Please see the Board of Governors (the Board) for full information, including current membership.
The following text is based on section 19 (2) of the University Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468 (the University Act):
Section 19 (2)
(2) The Board of the University of British Columbia is composed of 21 members, as follows:
(a) the chancellor;
(b) the president;
(c) a faculty member who works through a part specified under section 3.1 [of the University Act], elected by the faculty members who work through the part;
(d) two faculty members who work through a part not specified under section 3.1, elected by the faculty members who work through the part;
(e) 11 persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, two of whom are to be appointed from among persons nominated by the alumni association;
(f) a student who studies through a part specified under section 3.1, elected from the students who (i) are members of an undergraduate student society or a graduate student society, and (ii) study through any part specified under section 3.1;
(g) two students who study through a part not specified under section 3.1, elected from the students who (i) are members of an undergraduate student society or a graduate student society, and (ii) study through any part not specified under section 3.1;
(h) one person who must work through a part specified under section 3.1, elected by and from the employees of the university who (i) are not faculty members, and (ii) work through any part specified under section 3.1;
(i) one person who must work through a part not specified under section 3.1, elected by and from the employees of the university who (i) are not faculty members, and (ii) work through any part not specified under section 3.1.
The full and unedited text of the University Act is available at BC Laws.