to actuators. Control system implementation. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 481 or ENGR 581. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 315, ENGR 320.

  107. ENGR_O 482 (3) Biomedical Engineering I

    Introduction to the microcirculation; gas exchange in organs, including diffusion, perfusion and ventilation; surface energy in biological systems; principles of hemodynamics including vascular resistance and flow regimes at different levels of organs, tissues and cells; principles of tissue mechanics; introduction to tissue engineering; introduction to medical devices design and development. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.

  108. ENGR_O 483 (3) Advanced Vibrations: Simulation and Optimization

    Generalized eigenvalue problems, experimental modal analysis; nonlinear systems; numerical simulation of time response, random vibrations; distributed parameter systems; dynamic finite element method; reduced order modelling; optimization problem formulation, single objective optimization algorithms; applications in vibrational systems. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 256, ENGR 387.

  109. ENGR_O 484 (3) Heat and Mass Transfer

    Heat exchanger design, heat transfer with phase change, radiation heat transfer, steady and transient mass diffusion, convective mass transfer, simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 484 or ENGR 584. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 310, ENGR 385.

  110. ENGR_O 485 (3) Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

    Properties of moist air, air conditioning systems, heat transmission in building systems, heating and cooling load, refrigeration, pumps and piping design, fans and building air distribution. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of APSC 253, APSC 258, ENGR 385.

  111. ENGR_O 486 (3) Robot Modelling and Control

    Spatial description and homogeneous transformations, manipulator kinematics (forward and inverse), Jacobian, motion trajectories. Manipulator dynamics, Lagrange-Euler and Newton-Euler formulation. Linear and nonlinear control, force control. Industrial robotic system and programming. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 486 or ENGR 586. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 315.

  112. ENGR_O 487 (3) Digital Control

    Digital control theory and a brief review of classical control and its relationship to discrete systems. Discrete time systems, sampling, z-transform, pulse transfer function, stability in z-domain, pole-placement control design and state estimation, discrete linear quadratic optimal control, introduction to system identification and Kalman filter. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 487 or ENGR 587. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 315.

  113. ENGR_O 489 (3) Multicriteria Optimization and Design of Experiments

    Multiple attribute decision making, multiple objective decision making/optimization, fuzzy optimization, design and analysis of physical and computer experiments, uncertainty modelling, sensitivity analysis, weighting methods, computational tools and applications in multi-disciplinary design. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 489 or ENGR 589. [3-2*-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. or B.Sc. COSC standing.

  114. ENGR_O 490 (3) Fluid Machinery

    Principles and performance characteristics of turbomachinery, centrifugal and axial flow fans, compressors, pumps and turbines, and applications of dimensional analysis and similitude. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 310.

  115. ENGR_O 491 (3) Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Computational fluid dynamics theory and methods for the numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow. Governing equations, meshing strategies and mesh requirements, finite difference methods, finite volume methods, solution of algebraic systems of equations, compressible flows, turbulence modelling. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 310.

  116. ENGR_O 492 (3) Finite Element Methods

    Finite Element Discretization, Direct Stiffness Method, Numerical Solution of Large Deformations, Formulation of Finite Elements, Auxiliary Equations, Thermomechanical Analysis, Computer Implementation of the Finite Element Methods, Case Studies in Material Forming and Multi-Physics. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 492 or ENGR 582. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year B.A.Sc. standing.

  117. ENGR_O 493 (3) Introduction to Aerodynamics and Aircraft Design

    Aircraft conceptual design: methods for estimating aircraft weight, fuel load, lift, thrust, airfoil and wing specification, engine selection and sizing, and structural loads. Introductory aerodynamics of airfoils and wings. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 310.

  118. ENGR_O 494 (3) Autonomous Vehicle Technology

    Autonomous navigation: perception, localization and mapping, motion planning, and motion control; and applications to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), automated vehicles and self-driving cars. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 494 or ENGR 535. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: ENGR 480.

  119. ENGR_O 495 (3) Tissue Engineering

    Fundamentals of cell biology; extracellular matrix, receptors, and cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions at both the theoretical and experimental levels; effects of physical, chemical, and electrical stimuli on cell function; tissue structure and function and the clinical need for tissue repair; scaffold design and processing for tissue engineering. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 495 or ENGR 519. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.

  120. ENGR_O 497 (3) Combustion Processes

    Combustion thermochemistry, fundamentals of mass transfer, chemical kinetics and combustion related chemical mechanisms, analysis of coupled thermal and chemical systems, laminar and turbulent flames, premixed and non-premixed flames, and combustion instabilities (e.g., thermoacoustics). [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of ENGR 310, ENGR 375.

