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Vancouver Senate

Please see the Vancouver Senate (the Senate) for full information, including meeting schedules and current membership.

The following text is based on section 35.1 of the University Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468 (the University Act):

Senates of the University of British Columbia - Section 35.1

(2) The Vancouver Senate is composed of the following:

(a) the chancellor; 

(b) the president, who is the Senate's chair; 

(c) the academic vice-president who must work through a part not specified under section 3.1 [of the University Act] or equivalent; 

(d) the deans of faculties who must work through a part not specified under section 3.1; 

(e) the chief librarian or a person designated for the purpose by the chief librarian; 

(f) the director of continuing education or a person designated for the purpose by the director; 

(g) a number of faculty members equal to twice the number of Senate members provided in paragraphs (a) to (f), to consist of two members of each faculty elected by the members of that faculty, and the remainder elected by the faculty members in the manner that they, in joint meeting, determine, but only faculty members employed through parts not specified under section 3.1 can vote or be elected; 

(h) a number of students, equal to the number of Senate members provided in paragraphs (a) to (f), elected from the students who are members of an undergraduate student society or a graduate student society, in a manner that ensures that at least one student from each faculty is elected, but only students studying through parts not specified under section 3.1 can vote or be elected; 

(i) four persons who are not faculty members, elected by and from the convocation; 

(j) one member to be elected by the governing body of each affiliated college of the university; 

(k) additional members, determined by the Senate, without altering the ratio set out in paragraphs (g) and (h).

The full and unedited text of the University Act is available at BC Laws.

The following text is based on section 36 of the University Act:

Term of Office - Section 36

(1) The term of office of a member of the Senate, other than one elected under section 35.1 (2) (h) or (3) (h), is three years and after that until a successor is appointed or elected.

(2) The term of office of a member of the Senate elected under section 35.1 (2) (h) or (3) (h) is one year and after that until a successor is elected.

(3) Members of a Senate who remain eligible under section 35.1 may be reappointed or re-elected in the manner provided under section 35.1 for further terms. 

(4) If a vacancy arises on the Senate, the vacancy must be filled,

(a) in the case of an appointed member, by the body possessing the power of appointment, or (b) in the case of an elected member, in the manner specified by the Senate.

(5) A person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy holds office for the remainder of the term for which the person's predecessor was appointed or elected.

(6) The secretary of the Senate must enter a declaration of the vacancy in the minutes of the Senate.

(7) A declaration under subsection (6) is conclusive evidence of the vacancy.

The full and unedited text of the University Act is available at BC Laws.


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