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Undergraduate Certificate in Education Studies

Program Overview

The Okanagan School of Education offers this Undergraduate Certificate in Education Studies as an introduction to the field of education. The certificate will appeal to people who are contemplating the pursuit of teaching and/or enjoy teaching others.

The certificate is available to students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs other than those offered by the Faculty of Education. The 12 credits of coursework required to complete the certificate may also be applied towards the requirements of an undergraduate degree program with approval of the offering Faculty.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Certificate program requires enrollment in an undergraduate degree program at UBC Okanagan in one of the following faculties:

  • Arts and Social Sciences
  • Creative and Critical Studies
  • Health and Social Development
  • Management
  • Science

Students should consult with their home Faculty and/or Department prior to completing the certificate requirements to confirm their eligibility for the certificate program and the impact of completing the certificate on their degree progression.

Students enrolled in UBC degree programs other than those offered by the Faculties listed are not eligible to complete this Undergraduate Certificate, but may complete the required courses as electives if permitted by their degree program.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete a total of 12 credits consisting of:

  • EDUC_O 100   Controversial Issues in Education
  • EDUC_O 300   Inquiry in Education
  • EDUC_O 400   Designing and Facilitating Effective Learning Experiences

AND 3 credits from1:

ECED_O 405Foundations of Early Childhood Education
ECED_O 416Kindergarten Curriculum
ECED_O 420History of Early Childhood Education
ECED_O 421Supporting Young Children through Home, School, and Community Relationships
ECED_O 438Observation and Recording
ECED_O 440Play and Early Childhood Education
ECED_O 441Language Nests in Early Learning
ECED_O 443Theories of Early Learning
ECED_O 444Early Numeracy
ECED_O 445Poverty, Child Development, and Early Learning
ECED_O 463Early Language and Literacy Development
ECED_O 480Special Topics in Early Childhood Education
EPSE_O 406Typical and Atypical Development in Infants and Children
EPSE_O 407Developmental Disabilities
EPSE_O 421Assessment of Learning Difficulties
EPSE_O 431Programming for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
EPSE_O 433Assessment and Positive Behavioural Support in School and Community Settings
EPSE_O 437Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Behaviour Disorders
EPSE_O 464Literacy for Diverse Learners in the Elementary Grades
EPSE_O 465Literacy for Diverse Learners in Middle and Secondary Grades
EPSE_O 466Numeracy for Diverse Learners
EPSE_O 467Social and Emotional Development of Diverse Learners
EPSE_O 468Creating Positive Learning Environments for Inclusive Education
EPSE_O 469Education for Students with Sensory Loss or Motor Impairments
EPSE_O 470Selected Topics in Inclusive Education
EPSE_O 471Applied Project in Inclusive Education
EPSE_O 472Issues in Inclusive Education
LLED_O 441Introduction to Teaching Children's Literature
LLED_O 449Teaching Adolescents' Literature
LLED_O 450Teaching and Learning Language and Literacy: Kindergarten and Primary Grades
LLED_O 451Teaching and Learning Language and Literacy: Intermediate and Middle Grades
LLED_O 452Literacy in the Content Areas: Intermediate and Secondary
LLED_O 460Theoretical Foundations and Research in English Language Arts Education
LLED_O 461Assessment of Literacy and Learning
LLED_O 463Early Language and Literacy Development
LLED_O 464Literacy for Diverse Learners in the Elementary Grades
LLED_O 465Literacy for Diverse Learners in Middle and Secondary Grades
LLED_O 466ESL and Literacy Education
LLED_O 467Drama in English Language Arts Education
LLED_O 468Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
LLED_O 481Digital Media in English Language Arts Education
LLED_O 490Special Topics in Language and Literacy Education
LLED_O 494Introduction to Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED_O 495Curriculum and Materials Design in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED_O 496Theory and Practice in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
LLED_O 497Practicum in Additional Language Teaching and Learning
EDST_O 497Contemporary Educational Issues
EDST_O 498Contemporary Educational Practice
EDST_O 499Studies in Educational Leadership

1 Not all courses are offered every year. Students should contact the Okanagan School of Education for current course offerings.

Application to Receive Certificate

Upon completion of all required courses, students must apply to receive their certificate by contacting

Please contact for more information.

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