  121. ENGR_O 498 (3-6) Special Topics in Engineering

    Topics in engineering not covered in other technical electives. Students should consult the School of Engineering for the particular topics offered in a given year. This course may not be offered every year. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the B.A.Sc. Program and approval of the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies.

  122. ENGR_O 499 (6) Engineering Capstone Design Project

    A capstone design project in response to an actual engineering problem. The project can be multi-disciplinary or in a specialized area of engineering. Students are required to submit a comprehensive project report and deliver a formal presentation. [2-3-0; 0-6-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.

  123. ENGR_O 500 (3) Advanced Coatings

    Wettability, capillarity, surface energy and surface tension, interfacial mechanics, adhesion, surface texturing and roughness, surface modification, recent developments in adhesion and surface engineering.

  124. ENGR_O 501 (3) Deep and Reinforcement Learning for Engineers

    Foundations of neural networks and deep learning; techniques to improve neural networks; convolutional neural networks recurrent neural networks and their applications; reinforcement learning: basics, Q-learning, actor-critic algorithm; practical engineering applications of deep and reinforcement learning

  125. ENGR_O 502 (3) Technical Communication for Engineering Research

    Strategies for clear, effective, and ethical technical communication (both written and oral). Tools and formatting for graphics, technical reports, proposals, journal papers, theses. Pass/Fail.

  126. ENGR_O 504 (3) Microfabrication Technology

    Lithography (photo and soft), deposition and etching of thin films, electroplating, multilayer fabrication, monolithic integration, laminated structures, and packaging.

  127. ENGR_O 505 (3) Social Cost-Benefit Analysis in Engineering Projects

    Advanced topics in engineering economics, with emphasis on sustainability and social cost-benefit analyses.

  128. ENGR_O 506 (3) Microelectromechanical Systems

    Mechanisms, design, fabrication, and testing of microsensors, actuators, and MicroElectroMechanical systems (MEMS).

  129. ENGR_O 507 (3) Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems

    Techniques in patterning biomolecules, machining three-dimensional microstructures and building microfluidic devices; microfabrication technology.

  130. ENGR_O 508 (3) Specialty Alloys: Fundamentals, Applications, and Development

    Fundamentals of development of specialty metal alloys and manufacturing technologies for the most critical applications in automotive, aerospace, and marine industries. Modelling and physical phenomena controlling industrial casting, welding, forming and heat treatment processes, and custom fitness-for service characterization.

  131. ENGR_O 509 (3) Intelligent Wireless Robotics

    Basic artificial intelligence and machine learning, statistical decision processes, state estimation, localization, computer vision and multi-modal fusion, robot planning, multi-agent systems and distributed computing, networked multi-agent systems, security, ultra-reliable and low-latency mobile machine-to-machine networking.

  132. ENGR_O 510 (3) Continuum Mechanics

    Continuum concept. Introduction to tensor algebra and calculus. Kinematics of deformation and motion, stress and strain principles, fundamental laws and equations of continuum media. Linear elasticity. Classical fluids.

  133. ENGR_O 511 (3) Technology Entrepreneurship

    Technology and innovation, business models, customer development, intellectual property, product development, customer validation, hypothesis testing, company positioning. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR _O 411 or ENGR _O 511.

  134. ENGR_O 512 (3) Signals, Systems, and Inference

    Review of signals and systems basics; LTI state-space methods; probabilistic models and estimation of random variable; hypothesis testing rules; random processes and power spectral density; signal estimation based on linear minimum mean square error principle; signal detection in i.i.d. Gaussian noise and colored noise. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 412 or ENGR 512.

  135. ENGR_O 513 (3) Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing

    Classification of nanomaterials, top-down and bottom-up approaches for nanomaterials synthesis, characterization techniques for nanostructured materials, nanomaterials properties (chemical, optical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, and electrochemical), nanomaterials applications.

  136. ENGR_O 517 (3) Pipeline Integrity Assurance and Risk Assessment

    Pipeline regulations and standards, data collection, risk assessment tools, hazards and threats to a pipeline system, pipeline risk management, pipeline defects and corrective actions, pipeline reliability assessment.

  137. ENGR_O 518 (3) Applied Machine Learning for Engineers

    Fundamentals of machine learning, toolboxes in machine learning, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, applications of machine learning in various engineering disciplines. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 518 or ENGR 418.

