Academic Performance Evaluations

The following description of the academic performance evaluation process applies to students in all faculties not having separate regulations. An academic performance evaluation also does not address the issue of academic progress toward a particular degree or promotion from one year-level to the next.

Academic performance evaluations are performed for each student up to three times per year: at the end of each term of the Winter Session and at the end of the Summer Session. No evaluation is performed if a student has not taken credit courses since the last evaluation, or if the number of credits taken is less than some minimum number specified by the faculty in which the student is registered. Otherwise, the total number of credits attempted since the last academic performance evaluation, the fraction of those credits that were passed, and the credit-weighted average (see Weighted Averages) are computed. Those three quantities, plus the current academic standing of the student, are used to determine the new academic standing of the student according to a table. (Refer to Faculties, Schools, and Colleges, or contact the faculty in question.)

Courses are only included in an academic performance evaluation once a final grade has been assigned. For example, courses for which a deferred examination has been granted will be considered within the academic performance evaluation for the period in which the deferred examination is written.

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