You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Year 2012/13 - All


2012/13 Academic Year begins.

International Student Orientation.

Labour Day. University closed. Library open.

Create: First-day orientation program for all students. Classes are cancelled to allow students to attend the all-day orientation. See Create New Student Orientation for more information.

Distance Education: Start date for September (Term A and B) courses.

Start of Winter Session Term 1.

Graduate Studies: Students wishing to apply for University Graduate Fellowships and external awards administered through the University (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR) for 2012/13 should check with the College of Graduate Studies for internal student deadlines.

First day of classes.

Last day for payment of first instalment of fees for registration and course changes made before September 1. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold; further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

General University Bursaries: Last day for online applications (on Student Service Centre) to be submitted to Student Services and Financial Support. Students must be receiving their 2011/12 student loans and have assessed unmet financial need to be eligible for general bursaries.

Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most* Winter Session Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record, and to receive a 100% refund of tuition fees. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most* Winter Session Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a September start and December end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Full-year (Terms 1-2) courses and Distance Education Term B courses: Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most* Winter Session full-year (Terms 1-2) courses and Distance Education Term B courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record, and to receive a 100% refund of tuition fees. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Full-year (Terms 1-2) courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most* Winter Session full-year (Terms 1-2) courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a September start and April end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day to withdraw from most* Winter Session term 1 (September to December) and Distance Education Term A courses to receive a 50% refund of tuition fees.

*Courses with a September start and December end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day to withdraw from most* Winter Session Term 1 (September to December) and Distance Education Term A courses to receive a 25% refund of tuition fees.

*Courses with a September start and December end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.


Thanksgiving Day. University closed. Library open.

Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between September 1 and September 30. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses: Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most* Winter Session Term 1 courses and Distance Education Term A courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a September start and December end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Last day for completion of bachelor's degree program requirements for graduation in November.


Last day for sponsored students to submit applications to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization for Winter Session Term 2 (January to April) tuition fees. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay their second instalment of tuition fees by January 7 to avoid financial hold procedures (see Fees).

Remembrance Day. University closed. Library open.

Holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day. University closed.

Winter Session Term 1 mid-term break. Lectures and laboratories cancelled. Library and some other facilities open.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Winter Session Term 2.

Full-year (Terms 1-2) courses and Distance Education Term B courses: Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most* full-year (Terms 1-2) courses and Distance Education Term B courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a September start and April end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Last day for submission of exam accommodation forms for December examinations.

Last day of classes for most faculties.


Last day for graduate students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for payroll deduction of Winter Session, Term 2 (January to April 2013) tuition fees.

Term 1 (December) examinations begin for most faculties, day and evening classes (December 5 to 19 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the exam schedule.

Last day of Term 1 (December) examinations for most faculties.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Christmas Day. University closed.

Boxing Day. University closed.

Reduced student services in most departments until January 2, 2013.


New Year's Day. University closed.

Distance Education: Start date for January (Term C and D) courses.

Start of Winter Session Term 2: day and evening classes begin, all faculties.

Last day for payment of second instalment of fees for registration and course changes made before December 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold; further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most* Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record, and to receive a 100% refund of tuition fees. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most* Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a January start and April end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Deadline for application to the 2013 Summer Session (beginning in May) except for Visiting, Unclassified, Access, or Audit students. Note: not all degree programs accept applications to the Summer Session.

Deadline for currently enrolled students to apply for a change of degree program or a change of campus for the 2013 Summer Session. Note: not all degree programs accept applications to the Summer Session.

Deadline for students who have previously attended UBC to apply for readmission for the 2013/14 Summer Session. Note: not all degree programs accept applications to the Summer Session.

Distance Education Term D courses: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal for most Distance Education Term D courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information.

Distance Education Term D courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most Winter Session Distance Education Term D courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day to withdraw from most* Winter Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses to receive a 50% refund of tuition fees.

*Courses with a January start and April end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day to withdraw from most* Winter Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses to receive a 25% refund of tuition fees.

*Courses with a January start and April end date. Courses with a different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Deadline for application to the 2013/14 Winter Session (beginning in September) except for Visiting, Unclassified, Access, or Audit students.

Deadline for currently enrolled students to apply for a change of degree program or a change of campus for the 2013/14 Winter Session.

Deadline for students who have previously attended UBC to apply for readmission for the 2013/14 Winter Session.

Graduate Studies: Deadline for applications for 2013/14 to receive consideration for Graduate Entrance Scholarships.


Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between January 1 and January 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for withdrawal using the Student Service Centre from most* Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

*Courses with a January start and April end date. Courses with different start and/or end dates, refer to the online Course Schedule for specific course drop/withdrawal dates.

Family Day. University closed. Library open.

