You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Year 2007/08 - All


Labour Day. University closed.

2007/08 Academic Year begins.

NOTE: classes are cancelled today to allow new students to attend CREATE (orientation activities).

First day of classes.

Last day for payment of first instalment of fees for registration and course changes made before September 1. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Chapter III, "Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships").

General University Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards. Students must have received 2007/08 student loans to be eligible.

General University Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards. Students must have received 2008/09 student loans to be eligible.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for Term 1 courses.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for Term 1 courses.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most Term 1 courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most Term 1 courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for two-term courses.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for two-term courses.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most two-term courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on transcript. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing.


Online application opens for 2008 Summer Session and the 2008/09 Winter Session, including change of program/campus for the 2008/09 Winter Session.

Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between September 1 and September 30. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Chapter III, "Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships").

Thanksgiving Day. University closed.

Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most Winter Session Term 1 courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record.

Last day for completion of bachelor's degree program requirements for graduation in November.


Remembrance Day. University closed.

Holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day (Sunday, November 11, 2007). University closed.

Term 1 mid-term break.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most two-term courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on transcript. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing.

Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most two-term courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record.

Last day of classes for most faculties.


December examinations begin for most faculties, day and evening classes (December 5-19 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the exam schedule.

Last day of December examinations for most faculties.

Christmas Day. University closed.

Boxing Day. University closed.

Reduced student services in most departments until January 2, 2008.


New Year's Day. University closed.

First day of second term, Winter Session: all faculties, day and evening classes begin.

Last day for payment of second instalment of fees for registration and course changes made on or before December 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Chapter III, "Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships").

Last day for changes between credit and audit for Term 2 courses.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most Term 2 courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with W standing.


Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between January 1 and January 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Chapter III, "Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships").

Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most Winter Session, Term 2 courses, with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record.

Mid-term break begins (February 18-22 inclusive). Lectures and laboratories cancelled. Library and some other facilities open.

Application deadline for Major Entrance Scholarships and Entrance Bursaries. Applications must have been received by Student Financial Assistance & Awards by 4:00 pm.

Deadline for application to the 2008 Summer Session and the 2008/09 Winter Session, except for Visiting, Unclassified, Access, or Audit students.

Deadline to apply for change of faculty/campus for the 2008/09 Winter Session.

Deadline to submit interim post-secondary transcripts for admission to the 2008 Summer Session and the 2008/09 Winter Session.

Last day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all students expecting to graduate in May. Application is made through the Student Service Centre.


Summer Session: Student Service Centre available for registration for all courses (subject to change). All students should refer to their admission letter or to the Student Service Centre for individual registration access dates.

Good Friday. University closed.

Easter Sunday. University closed.

Easter Monday. University closed.


Student Financial Assistance & Awards: Apply for Summer loans by this date to ensure bursary eligibility, and to ensure that funding arrives in time for Summer tuition.

Last day of classes for most faculties.

April examinations begin for most faculties, day and evening classes (April 15-29 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the examination schedule.

Deadline to submit final documentation for admission to the 2008 Summer Session. Consult the online UBC Okanagan Calendar, or the online Summer Supplement (, for more information.

General Bursary Program applications available online from Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Last day of April examinations for most faculties.

2007/08 Winter Session ends.


Summer Session, Term 1: Tuition fees due.

Summer Session, Term 1: Most courses begin May 12 and end June 24 (exams June 23 and 24). For the latest information, consult the online UBC Okanagan Calendar, or the online Summer Supplement (

Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting May 12 without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with W standing.

Victoria Day. University closed.

Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting May 12 with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record.


Registration for the 2008/09 Winter Session opens (subject to change). All students should refer to the Student Service Centre for individual registration dates.

General University Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards. Students must be receiving 2008 Summer student loans to be eligible for the General Bursaries.

UBC Okanagan Congregation.

General and Entrance Scholarships: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards by students entering UBC Okanagan from other post-secondary institutions, or returning to UBC Okanagan.

Summer Session, Term 1: Examinations begin for most courses.

Affiliation Scholarships and Affiliation Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Student applying to the Winter Bursary Program in September 2008 should apply for winter government student loans by this date.


Canada Day. University closed.

Summer Session, Term 2: Most courses begin July 7 and run to August 19 (exams August 18 and 19).

Summer Session, Term 2: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting July 7 without withdrawal standing of W recorded on student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with W standing.

Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting July 7 with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record.

Affiliation Scholarships and Affiliation Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance and Awards.

Students applying to the Winter Bursary Program in September 2009 should apply for winter government student loans by this date.


BC Day. University closed.

General Bursary Program applications available online from Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Summer Session, Term 2: Examinations begin for most courses.

Summer Session Term 2: Examinations begin for most courses.

2007/08 Academic Year ends.

Academic Year 2007/08 - All

Academic Year 2007/08 - August

Academic Year 2007/08 - August

Academic Year 2007/08 - August

Academic Year 2007/08 - August

Academic Year 2007/08 - August

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - September

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - November

Academic Year 2007/08 - December

Academic Year 2007/08 - December

Academic Year 2007/08 - December

Academic Year 2007/08 - December

Academic Year 2007/08 - December

Academic Year 2007/08 - July

Academic Year 2007/08 - July

Academic Year 2007/08 - July

Academic Year 2007/08 - July

Academic Year 2007/08 - July

Academic Year 2007/08 - June

Academic Year 2007/08 - June

Academic Year 2007/08 - June

Academic Year 2007/08 - June

Academic Year 2007/08 - June

Academic Year 2007/08 - March

Academic Year 2007/08 - March

Academic Year 2007/08 - March

Academic Year 2007/08 - March

Academic Year 2007/08 - January

Academic Year 2007/08 - January

Academic Year 2007/08 - January

Academic Year 2007/08 - February

Academic Year 2007/08 - February

Academic Year 2007/08 - February

Academic Year 2007/08 - February

Academic Year 2007/08 - October

Academic Year 2007/08 - October

Academic Year 2007/08 - October

Academic Year 2007/08 - October

Academic Year 2007/08 - October

Academic Year 2007/08 - April

Academic Year 2007/08 - April

Academic Year 2007/08 - April

Academic Year 2007/08 - April

Academic Year 2007/08 - April

Academic Year 2007/08 - May

Academic Year 2007/08 - May

Academic Year 2007/08 - May

Academic Year 2007/08 - May

Academic Year 2007/08 - May

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.