Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

PSYO_O: Psychology

  1. PSYO_O 111 (3) Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes

    Survey of topics in psychology which relate to basic processes. Methods and statistics, the nervous system and physiological processes, sensation and perception, learning, cognition and memory. [3-0-0]

  2. PSYO_O 121 (3) Introduction to Psychology: Personal Functioning

    Survey of topics in psychology which relate to personal functioning. Methods and statistics, motivation and emotion, life span development, social processes, personality, psychopathology, and psychotherapy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 111.

  3. PSYO_O 219 (3) Introduction to Cognition

    A brief introduction to how the mind works from a cognitive perspective. Topics will be drawn from memory, decision making, reasoning, attention, object perception, and speech and language. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  4. PSYO_O 220 (3) Lifespan Development

    Introduction to the field of lifespan developmental psychology. Examination of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of the individual from conception through later adulthood. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  5. PSYO_O 230 (3) Biopsychology of Behaviour

    Topics will include structure and function of the nervous system, research methods, and their application to a selection of the following topics: human brain damage and recovery, stress, selected psychological and neurological disorders, sleep, memory, and vision. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  6. PSYO_O 241 (3) Personality

    Focuses on a variety of personality theories including psychoanalytic, behaviouristic, cognitive, humanistic, and trait perspectives. Methods of research and critical analysis of theoretical foundations and research. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  7. PSYO_O 252 (3) Introduction to Social Psychology

    Introduction to social psychology. Attitudes, opinions and beliefs, persuasion, mass communication, group processes, prejudice, interpersonal attraction, conformity, aggression, and conflict. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  8. PSYO_O 270 (3) Introduction to Research Methods and Design

    Introduction to the procedures and difficulties in the design and critical evaluation of research in experimental psychology. Various research designs and basic statistics. A required course for students majoring in Psychology; restricted to students majoring in Psychology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100.

  9. PSYO_O 271 (3) Introduction to Data Analysis

    Introduction to behavioural data analysis focusing on the use of inferential statistics in psychology and the conceptual interpretation of data as related to basic experimental designs (laboratory, field research methods). A required course for students majoring in Psychology: restricted to students majoring in Psychology. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 270.

  10. PSYO_O 280 (3) Introductory Special Topics in Mental Health and Wellness

    Introduction to selected topics and factors related to mental health and wellness (e.g., sleep, mindfulness, lifestyle, body image, emotion regulation), with an emphasis on applied strategies for wellness promotion from a psychological science perspective. Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. Or all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, or PSYC 100. [3-0-0]

  11. PSYO_O 281 (1-3) Research Experience in Psychology

    An entry-level research experience; students gain first-hand familiarity conducting Psychological research; the scope of the work will vary, but will involve active participation with ongoing research. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: 9 Credits of PSYO including one of PSYO 111, PSYO 121 or, one of PSYC 101, PSYC 102, PSYC 100; permission of the head and a faculty member prepared to supervise the experience.

  12. PSYO_O 310 (3) Learning

    A critical survey of the basic experimental findings and theory of the learning process with emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the necessary conditions for learning, retention, and transfer of training. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  13. PSYO_O 311 (3) Memory

    An examination of memory systems and how they work. Topics will focus on how we input, store, and retrieve memories; the systems that process these memories; and the disruptions of memory in amnesia, false memory, and eyewitness testimony. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  14. PSYO_O 313 (3) Visual Perception

    Examines how our brain enables us to see. Topics will focus on visual processing involved in perceiving objects, colours, movement, and depth. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  15. PSYO_O 314 (3) Non-Visual Perception

    Although vision is our primary source of information, we have several other well-developed perceptual systems. This course examines the research behind our understanding of the processing that allow us to hear, feel, touch, smell, and taste. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  16. PSYO_O 315 (3) Psychology of Touch I

    Focuses primarily on the sensory aspect of touch. Topics include: tactual perception in historical perspective, sensory and physiological bases of touch, the psychophysics of touch, thermal sensibility, pain responsiveness, and the introduction of the haptic system and its components. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  17. PSYO_O 316 (3) Psychology of Touch II

    Focuses on the perceptual aspects of touch. Perception of texture and layout, development of haptic perception, intermodality relations between vision and touch, Braille, and tactile pictures. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 315.