  138. ENGR_O 519 (3) Tissue Engineering

    Fundamentals of cell biology; extracellular matrix, receptors, and cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions at both the theoretical and experimental levels; effects of physical, chemical, and electrical stimuli on cell function; tissue structure and function and the clinical need for tissue repair; scaffold design and processing for tissue engineering. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 495 or ENGR 519. [3-0-0]

  139. ENGR_O 521 (3) Public Transit Planning, Design, and Operations

    History of public transit and its relationship to urban development, transit systems planning and modelling, transit service design and operations, transit performance and capacity analysis, transit lines and networks design, and Intelligence Transportation System (ITS) applications with emphasis on Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS). Credit will granted for only one of ENGR 421 or ENGR 521.

  140. ENGR_O 522 (3) Advanced Design of Steel Structures

    Behaviour and design of steel structures, members, and cross sections in accordance with limit states principles. Behaviour and design of braced frames and moment resisting frames. Second-order analysis of frames. Load path concepts for detailing connections.

  141. ENGR_O 523 (3) Seismic Design of Buildings

    Review of structural dynamics and response spectra; seismic design of steel and masonry buildings; seismic design of reinforced concrete structures; design using simplified code procedures and computer tools.

  142. ENGR_O 525 (3) Bridge Engineering

    Design and behaviour of bridge structures, types of bridges, influence lines, loads and load distribution, and serviceability. Deck, superstructure, and substructure design.

  143. ENGR_O 526 (3) Multi-Sensor Data Fusion: System Architecture and Applications

    Sensor systems, data fusion algorithm and system architecture, Bayesian inference and decision theory, Dempster-Shafer theory, artificial neural networks and voting logic fusion, fusion with fuzzy logic, fusion of multiple classifiers, image fusion and performance assessment.

  144. ENGR_O 527 (3) Prestressed Concrete

    Principles of prestressing, material characteristics, prestress losses; behaviour and design of prestressed members subjected to flexure, shear and combined axial and flexural forces.

  145. ENGR_O 528 (3) Earthquake Engineering

    Strong ground motion, single and multiple degree-of-freedom systems, earthquake response of linear and inelastic systems, earthquake response and design, and building design considerations.

  146. ENGR_O 529 (3) Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures

    Concrete damage and deterioration mechanisms, assessment and instrumentation; repair and strengthening materials and techniques; design of structural strengthening systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 429 or ENGR 529.

  147. ENGR_O 531 (3) Infrastructure Management

    Asset management, municipal infrastructure systems, performance and prioritization measures, data management, life cycle costing, decision support tools, integrated approach.

  148. ENGR_O 532 (3) Project Planning and Control

    Project planning and alignment, project control standards and deliverables, project selection process, project definition rating index, and risk management. Analytical hierarchical processes, and Monte-Carlo simulation in scheduling and costing.

  149. ENGR_O 533 (3) Construction Engineering and Management

    Management of the firm: strategic planning, marketing, organizational structure and behaviour. Project delivery systems: traditional, construction management, turnkey. Network planning methods. Activity planning, including construction methods selection. Estimating, bidding, and bonding. Project control tools and procedures. Safety and quality control. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 533 or ENGR 433.

  150. ENGR_O 534 (3) Road Safety Planning and Engineering

    Quantifying the link between built form (land use) and road safety levels; data extraction, stratification, and aggregation; micro and macro-level generalized linear regression modelling; and road safety applications.

  151. ENGR_O 535 (3) Autonomous Vehicle Technology

    Autonomous navigation: perception, localization and mapping, motion planning, and motion control; and applications to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), automated vehicles and self-driving cars. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 494 or ENGR 535.

  152. ENGR_O 536 (3) Sustainable Land Use and Transportation

    Principles, data, and economics pertaining to the planning, design, and management of sustainable community land use and transportation systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 536 or ENGR 436.

  153. ENGR_O 537 (3) Railway Systems Engineering

    Topics on the principles, data, specifications, plans and economics pertaining to the planning, design, construction, and operation of railways tracks, controls, running stock, facilities. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 437 or ENGR 537.

  154. ENGR_O 538 (3) Rock Engineering

    Rock and rock mass properties and classifications. Structural mapping and stereonets. Rock and rock mass strength criteria. In situ stresses and excavation-induced stresses in rock masses. Rock slope stability analysis. Empirical, analytical and numerical analysis techniques for underground excavations. Rock support and stabilization. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 538 or ENGR 438.