Winter Session, Term 2 mid-term break begins (February 18 to 22 inclusive). Lectures and laboratories cancelled. Library and some other facilities open.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Last day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all students expecting to graduate in June. Application can be made online through the Student Service Centre.


Last day for submission of graduating essays and theses, most bachelor degree programs.

Distance Education Term D courses: Last day for withdrawal from most distance education Term D courses with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Good Friday. University closed. Library open.


Easter Monday. University closed. Library open.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session Term 1.

Last day for graduate students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for payroll deduction of Summer Session tuition fees.

Last day for sponsored students to submit applications to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization for Winter Session Term 2 (January to April) tuition fees. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay their tuition fees by the payment due dates to avoid financial hold procedures (see Fees).

Students applying for a Summer Bursary should have applied for government student loans for the Summer Session by this date.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Last day for submission of exam accommodation forms for April examinations.

International Student Graduation Reception.

Last day of classes for most faculties.

Term 2 (April) examinations begin for most faculties, day and evening classes (April 9 to 24 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the examination schedule.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final master’s theses and doctoral dissertations to be approved by the College of Graduate Studies for June 2013 graduation. Must be approved and accepted by 4:00 pm.

2012/13 Winter Session ends.

Last day of Term 2 (April) examinations for most faculties.

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Last day for completion of bachelor's degree program requirements for graduation in June.


General Summer Bursary Program: Applications available on the Student Service Centre.

Distance Education: Start date for May (Terms A and B) courses. For important deadlines, such as: last day for withdrawal without a withdrawal standing of W recording on a student's academic record; and last day for withdrawal with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record (refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information).

Start of Summer Session Term 1. First day of classes for term running from May 13 to June 28 (exams June 24 to 28). For important deadlines, such as: last day for withdrawal without a withdrawal standing of W recording on a student's academic record; and last day for withdrawal with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record (refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information).

Summer Session Term 1: Tuition fees due. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold; further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

Meeting of the Okanagan Senate.

Victoria Day. University closed. Library open.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session Term 2.

Affiliation Scholarships and Affiliation Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Student Services and Financial Support.


The online application for Summer Session bursary applications closes. Student Services and Financial Support must have confirmed students’ full-time enrolment on their student loans by this date in order for applicants to be eligible for General Summer Bursaries.

International Student Graduation Tea.

UBC Okanagan campus Convocation, Day 1.

UBC Okanagan campus Convocation, Day 2.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Last day for submission of exam accommodation forms for Summer Session Term 1 courses.

Summer Session Term 1: Examinations begin for most courses.

End of Summer Session Term 1.


Canada Day. University closed. Library open.

Start of Summer Session Term 2. First day of classes for term running from July 2 to August 17 (exams August 13 to 17). For important deadlines, such as: last day for withdrawal without a withdrawal standing of W recording on a student's academic record; and last day for withdrawal with withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student's academic record (refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information).

Summer Session Term 2: Tuition fees due. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold; further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $35 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Fees).

Teacher Education Program: July intake for 12-month Secondary, French, Humanities, Math-Science, Middle School, and Trades Technologies Education specialties. Classes begin for Summer Session, Term 2.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Winter Session courses starting in September 2013.

Students applying to the Winter Bursary Program in September 2013 should apply for winter government student loans by this date.


International Student Services welcome services for new international (including US) and exchange students (August 1 to 18 inclusive, and ongoing).

Last day for sponsored students to submit application to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay the first instalment of tuition fees by September 4 to avoid financial holds procedures (see Fees).

BC Day. University closed. Library open.

Last day for students who hold major external graduate or undergraduate fellowships to apply for Winter Session fee deferments.

Disability Resource Centre (DRC): Last day for submission of exam accommodation forms for Summer Session Term 2 courses.

Summer Session Term 2: Examinations begin for most courses.

General Bursary Program: Applications available online on the Student Service Centre, and are available until September 16.

Last day for graduate students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for payroll deduction of Winter Session tuition fees.

Work Study job postings appear on Work Study.

End of Summer Session Term 2.

International Student Early Orientation (Jump Start) August 25 to August 30. See Jump Start - Okanagan

Graduate Studies: Last day for final master’s theses and doctoral dissertations to be approved by the College of Graduate Studies for November 2013 graduation. Must be approved and accepted by 4:00 pm.

2012/13 Academic Year ends.

Academic Year 2012/13 - All

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - September

Academic Year 2012/13 - October

Academic Year 2012/13 - October

Academic Year 2012/13 - October

Academic Year 2012/13 - October

Academic Year 2012/13 - October

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - November

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - December

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - August

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - July

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - June

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - May

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - April

Academic Year 2012/13 - March

Academic Year 2012/13 - March

Academic Year 2012/13 - March

Academic Year 2012/13 - March

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - February

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

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Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

Academic Year 2012/13 - January

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.