  18. PSYO_O 317 (3) Psychology of Creativity

    Experimental and theoretical approaches used by psychologists to investigate the interplay of internal and external factors involved in the creative process. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  19. PSYO_O 321 (3) Child Development

    Survey of developmental psychology, focusing on the childhood segment of the lifespan. Examines the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of children from conception through the school years. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 220 and one of PSYO 219, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 3 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  20. PSYO_O 322 (3) Adolescent Development

    Survey of developmental psychology, focusing on the adolescent segment of the lifespan. It examines physical, cognitive, personality, and social aspects of adolescent development. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 220 and one of PSYO 219, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 3 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  21. PSYO_O 323 (3) Adult Development and Aging

    Survey of developmental psychology, focusing on the adult segment of the lifespan. Examines the physical, cognitive, personality, and social aspects of adult development. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 220 and one of PSYO 219, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 3 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  22. PSYO_O 334 (3) Neuroscience of Cognition

    Modern imaging techniques provide new insights into where and how thinking occurs in the brain. This course examines how these techniques have led to a new understanding of topics in cognition such as memory, language, decision making, evolution, and cerebral lateralization. Discussion will include a consideration of specific phenomena such as false memories and reading impairment. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  23. PSYO_O 335 (3) Drugs and Behaviour

    Surveys topics related to the effects of drugs on behaviour. Cellular mechanisms of action, drug absorption, tolerance, addiction, withdrawal, and placebo effects. Classes of drugs studied will include alcohol, tranquilizers, nicotine, stimulants, opiates, marijuana, hallucinogens, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  24. PSYO_O 343 (3) Basic Clinical Diagnostics

    Detailed introduction to general principles underlying scientific study of mental health and psychopathology. Critical theoretical and methodological issues related to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders. Psychological disorders used to illustrate general issues and principles discussed. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  25. PSYO_O 346 (3) Child Psychopathology

    Introduction to the theories, causes, and treatments for major behaviour disorders, emotional disorders, developmental and learning problems, and problems related to physical and mental health in childhood and adolescence. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  26. PSYO_O 348 (3) Health Psychology

    Critical survey of research and theory on relation between psychological factors (behaviour, emotion, cognition, personality, and interpersonal relationships) and health. Topics include: stress and health, coping with stress, social support, health behaviours (e.g., physical activity), and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  27. PSYO_O 349 (3) Positive Psychology

    The psychology of happiness and well-being. Current research designs, techniques, empirical findings, and theories in positive psychology. Practical experience with some of the interventions and strategies used in positive psychology. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  28. PSYO_O 353 (3) Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality I

    Academic overview of human sexuality from a biological, psychological, and behavioural perspective. Examination of the difficulties of research in the area of human sexuality, biological foundations of sexuality, human reproduction, birth control, and psychosexual development. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. and third-year standing or co-registration in PSYO 270.

  29. PSYO_O 354 (3) Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality II

    Academic overview of human sexuality from a biological, psychosocial, and behavioural perspective. Sexual behaviour, sexual complications and their treatment, attraction and love, sexual orientation, and problematic sexual behaviour. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 353.

  30. PSYO_O 355 (3) Forensic Psychology I

    The implications of theory and research in psychology for the criminal justice system. Topics include the definition and measurement of crime with a review of psychological and biosocial factors associated with selected criminal behaviour. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. And third-year standing or co-registration in PSYO 270.

  31. PSYO_O 356 (3) Forensic Psychology II

    Implications of theory and research in psychology for the criminal justice system. Role played by psychologists in the criminal justice system, assessment and treatment of offenders, victims, and survivors. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: PSYO 355.

  32. PSYO_O 357 (3) Community Psychology

    Introduction to the historical, theoretical, and empirical underpinnings of community psychology. Examines the application of psychological principles to social issues that affect communities. Special emphasis on community mental health, prevention of illness and promotion of wellness, and the community practitioner as an agent of social change. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  33. PSYO_O 362 (3) Psychology of Humour

    Cognitive, social, and biological perspectives on humour and comedy. Applications of humour research in educational, business, and clinical settings, as well as in everyday life. Prerequisite: All of PSYO 111, PSYO 121. and third-year standing.

  34. PSYO_O 372 (3) Research Methods and Statistics

    Examination of sophisticated research designs and associated statistical methods. Direct research experience involving design, collection, and analysis of data in a formal research report; familiarity with use of computer programs to analyze research results. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: A score of 80% or higher in PSYO 270 and a score of 80% or higher in PSYO 271. and permission of the department head. Corequisite: Enrolment in a three-hour laboratory section is required.