  155. ENGR_O 539 (3) Terrain Modelling and Analysis

    Digital terrain models. Photogrammetry and lidar principles. Extraction of geometric and geological data from digital terrain and 3D photogrammetry models. Surface and underground engineering applications of terrain modelling.

  156. ENGR_O 540 (3) Unsaturated Soil Behaviour

    Fundamental principles of unsaturated soil behaviour, stress-deformation, and flow mechanisms; laboratory measurement techniques of unsaturated soil parameters such as suction, suction-water content relationships, hydraulic conductivity, and shear strength; numerical modelling of unsaturated soils applications.

  157. ENGR_O 541 (3) Water Resource Modelling

    Water resources modelling as related to civil and environmental engineering applications. Physical and mathematical modelling of hydraulic systems. Water quality in estuaries, lakes, rivers, and distribution systems. Sedimentation and erosion processes.

  158. ENGR_O 542 (3) Engineering and Society

    Changing landscape of engineering: how technology functions within society and the environment; design and decision-making; societal issues; social and environmental aspects of engineering activities.

  159. ENGR_O 543 (3) Environmental Engineering Laboratory

    Testing procedures used in water quality studies and in the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 543 or ENGR 443.

  160. ENGR_O 544 (3) Life Cycle Assessment and Management

    Practical and theoretical applications of life cycle thinking in engineering projects, products, and processes. Understand international standards and methods in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life CycleCosting (LCC). Interpret and provide critical feedback on LCA/LCC studies and analyze claims on sustainability.

  161. ENGR_O 545 (3) Laser-Based Measurements for Fluid Flows

    Governing equations of reacting and non-reacting flows, measurement uncertainties, particle image velocimetry, laser Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, planar laser induced fluorescence, chemiluminescence measurements, and simultaneous velocity and combustion species measurements.

  162. ENGR_O 546 (3) Biological Treatment Processes

    Theory and practice of biological wastewater treatment including aerobic and anaerobic processes in suspended and attached growth reactors, treatment models, advanced treatment, sludge handling, and treatment plant design. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 546 or ENGR 446.

  163. ENGR_O 548 (3) Engineering Microbiology

    Engineering applications of microbiology and biochemistry. Topics include detection of organisms, energetics and kinetics of microbial growth, and the biological fate of pollutants. Course is designed for graduate students with little or no biology background.

  164. ENGR_O 549 (3) Environmental Risk Analysis

    Hazards, toxicity, exposure, vulnerability, and risk. Contaminant fate and transport, exposure and toxicity assessment, risk characterization. Risk assessment frameworks, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses, risk management and multi-criteria decision-making, risk communication, and case studies.

  165. ENGR_O 550 (3) Random Processes for Engineers

    Review of probability, convergence of a sequence of random variables and limit theorem; definition and classifications of random processes, Poisson and Gaussian processes; spectral representation of random processes and time series; Markov chains, hidden Markov models and applications; filtering and prediction of random processes; introduction to queueing theory.

  166. ENGR_O 551 (3) High Power Electronic Converters for Power System Applications

    General principles of basic high power electronic converter topologies, converter modulation and controls techniques using the qd reference frame, applications of converter modelling, and control methods for voltage source converters in flexible AC transmission system applications.

  167. ENGR_O 552 (3) Electronic Materials and Devices

    Review of elementary materials science concepts; electrical and thermal conduction in solids; elementary quantum physics; modern theory of solids; semiconductors; semiconductor devices. [3-0-1]

  168. ENGR_O 553 (3) Signal Estimation Theory

    Estimation theory applied in particular to communications, signal processing, and wireless location applications. Cramer-Rao lower bound, minimum variance unbiased estimators, maximum likelihood estimators, least squares, Bayesian estimation, Kalman filters, and subspace methods.

  169. ENGR_O 555 (3) Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices

    Dielectric materials and insulators; magnetic properties of materials and superconductivity; optical properties of materials; frontiers in electronic materials research.

  170. ENGR_O 557 (3) Advanced Switching Power Supplies

    Fundamentals of power MOSFET gate drive. Fundamentals of loss-less switching techniques: zero-voltage switching, zero-current switching. Variable frequency resonant converters. Constant frequency resonant converters. Soft-switching converters: natural and auxiliary commutation converter topologies. Control techniques: voltage and current mode control methods. Power factor correction techniques in rectification applications. Special emphasis will be on design techniques using practical examples.

  171. ENGR_O 558 (3) Power Electronics

    Applications and roles of power electronics, power semiconductor devices, diode rectifiers, phase-controlled rectifiers, DC-DC converters, DC-AC converters, resonant converters. Examples drawn from residential and industrial applications. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 558 or ENGR 458.

