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Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)


Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) is an interdisciplinary degree program that provides a focused education in the economic, political, and philosophical issues facing Canadians. 

The PPE Major is recommended for students who wish to pursue a career in business or government, or those who intend to undertake studies in law, business, commerce, journalism, social work, education, or public administration. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to: 

  1. Identify, classify, and formulate descriptive and normative arguments. 
  1. List, define, and interpret core philosophy, political science, and economics terminologies and concepts. 
  1. Contrast the assumptions and logic of fundamental philosophy, political science, and economics theories and relate them to Canadian and international political and socio-economic challenges. 
  1. Communicate complex ideas orally and in writing to expert and non-expert audiences. 
  1. Explain and assess the role and impacts of social and political institutions and policies. 
  1. Identify and integrate ethical and moral considerations in economic and political decision-making. 
  1. Define and integrate different perspectives when discussing issues of contemporary society. 
  1. Describe and assess the epistemological considerations underlying economic and political discourse. 
  1. Identify, integrate, and interpret data analysis and statistical methods when analyzing specific social, economic, and political issues. 
  1. Combine and apply qualitative and quantitative methodologies from philosophy, political science, and economics to real-world problems (e.g., institutions, public finance, community environment, health, labour markets, development, etc.). 
  1. Formulate and assess viable approaches to address political and socio-economic challenges in Canada and globally. 

Major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) 

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the PPE program, students must: 

  • have completed 48 credits;
  • have completed all first- and second-year courses in the PPE Major program requirements with at least a 70% average in each PPE discipline taken prior to applying to the PPE Major; 
  • have completed 6 credits toward the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences communication requirement; 
  • consult with an Academic & Career Advisor. 

Degree Requirements 

Major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)                                                                 Credits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements78
Electives any level9
Total Credits120

Note: Some program requirements may be applied to Foundational and Distribution requirements; see B.A. requirements.  

Program Requirements 

First and Second Years                                         Credits
All of ECON_O 101, 102, 2259
One of PHIL_O 111, 1213
One of PHIL_O 120, 2203
One of PHIL_O 210, 2303
One of POLI_O 201, 2233
One of STAT_O 121, 124, 230, DATA _O 1013
Two of:
POLI_O 100;
POLI_O 2031;
POLI_O 202 or 230;
POLI_O 210 or 2201;
POLI_O 240 or 250.
Total 100/200-level credits                                                                                                    30


Third and Fourth YearsCredits
ECON_O 3703
PHIL_O 3383
300/400 level Economics12
300/400 level Political Science15
300/400 level Philosophy12
300/400 level elective3
Total 300/400-level credits48
Program Requirement Total Credits                                                                                 78

¹ POLI_O 203 and POLI_O 210 or POLI_O 220 are recommended pre-requisites for the Option (D) Law Emphasis in the Honours Program. 

Honours in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)

The Honours program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) enables high-achieving students to increase their concentration in PPE. Students are expected to satisfy high levels of competency in their academic achievement and to complete a thesis under a faculty member's supervision. Students intending to pursue graduate studies are advised to consider taking the Honours program since some universities expect potential graduate students to have completed an Honours degree.  

Admission Requirements 

  • fourth-year standing;
  • at least a 78% average in each PPE discipline taken prior to applying to the PPE Honours; 
  • a minimum overall average of 76%; 
  • a minimum grade of 76% in PHIL_O 338;  
  • a minimum grade of 76% in POLI_O 400 or 441; 
  • a minimum grade of 76% in one of ECON_O 327, 353, 363; and  
  • receive permission from the coordinator of the PPE program. 

All Honours PPE students must complete all courses of their chosen option requirements. The honours thesis and seminar courses numbered 496 and 498 in their discipline of emphasis should be completed during their final year of study. Students must consult with the PPE Coordinator no later than the beginning of the term prior to the term in which they plan to complete their PPE Honours Seminar. 

Option A: Philosophy EmphasisCredits
PHIL_O 496, 4986
PHIL_O 3383
300/400-level PHIL_O12
ECON_O 370 3
One of ECON_O 353, 363 3
300/400-level ECON _O6
POLI_O 400 or 441 3
300/400-level POLI_O9
300/400-level elective 3
Philosophy Emphasis 300/400-level requirements                                    48


Option B: Political Science Emphasis Credits
POLI_O 496, 4986
POLI_O 400 or 441 3
300/400-level POLI_O12
ECON_O 370 3
One of ECON_O 353, 363 3
300/400-level ECON_O 6
PHIL_O 338 3
300/400-level PHIL_O9
300/400-level elective 3
Political Science Emphasis 300/400-level requirements                               48


Option C: Economics Emphasis Credits
ECON_O 496, 4986
ECON_O 3703
One of ECON_O 327, 353, 363 3
300/400-level ECON_O9
One of POLI_O 400, 441 3
300/400- level POLI_O 9
PHIL_O 338 3
300/400-level PHIL_O9
300/400-level elective 3
Economics Emphasis 300/400-level requirements                                         48


Option D: Law Emphasis                                                               Credits
POLI_O 400 or 441 3
POLI_O 430 3

One of:

  • POLI_O 496 and POLI_O 498
  • PHIL_O 496 and PHIL_O 498
  • ECON_O 496 and ECON_O 498

Three of:

  • POLI_O 302, 327, 354, 356, 382, 383, 431
  • POLI_O 304 or 352
  • POLI_O 303 or 331
  • POLI_O 404 or 432
ECON_O 370 3
One of ECON_O 353, 363 3
Two of ECON_O 345, 351, 352, 353, 360, 361, 363, 371, 372, 386, 452              6
PHIL_O 3383
Three of PHIL_O 314, 315, 331, 345, 373, 425, 434, 435, 437 9
300/400-level elective 3
Law Emphasis 300/400-level requirements                           48

Graduation Requirements 

  • all general program requirements for the B.A. degree; 
  • all First- and Second-year requirements for the Major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE);  
  • one of POLI_O 498, PHIL_O 498, ECON_O 498 with a minimum grade of 80%;
  • minimum weighted average of 76% over the last 60 credits;
  • successful completion of either Option A, B, C, or D courses.

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