Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
Dean's Office
Bryce Traister, Dean
Diana Carter, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)
Jodey Castricano, Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies)
Jennifer Novy, Faculty Administrator
Bobbette Armstrong-Paisley, Administrative Assistant to the Dean
Frances Brouse, Dean’s office Administrator and Property Manager
Shauna Oddleifson, Communications & Marketing Specialist
Lacia Vogel, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Wendy White, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
The University of British Columbia
Okanagan Campus
Creative and Critical Studies Building
1148 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
Tel: 250.807.8367
Fax: 250.807.8543
Email: fccs.ubco@ubc.ca
Web: www.ubc.ca/okanagan/fccs/welcome.html
Creative Studies Department
Shawn Serfas, Head
Vanessa Costa da Silveira, Secretary to the Head
Email: vanessa.costadasilveira@ubc.ca
Susan Cripps, Departmental Administrative Assistant
Tel: 250.807.9281
Email: CreativeStudies.ubco@ubc.ca
Joanne Gervais, Media Manager
Tel: 250.807.8737
Philip Wyness, Technical Director
Tel: 250.807.9783
Kaila Kalinocka, Studio Technician
Tel: 250.807.9780
Connor MacKinnon, Studio Technician
Tel: 250.807.8483
Sam Neal, Media Technician
Tel: 250.807.8818
Department of English and Cultural Studies
Jordan Stouck, Head
Jodi Lord, Secretary to Head
Tel: 250.807.9659
Department of Languages and World Literatures
Sean Lawrence, Head
Sheila Andrulevich, Secretary to Head
Tel: 250.807.9399
The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies (FCCS) offers programs leading to Bachelor of Arts degrees with majors in Art History and Visual Culture, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, English, French, Languages, and Intercultural Communication through World Literatures to the Bachelor of Media Studies, and the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, with a major in Visual Arts. The Faculty’s programs explore different dimensions of cultural expressions and relationships, as they relate to interactions among humans and between humans and other phenomena, both physical and abstract. The Faculty’s programs cultivate students’ abilities to interrogate our cultural and natural heritage; to determine which elements need to be preserved; to explore how best these can be sustained; and to better the human condition.
Programs in FCCS bring creative, critical, and interdisciplinary perspectives to bear on our understanding of issues within culture and society. This fundamental strength makes FCCS a nexus of rich intellectual stimulation because our faculty members and students integrate insights and approaches from diverse fields (including the humanities, social sciences, as well as the natural and applied sciences). The Faculty provides students with a rare opportunity to weave these perspectives into tangible creative projects such as documentary films, theatre, poetry, fiction, sculpture, literary magazines, digital archives, undergraduate conference presentations, painting, installation art, and original contributions to ongoing dialogues in our multi-disciplinary fields of expertise.
Faculty members and students in FCCS are engaged in cutting-edge scholarly and creative activities. Among the issues addressed in these projects are the role of art and creative writing in environmental conservation and sustainable livelihoods; the reshaping of human society through new media and other forms of technology; the intersection of various forms of identity and material culture with politics and economics in the era of globalization; the relationships among the mass media, popular culture, representation, and civic engagement; and how language, literature, and intercultural communications shape, and are shaped by, particular historical contexts.
FCCS is proud to provide innovative experiential learning opportunities that transform our students into global citizens who make positive contributions to communities close to home and farther afield and build bridges of understanding and mutual development across the world. Students in FCCS programs take part in exhibitions around the world; conduct research, and immerse themselves, in cultural milieu during field schools abroad; participate in local community projects; and undertake internships with various local, national, and international organizations.
Administrative Units
The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies consists of several programs, some of which run across its three administrative units - the Department of Creative Studies, the Department of English and Cultural Studies and the Department of Languages and World Literatures - and some of which intersect with offerings in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The Department of Creative Studies includes disciplines principally involved in the production of artworks (e.g., Art History and Visual Culture, Creative Writing, Theatre, and Visual Arts) while the Department of English and Cultural Studies and the Department of Languages and World Literatures include academic disciplines involved in the analysis and critical reception of artistic and cultural productions (e.g.,Cultural Studies, English, Film, French, German, Japanese Studies, and Spanish).
Note: B.A. programming in Art History and Visual Culture, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, English, French, and French and Spanish is subject to the B.A. requirements described in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences section of the Academic Calendar, while current programming in studio Visual Arts is subject to different B.F.A. requirements described in this section.
Note: the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies also offers an M.A. in English, and M.Des. in collaboration with the School of Engineering, M.F.A. and M.A. and Ph.D. degree programs under the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies program.