  172. ENGR_O 559 (3) Advanced Electromagnetics

    Electromagnetic waves; Maxwell equations; plane-wave propagation in homogeneous media; reflection, transmission, guidance, and resonance; radiation; scattering; modern applications of electromagnetic theory in photonic devices such as lasers, electro-optics, and advanced materials. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 559 or ENGR 459. ENGR 365 is recommended.

  173. ENGR_O 560 (3) Probability and Random Processes for Engineers

    Set theory, conditional probability, distribution function, functions of random variables, central limit theorem. Random processes and their spectral characteristics, linear system with random inputs. Applications in statistics and engineering. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 560 or ENGR 460.

  174. ENGR_O 562 (3) Information Theory

    Entropy, relative entropy, mutual information; entropy rates of a stochastic process; optimal codes and Huffman codes; channel capacity; channel coding theorem; differential entropy, Gaussian channel; rate distortion theory.

  175. ENGR_O 563 (3) Advanced Polymer Science and Engineering

    Introduction to polymer science, polymer chain architecture and configuration, thermodynamics of polymer solutions, amorphous and crystalline states of polymers, rubber elasticity, networks and gels, polymer viscoelasticity and rheology, mechanical properties of polymers, multicomponent polymer systems, polymer processing and forming.

  176. ENGR_O 564 (3) Fundamentals of Digital Communications

    Pulse-amplitude modulation, M-ary modulation, spectral efficiency, Nyquist pulse shaping, sequence detection, optimal coherent and incoherent receiver design, equalization, adaptive equalizer, receiver synchronization.

  177. ENGR_O 565 (3) Wireless Communications

    Wireless systems and wireless channel models, capacity of wireless channels, digital modulation techniques over wireless channels, fading mitigation techniques; equalization, diversity techniques, adaptive modulations and multicarrier modulation, multiple access techniques, and spread spectrum communications. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 565 or ENGR 465.

  178. ENGR_O 566 (3) Advanced Communication Networks

    Analysis and design of communication networks; network layered architecture; Internet protocols; IP routing; TCP congestion control; scheduling algorithms; medium access control; optimization techniques; Markov chains; discrete-time queuing theory; weighted fair queuing; distributed randomized algorithms; mean-field analysis.

  179. ENGR_O 567 (3) Passive Microwave Circuits

    Electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, waveguides, network parameters, Smith Charts, gain equations, even-odd mode analysis, matching networks, power dividers, couplers, metamaterials, and dispersion.

  180. ENGR_O 568 (3) Advanced Digital System Design

    Design flows, system-on-chip design practices, timing, clock domains, high-speed data links, intellectual property reuse and platform-based design, application-specific integrated circuit and field-programmable gate array technologies, and hardware/software co-design. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 568 or ENGR 468.

  181. ENGR_O 571 (3) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits

    Introduction to radio frequency systems, RF transceiver architectures, analysis of gain, noise figure and linearity, monolithic active and passive components, low noise amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, and power amplifiers. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 571 or ENGR 471.

  182. ENGR_O 572 (3) Fibre Optics and Photonics

    Introduction to fibre optic transmission, single-mode and multimode fibre optics, dispersion and absorption design criteria, semiconductor diode lasers, LEDs, modulators, pn and p-i-n receivers, point-to-point and network implementations of fibre optic networks and integrated photonic systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 572 or ENGR 472.

  183. ENGR_O 573 (3) Quantum Photonics

    General principles and distinguishing characteristics of classical and quantum mechanics, analytical approaches to the Schrodinger wave equation, applications of the Schrodinger wave equation to quantum photonic systems (including semiconductor lattices, heterostructures, quantum wells and lasers).

  184. ENGR_O 574 (3) Antennas and Propagation

    Wave propagation models, radiation patterns, directivity and gain, radiation resistance, Friis transmission equation, reciprocity, dipole antennas, image theory, loop antennas, uniform and non-uniform antenna arrays, broadband antennas, aperture antennas. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 574 or ENGR 473.

  185. ENGR_O 575 (3) Analytical Techniques in Materials Characterization

    Analytical transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersive spectroscopy and diffraction, neutron diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis.

  186. ENGR_O 577 (3) Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

    Linear and nonlinear elasticity equations for small and large deformations, generalized Hooke's law, Airy's stress function, theory of plasticity, yield criteria, finite element implementations.