  35. PSYO_O 373 (3) Advanced Research Methods and Statistics

    Addresses selected issues on the validity and quality of research, complex research designs, and associated statistical analyses. Students will gain additional experience in the use of standard statistical computer programs. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: A score of 76% or higher in PSYO 372. and permission of the department head. Corequisite: Enrolment in a three-hour laboratory section is required.

  36. PSYO_O 380 (1-12) Special Topics in Psychology

    Intensive examination of selected topics and issues in psychology. This course will not be offered each term; check list of current offerings. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 12 credits during complete program of study. [1-9 hours/week lecture] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

  37. PSYO_O 381 (3-9) Directed Studies in Psychology

    Directed investigation of a research problem requiring a written report of findings. [0-0-3] Prerequisite: Third-year standing and permission of the head and a faculty member prepared to supervise the investigation; minimum of 76% average over all courses taken.

  38. PSYO_O 402 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Mental Health and Wellness

    Intensive examination of advanced topics and issues in Mental Health and Wellness. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 6 credits during complete program of study. [1-6 hours/week class time] Prerequisite: At least 3 credits of 300- level Psychology within the Mental Health and Wellness Breadth Area.

  39. PSYO_O 420 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology

    Intensive examination of selected topics and issues in Developmental Psychology. This course will not be offered each term; check list of current offerings. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 6 credits during complete program of study. [1-6 hours/week class time] Prerequisite: One of PSYO 321, PSYO 322, PSYO 323.

  40. PSYO_O 434 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

    Intensive examination of advanced issues in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 6 credits during complete program of study. [1-6 hours/week class time] Prerequisite: At least 3 credits of 300- level Psychology within the Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Breadth Area.

  41. PSYO_O 435 (3) Substance Use and Abuse

    Behavioural and cognitive processes that contribute to the initiation, escalation, and cessation of drug-taking behaviour; the development and prevention of problems associated with drug use. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: PSYO 335 and third-year standing in Psychology.

  42. PSYO_O 440 (3) Introduction to Counselling and Interviewing

    Theoretical and applied issues fundamental to psychological counselling and other helping professions. Development of basic interviewing skills. [0-3-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing. At least 6 credits of 300-level Psychology, including at least 3 credits from the Mental Health & Wellness breadth area. Students will be screened for entry into this course through a selection interview.

  43. PSYO_O 452 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Social and Personality Psychology

    Intensive examination of advanced issues in Social and Personality Psychology. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 6 credits during complete program of study. [1-6 hours/week class time] Prerequisite: At least 3 credits of 200- or 300-level Psychology within the Social and Personality Breadth Area.

  44. PSYO_O 455 (1-6) Advanced Topics in Forensic Psychology

    Intensive examination of selected advanced issues in Forensic Psychology. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 6 credits during complete program of study. [1-6 hours/week class time] Prerequisite: At least one 300-level course within the Social and Personality Breadth Area. PSYO 355 and 356 are recommended.

  45. PSYO_O 460 (3) History and Theories of Psychology

    Emergence of modern psychology as a separate, independent discipline and its continuity of development in terms of people, ideas, and major schools of thought. Schools of thought and pivotal figures will be placed in their social and institutional contexts. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology. Fourth-year standing.

  46. PSYO_O 480 (1-9) Advanced Special Topics in Psychology

    Intensive examination of selected advanced topics and issues in psychology. May be repeated on a different topic for a maximum of 9 credits during complete program of study. [1-9 hours/week lecture] Prerequisite: Third-year standing and permission of the department head.

  47. PSYO_O 481 (3-6) Directed Studies

    Directed investigation of a research problem in psychology requiring a written report of findings. Prerequisite: PSYO 271. Fourth-year standing and permission of the department head and a faculty member prepared to supervise the investigation also required; minimum of 76% average over all courses taken.

  48. PSYO_O 486 (3) Student Directed Seminar

    Self-directed, collaborative studies, in a group-learning environment, initiated and coordinated by senior undergraduate students with the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Course structure, enrolment and delivery methods will comply with the Student Directed Seminars Guidelines. At least third-year standing and permission of the Department are required. [0-0-3]

  49. PSYO_O 490 (3-6) Undergraduate Honours Thesis

    Two terms. A research problem in psychology under the supervision of a Psychology faculty member. Students engage in research requiring a written report with a public presentation of the findings. Students are required to participate in regularly scheduled colloquia and seminars. 6 credits required for Honours program. Please note, the associated seminar for PSYO 490 runs from September - April each academic year. [0-0-1] Prerequisite: All of PSYO 372, PSYO 373. Permission of the department head and a minimum grade average of 76% in all attempted Psychology courses also required.

