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Basic Program Degree Requirements


Graduation Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum of 60% in each course to be able to apply the course to the B.S.N. Degree. A minimum cumulative grade average of 65% for all courses required in the B.S.N. program must be obtained in order to graduate. Normally students must complete the program within seven years of initial entry.

Taking Non-UBC Courses While Registered in the B.S.N. Program

The program must ensure the professional competency of its B.S.N. graduates; therefore, practice courses and some theory courses must be completed at the UBC Okanagan campus. Students are advised to seek academic advising prior to registering in courses outside of UBC Okanagan that they wish to apply to their B.S.N. degree.

Students require a letter of permission from the School of Nursing to register in most other academic institutions. On completion of the course, students are responsible for submitting an official transcript as well as a request form to have the credits assessed and applied to their degree.

Note: For further details please refer to the BSN Program Procedure for Taking Non-UBC Courses While in the Nursing Program located on the School of Nursing website.

Residency Requirements

Students in the B.S.N. program are also subject to the Requirements to Receive a Degree or Diploma.

Residency Requirement for Okanagan College B.S.N. Block Transfer Students

Once admitted, students will join the third-year of the B.S.N. program. Students in the B.S.N. program are generally subject to the Requirements to Receive a Degree or Diploma; however, the B.S.N. Block Transfer program is established such that over 50% of its total required credits are taken at Okanagan College (OC).

The B.S.N. Block Transfer program is established such that over 50% of its total of 130 required credits are taken at OC. There are 66 required credits taken in years one and two at OC. The 64 credits required in years 3 and 4 of the program must be taken at UBC’s Okanagan Campus.

B.S.N. Degree Course Requirements

First YearCredits
Term One: Semester I 
HINT_O 110 Applied Research in Health3
NRSG_O 111 Foundations of Health3
NRSG_O 112 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing I1.5
NRSG_O 113 Relational Practice I1.5
BIOL_O 131 Human Anatomy and Physiology I13
One of ENGL_O 112 or 114, 113, 150, 151, 15313
Term Two: Semester II 
NRSG_O 101 Nursing Lab Practice I2
NRSG_O 120 Introduction to Nursing Research3
NRSG_O 122 Introduction to the Profession of Nursing II1.5
NRSG_O 123 Relational Practice II1.5
NRSG_O 126 Health and Healing I3
NRSG_O 136 Nursing Practice I3
BIOL_O 133 Human Anatomy and Physiology II13


Second Year 
Term One: Semester III 
NRSG_O 201 Nursing Lab Practice II2
NRSG_O 210 Pharmacology for Nursing I1.5
NRSG_O 213 Relational Practice III1.5
NRSG_O 226 Health & Healing II1.5
NRSG_O 236 Nursing Practice with Acute care Patients I3
One of NRSG_O 228 Community Health or NRSG_O 229 Mental Health1.5
One of NRSG_O 238 Nursing Practice in Community NRSG_O 239 Nursing Practice in Mental Health3
HINT_O 231 Pathophysiology for Health Sciences13
Term Two: Semester IV 
NRSG_O 202 Nursing Lab Practice III2
NRSG_O 220 Pharmacology for Nursing II1.5
NRSG_O 223 Relational Practice IV1.5
NRSG_O 227 Health & Healing III1.5
NRSG_O 237 Nursing Practice III3
One of NRSG_O 228 Community Health or NRSG_O 229 Mental Health1.5
One of NRSG_O 238 Nursing Practice in Community NRSG_O 239 Nursing Practice in Mental Health3
BIOL_O 232 Human Infectious Disease13


Third Year 
Term One: Semester V 
NRSG_O 301 Nursing Lab Practice IV1
NRSG_O 310 Palliative Approach to Care3
NRSG_O 326 Health & Healing IV1.5
NRSG_O 336 Nursing Practice with Medical Patients4
One of NRSG_O 328 Health of the Childbearing Family or NRSG_O 329 Child health1.5
One of NRSG_O 338 Nursing Practice with Childbearing Families or NRSG_O 339 Nursing Practice in Child Health2
One of HINT_O 321 Planetary Health/Human Health or HINT_O 331 Nutrition for Health Sciences 3
Term Two: Semester VI 
NRSG_O 302 Nursing Lab Practice V1
NRSG_O 320 Global Health or HINT_O 320 Global Health3
NRSG_O 327 Health & Healing V 1.5
NRSG_O 337 Nursing Practice with Surgical Patients4
One of NRSG_O 328 Health of the Childbearing Family or NRSG_O 329 Child health1.5
One of NRSG_O 338 Nursing Practice with Childbearing Families or NRSG_O 339 Nursing Practice in Child Health2
NRSG 313 Relational Practice V3


Fourth Year 
Term One: Semester VII 
NRSG_O 421 Capstone NCLEX Preparation3
NRSG_O 422 Leadership3
NRSG_O 432 Capstone Project4
Nursing Electives3
Term Two: Semester VIII 
NRSG_O 431 Capstone Acute Care Preceptorship8
Nursing Preceptorship 8
1 May be taken before entering the Nursing program.

2 To support clinical placements in Year 3 & Year 4, students are split into three cohorts:

Cohort 1 completes Year 3 from May through December, and Year 4 from January through August.

Cohort 2 completes Year 3 from September through April, and Year 4 from May through December.

Cohort 3 completes Year 3 from May through August and January through April, and Year 4 from September through April.

One of NRSG_O 423, NRSG_O 424, NRSG_O 426, NRSG_O 427, NRSG_O 428, NRSG_O 429, HINT_O 429 - these courses are prerequisites for term two NRSG Preceptorship options.
Options of NRSG_O 434, 440, 436, 437, 438, 439 for a total of 8 credits – options are limited by availability of placements.


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