  187. ENGR_O 580 (3) Modern Control

    Review of linear and matrix algebra, highlights of classical control theory; state-space modelling, continuous and discrete state equations, stability, controllability and observability; design of feedback systems. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 580 or ENGR 480.

  188. ENGR_O 581 (3) Mechatronics

    Operating principles, analysis, modelling, and performance specification of sensors and actuators such as analog/digital transducers, electric motors, hydraulic actuators, and smart actuators. Analog and digital filtering techniques. Control techniques pertaining to actuators. Credit will not be granted for both ENGR 581 and ENGR 481.

  189. ENGR_O 582 (3) Finite Element Method

    Finite element discretization, direct stiffness method, numerical solution of large deformations, formulation of finite elements, auxiliary equations, thermomechanical analysis. Computer implementation of finite element methods, case studies in metal forming, and multi-physics. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 492 or ENGR 582.

  190. ENGR_O 583 (3) Multiphase Flows

    Fundamentals of liquid instabilities, breakup of liquid sheets, breakup of liquid jets, droplet dynamics, bubble dynamics, atomization and spray, single particle motion, boiling, and condensation.

  191. ENGR_O 584 (3) Heat and Mass Transfer

    Heat exchanger design, heat transfer with phase change, radiation heat transfer, steady and transient mass diffusion, convective mass transfer, simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 584 or ENGR 484.

  192. ENGR_O 585 (3) Turbulence

    Statistical descriptions of turbulence and its scales, mechanisms of turbulence generation and evolution, characteristics of common turbulent flows, turbulence modelling: direct numerical and large eddy simulations, and Reynolds average Navier-Stokes.

  193. ENGR_O 586 (3) Robot Modelling and Control

    Spatial description and homogeneous transformations, manipulator kinematics, Jacobian, motion trajectories. Manipulator dynamics, Lagrange-Euler and Newton-Euler formulation. Linear and nonlinear control, force control. Industrial robotic system and programming. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 586 or ENGR 486.

  194. ENGR_O 587 (3) Digital Control

    Review of classical control and its relationship to discrete systems, discrete-time systems, sampling, z-transform, pulse transfer function, stability in z-domain, pole-placement control design and state estimation, discrete linear quadratic optimal control, introduction to system identification and Kalman filter. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 587 or ENGR 487. [3-0-0]

  195. ENGR_O 589 (3) Multicriteria Optimization and Design of Experiments

    Multiple attribute decision-making, multiple objective decision-making/optimization, fuzzy optimization, design and analysis of physical and computer experiments, uncertainty modelling, sensitivity analysis, weighting methods, computational tools and applications in multi-disciplinary design. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGR 589 or ENGR 489.

  196. ENGR_O 591 (3) Constitutive Modelling of Materials

    Review of tensor notation, strain and stress formulations. Theories and procedures in developing constitutive models for elastic, plastic, viscoplastic, linear and nonlinear viscoelastic solids. Anisotropic and multiphysics constitutive models, internal variables, relation to experimental results, and inverse identification techniques.

  197. ENGR_O 592 (3) Microfluidics

    Lab-on-a-chip technology; hydrodynamics of microfluidic systems; fabrication of microfluidic devices; microfluidics for external and internal flow control; diffusion, mixing, and separation in microsystems; digital microfluidics; electrowetting theory; lab-on-a-chip applications in engineering, biomedical science, and chemistry.

  198. ENGR_O 593 (3) Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Partial differential equations applied to flow and heat mass transfer modelling. Discrete systems, grid generation, finite volume method for diffusion, convection-diffusion problems, solution algorithms, finite element formulation. Finite element method for diffusion, convection-diffusion problems, case studies.

  199. ENGR_O 594 (3) Mechanics of Laminated and Textile Composites

    Composite material classification, mechanical and hygrothermal loading of laminates, stiffness and strength design, non-linear material models of textile composites, homogenization and characterization, failure criteria, warpage, impact response. Introduction to multi-level modelling of nano-tube reinforced composites.

  200. ENGR_O 596 (1-2) Seminar

    Presentations and discussions of engineering research topics. Pass/Fail.

  201. ENGR_O 597 (6) Engineering Project

    Project on assigned topic of specialization. This course is restricted to M.Eng. students.

  202. ENGR_O 598 (1-6) Topics in Engineering

  203. ENGR_O 599 (12) Thesis

    For M.A.Sc. Pass/Fail.

  204. ENGR_O 699 (0) Thesis

    For Ph.D. Pass/Fail.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.