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Visual Arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the General Admission Requirements applicants to the B.F.A. Major in Visual Arts must submit a portfolio and a letter of intent.

The Portfolio

Portfolios for Visual and Media Arts should include:

  • 15 – 20 images, and (or) up to 3 short videos, which illustrate your best work while showing the range of media you have explored
  • You also MUST attach an image description page with the titles and medium used in your work, which correspond to your numbered image files and (or) videos
  • A letter of intent
  • You may include a link to your personal website if available.

For specific information about documentation requirements, please see the program’s website

The Letter of Intent

The letter of intent, (maximum of 300 words), should describe the applicant's reasons for wanting to study in the visual arts, artist statements are welcome but not mandatory. Letter of intent must be formatted to include your name, address and email contact.

Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submitting the portfolio and letter of intent is January 31 for admission the following September.
If you have missed the deadline, please contact Creative Studies Department at 250-807-9761 as it may be possible to send in your application and portfolio if the program is not fully enrolled.

It is preferred that students submit portfolios Online. Alternatively, portfolios can be mailed to:
Portfolio Review Committee
Department of Creative Studies
The University of British Columbia
CCS Building
1148 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

The portfolio and letter of intent must be sent together. If you wish to have your mailed submission returned, you must use a reusable mailer and include sufficient return postage or enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope in your portfolio.

For inquiries regarding portfolio requirements, please contact the UBC Okanagan campus Department of Creative Studies at 250.807.9761.

Entry into this program is very competitive. The number of places within the B.F.A. (Visual Arts) program is limited, and admission is based on a review of the portfolio, letter of intent, and grade average.

Major in Visual Arts

The Major in Visual Arts develops critical thinking and creative practice in a range of artistic disciplines. Courses in art history and art theory provide a global historical context and an understanding of theoretical issues. Elective courses help students bring a breadth of knowledge and a diversity of perspectives to their artwork. Intensive studio courses give students practical experience in artistic research and creation and provide opportunities for interdisciplinary activity.

In the completion of the Visual Arts program, students must achieve a minimum overall grade average of 68% across required ARTH_O courses and a minimum overall grade average of 68% across required VISA courses.

First and Second Years

First Year: Required CoursesCredits
6 credits of 100-level ENGL_O or 3 credits of 100 level ENGL_O and 3 credits of 100-level CRWR_O with a combined minimum average of 60%6
ARTH_O 101, ARTH_O 102 Art and Visual Cultures of the World I and II6
CCS_O 150 Creative and Critical Art Theory I3
VISA_O 090 Safety Training0
VISA_O 102, VISA_O 103 Drawing and Two-Dimensional Art Practices I and II6
VISA_O 104, VISA_O 105 Three-Dimensional Art Practices I and II6
VISA_O 106 Introduction to Digital Media I3
VISA_O 108 Introduction to Digital Media II3
Second Year: Required Courses 
6 credits of 200-level ARTH_O courses                      6
CCS_O 250 Creative and Critical Art Theory II                            3
3 credits of 100 or 200-level THTR_O courses        


Students must complete six courses of the following studio options:

Studio Options Courses1Credits
VISA_O 206 Sound Art23
VISA_O 215 Painting I3
VISA_O 225 Painting II3
VISA_O 233 Printmaking: Screenprinting I3
VISA_O 235 Sculpture I3
VISA_O 244 Photography I3
VISA_O 245 Sculpture II3
VISA_O 253 Printmaking: Screenprinting II3
VISA_O 254 Introduction to Printmaking: Etching And Lithography23
VISA_O 255 Introduction to Printmaking: Linocut And Letter Press Printing2                                                                                         3
VISA_O 256 Photography II3
VISA_O 261 Video I3
VISA_O 266 2D Animation23
VISA_O 268 Strategies in Digital Art: Visual Communication23
VISA_O 269 Strategies in Digital Art: Virtual Worlds23
VISA_O 271 Video II3
VISA_O 282 Drawing III3
VISA_O 283 Drawing IV3
VISA_O 285 Public Art: Mural Painting23

1 Most second-year studio courses come in pairs, with Part I serving as the prerequisite for Part II, and both parts required to move onto advanced-level courses in that area.
2 These courses are not necessarily linked as pairs. Each course can serve as a prerequisite for an advanced-level course.

