You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

Students in the Bachelor of Sustainability program must complete the following degree requirements:

  • A minimum of 123 credits of which:
    • 42 credits are in core integrative courses in sustainability, including SUST_O 202 and SUST_O 302, which are Community Service Learning courses involving a group project with a community partner. To ensure timely progression through the program, students must enroll in the core SUST_O-coded courses corresponding to their year in the program.  
    • At least 42 additional credits are from courses in one concentration, of which at least 21 credits must be at the 300/400 level.
    • Remaining credits are from a selection of electives recommended for the program. Overall, students must complete 48 credits in upper-level courses to fulfill degree requirements.
    • Recommended electives may also occur in a concentration. Course credit can only be used once toward concentration or elective requirements. Double-counting of course credit will not be granted.

  • Once accepted into the Bachelor of Sustainability program, students are expected to complete all of their coursework at the UBC Okanagan Campus, with the exception of credit completed through a UBC Go Global student exchange experience or through the cross-campus exchange program.

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