  50. PSYO_O 501 (3) Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion: Applications in Clinical & Research Practices

    Inclusivity, equity, and diversity in research design and formulation considering the challenges with research on diverse populations and cultural factors for effective intercultural communication. [3-0-0]

  51. PSYO_O 506 (3) Contemporary Theories of Psychology

    Major theories that comprise core areas of contemporary psychology. Historical perspectives of schools of thought, social and institutional contexts, and evolution of the discipline. [3-0-0]

  52. PSYO_O 507 (6) Advanced Statistics and Research Methods

    A survey of advanced topics in statistics and research methodology, including: philosophy of science, research designs, psychological measurement, statistical reasoning, meta-analysis, regression, multivariate analysis of variance, factor analysis, structural equation modelling, multilevel modelling, multiway frequency analysis, and the analysis of change. [3-0-0;3-0-0]

  53. PSYO_O 508 (1-9) Advanced Topics

  54. PSYO_O 509 (3-12) Directed Studies in Psychology

    Allows investigation of a specific topic as agreed upon by the faculty member and the student. Prerequisite: Permission of the Psychology Graduate Coordinator and the course instructor.

  55. PSYO_O 510 (3) Clinical Diagnostics

    Basic knowledge of the phenomenology of behavioural disorders in adults and children. [3-0-0]

  56. PSYO_O 511 (3) Advanced Clinical Diagnostics

    An advanced overview of psychopathology from an historical and current scientific perspective. [3-0-0]

  57. PSYO_O 512 (3) Ethics and Professional Standards in Clinical Psychology

    A variety of ethical, professional, and legal conflicts associated with the role of clinical psychologists. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [3-0-0]

  58. PSYO_O 514 (3) Psychological Assessment I

    Core principles of clinical assessment; test interpretation; interviewing techniques; developmental factors in interpretation; integrative report writing. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [3-0-0]

  59. PSYO_O 515 (3) Psychological Assessment II

    Advanced topics in psychological assessment including in-depth coverage of the major commonly used standardized objective and self-report personality measures. Additional content will vary depending on the topic selected. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [3-0-0]

  60. PSYO_O 516 (3) Psychological Intervention I: Process, Motivation, and Introduction to CBT Skills

    Introduction to psychotherapy, including historical and current models of therapy, as well as introducing the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and motivational enhancement therapy. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [3-0-0]

  61. PSYO_O 517 (3) Psychological Intervention II: Advanced Topics in CBT

    Evidence-based treatments in Cogntive Behavioural Therapy. Content will focus on cognitive behavioural models of intervention for a variety of mental health conditions. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [3-0-0]

  62. PSYO_O 521 (3) Social Bases of Behaviour

    Social psychology; cultural, ethnic, and group processes; sex roles; organizational and systems theory. [3-0-0]

  63. PSYO_O 522 (3) Biological Bases of Behaviour

    Basic topics in human neuropsychology; neuroanatomy and neurophysiology; central nervous system damage; psychological dysfunction. [3-0-0]

  64. PSYO_O 523 (3) Cognitive Basis of Behaviour

    Current topics in cognitive psychology as they relate to clinical and health psychology; cognitive disorders; cognitive neuroscience. [3-0-0]

  65. PSYO_O 524 (1) Clinical Supervision

    Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. [0-0-1]

  66. PSYO_O 526 (3) Program Evaluation

    Practical course guiding students in the application of research methods to planning and carrying out program evaluations. [0-0-3]

  67. PSYO_O 530 (1-12) Clinical Psychology Practicum (Masters)

    Focus on clinical skills. Students work under the supervision of a clinical faculty member. Training contracts are established at the start of the term. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  68. PSYO_O 599 (12) Master's Thesis


  69. PSYO_O 625 (1) Internship Preparation

    Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYO 625 or PSYO 525. [0-0-1]

  70. PSYO_O 630 (1-12) Clinical Psychology Practicum (Doctoral)

    Focus on clinical skills. Students work under the supervision of a clinical faculty member. Training contracts are established at the start of the term. Restricted to the Graduate Clinical Psychology Program. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  71. PSYO_O 699 (0) Doctoral Dissertation


  72. PSYO_O 730 (6) Clinical Psychology Internship


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