Second Year: Non-Studio Options

Students complete 3 credits of non-studio options. These electives may include university transfer courses outside of Visual Arts.

Third Year

Students complete 12 studio credits, 12 elective credits, ARTH_O 301 Critical Viewing - Advanced Studies (3 credits), and one additional 3-credit 300- or 400- level ARTH_O course in the third-year of the Visual Arts program.

  • ARTH_O 301 Critical Viewing - Advanced Studies (3 credits) and one additional 3-credit 300- or 400-level ARTH_O course
  • Two of the following courses in each term for a total of 12 credits (appropriate prerequisites are required):
Studio Credit CoursesCredits
Term 1
VISA_O 300 Advanced Practice in Drawing                                                                                       3
VISA_O 312 Advanced Practice in Painting3
VISA_O 322 Advanced Practice in Sculpture3
VISA_O 336 Advanced Practice in Printmaking3
VISA_O 362 Advanced Practice in Photography3
VISA_O 382 Advanced Practice in Media Arts3
FILM_O 303 Narrative Film Production3
Term 2
VISA_O 300 Advanced Practice in Drawing3
VISA_O 312 Advanced Practice in Painting3
VISA_O 322 Advanced Practice in Sculpture3
VISA_O 336 Advanced Practice in Printmaking3
VISA_O 362 Advanced Practice in Photography3
VISA_O 382 Advanced Practice in Media Arts3
FILM_O 371 Digital Documentary Production3

  • 12 credits of electives. These may include the following:
    • university transfer courses outside of Visual Arts;
    • 200-, 300-, or 400-level ARTH_O courses;
    • 6 credits of 200-level studio courses (in addition to the studio courses required for the degree).

Fourth Year

In their fourth year of the Visual Arts program, students complete 6 additional credits of 300 or 400 level ARTH_O courses.

In their fourth year of the Visual Arts program, students will take 18 studio credits that will include:

  • VISA_O 482, VISA_O 483 Advanced Art Practices I and II1;
  • one of the following courses in each term (for a total of 6 credits):
Studio Credit CoursesCredits
Term 1
VISA_O 300 Advanced Practice in Drawing3
VISA_O 312 Advanced Practice in Painting3
VISA_O 322 Advanced Practice in Sculpture3
VISA_O 336 Advanced Practice in Printmaking3
VISA_O 362 Advanced Practice in Photography3
VISA_O 382 Advanced Practice in Media Arts3
FILM_O 303 Narrative Film Production3
VISA_O 400 Practicum3
VISA_O 460 Special Topics in Visual Art3
Term 2
VISA_O 300 Advanced Practice in Drawing                                                                                   3
VISA_O 312 Advanced Practice in Painting3
VISA_O 322 Advanced Practice in Sculpture3
VISA_O 336 Advanced Practice in Printmaking3
VISA_O 362 Advanced Practice in Photography3
VISA_O 382 Advanced Practice in Media Arts3
VISA_O 400 Practicum3
VISA_O 460 Special Topics in Visual Art3
FILM_O 371 Digital Documentary Production3

1 VISA_O 483 students must participate in a graduating exhibition.

  • 6 credits of electives. These may include the following:
    • university transfer courses outside of Visual Arts;
    • 200-, 300-, or 400-level ARTH_O courses;
    • 200-, 300- or 400-level VISA_O studio courses (in addition to the studio courses required for the degree)


It is important that Visual Arts students note the emphasis upon academic courses as well as on traditional studio courses.

The Department of Creative Studies recommends electives from any of the following discipline areas to be taken in years two, three, and four: Anthropology (ANTH); Art History and Visual Culture (ARTH); Creative Writing (CRWR); Cultural Studies (CULT); English (ENGL); Film (FILM); French (FREN); Geography (GEOG); German (GERM); History (HIST); Indigenous Studies (INDG); Japanese Studies (JPST); Music (MUSC); Philosophy (PHIL); Psychology (PSYO); Sociology (SOCI); Spanish (SPAN); or Theatre (THTR).

Students are advised to consult with the Visual Arts coordinator or program advisor for advice on goal-specific selections.

Minor in Visual Arts

To complete a Minor in Visual Arts, students must complete the following courses.

There are three possible studio streams within the Minor in Visual Arts. In the first year students must satisfy the course requirements of the stream they select.


First YearCredits
Two-dimensional studio stream: VISA_O 102 and VISA_O 103 Drawing and Two-Dimensional Art Practices I and II, and CCS_O 150 and three credits from CCS_O 250, or 100-level ARTH_O; or12
Digital media studio stream: VISA_O 106 and VISA_O 108 Introduction to Digital Media I and II, and CCS_O 150 and three credits from CCS_O 250 or 100-level ARTH_O; or12
Three-dimensional studio stream: VISA_O 104, VISA_O 105 Three-Dimensional Art Practices I and II, and CCS_O 150 and three credits from CCS_O 250 or 100-level ARTH_O.12
Note: All students must complete the zero-credit course VISA_O 090 Safety Training. 
Second YearCredits
6 credits from: VISA_O 2063, 215, 225, 233, 235, 244, 245, 253, 2543, 2553, 256, 261, 2663, 2683, 2693, 271, 282, 2831, 2853   6    
Third and Fourth YearsCredits
12 credits from: VISA_O upper-year studio courses numbered 300 and above2 and FILM_O 303, FILM_O 371                                      12   

1 Most second-year studio courses come in pairs, with Part I serving as the prerequisite for Part II, and both parts are required to move on to advanced-level courses in that area.
2 Because of the individual nature of studio art courses, each 300-level studio course may be taken up to four times for a total of 12 credits.
3 These courses are not necessarily linked as pairs. Each course can serve as a prerequisite for an advanced-level course.

Whenever possible, students are encouraged to take Art History and Visual Culture and Creative and Critical Studies courses in addition to these studio art requirements. The Department of Creative Studies believes that Art History and Visual Culture and Creative and Critical Studies courses would prove to be appropriate complements to studies in the Visual Arts.

Students are urged to carefully consider their choice of first-year studio art (VISA) courses for this minor. There are three distinct studio streams in the minor and students should make first year studio choices considering which stream they wish to pursue.

Taking VISA_O 102 and 103 prepares students for two-dimensional studio art courses in second year (drawing, painting, photography and printmaking – screen printing; etching and lithography; linocut and letterpress).

Taking VISA_O 104 and 105 prepares students for three-dimensional studio art courses (sculpture).

Taking VISA_O 106 and 108 prepares students for media arts-related studio art courses (sound art; 2D animation; visual communications; virtual worlds; video and photography).

Note: due to the number of credits required, this program may take more than four years to complete.

Arts and Science Minor Programs

B.F.A. Major in Visual Arts students who wish to focus their non-B.F.A. electives may undertake an optional minor program in conjunction with the B.F.A. degree.

Students may undertake any minor offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, or the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies available to Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science students (e.g.: Art History and Visual Culture, Gender and Women’s Studies, Indigenous Studies, Biology, Philosophy, etc.).

B.F.A. students are required to complete at least 30 credits with at least 12 credits at the 300/400-level. Students must also complete all the requirements for the minor. Please see the specific minor requirements listed under the various disciplines.

Students who wish to pursue a minor should consult a program advisor. Upon completion of a minor program, the notation, "Minor in [subject]" will be denoted on the student's transcript.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.