You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Cultural Studies

Admission requirements 

Prospective Cultural Studies students can declare a Cultural Studies major, combined major or minor at any time. 

Major in Cultural Studies

First and Second Years

B.A. requirements, including the following:

  • CULT_O 100, 101;
  • 3 credits of CULT_O courses numbered from 200 to 229;
  • 3 credits of CULT_O courses numbered from 230 to 299;
  • 3 credits of 200-level courses from:
    ANTH_O 205, 218, 252; ARTH_O, CRWR_O 205, 210, 219, 250, 260; DIHU_O, GEOG_O 255; GWST_O, INDG_O 201, 202, 203, SOCI_O 212, 216, 217, 219, 226, 228, 231, 249; THTR_O 204, 211, 212, VISA_O 200, 201, 206, 244, 261, 266, 268, 269

Third and Fourth Years

30 credits from the 300- and 400-level courses below with at least 9 credits of CULT designated courses in each of the two lists (Media and Popular Cultures and Identities and Power), including at least 6 credits of CULT designated courses at the 400-level.

Media and Popular Cultures Course List
CULT_O 300 Documentary and Docudrama (ENGL_O 378)
CULT_O 301 Media Studies and Popular Cultures: Areas and Themes
CULT_O 303 Narrative Film Production (FILM_O 303; THTR_O 303)
CULT_O 305 English-Canadian Screen Culture (ENGL_O 377)
CULT_O 308 Digital Humanities: Areas and Themes (DIHU_O 308)
CULT_O 312 Internet Culture
CULT_O 313 Topics in Transnational Asian Pop Culture
CULT_O 315 Television Studies (ENGL_O 376)
CULT_O 317 Digital Documentary Production (FILM_O 371)
CULT_O 320 Creative Activism: Art, Media, and Social Justice (ARTH_O 323)
CULT_O 325 Media and the Politics of Identity
CULT_O 362 Advance Practice in Photography (VISA_O 362)
CULT_O 382 Advanced Practice in Media Communications (VISA_O 382)
CULT_O 384 Spoken Word (THTR_O 384; CRWR_O 384)
CULT_O 400 Topics in Popular Culture (ENGL_O 493)
CULT_O 401 Topics in Media Studies
CULT_O 406 Digital Afterlives (DIHU_O 406)
CULT_O 405 Reading Gothic Film (ENGL_O 455)
CULT_O 409 Topics in Digital Humanities (DIHU_O 409, ENGL_O 409)
CULT_O 410 Asian Cinema
ARTH_O 301 Critical Viewing - Advanced Studies
ARTH_O 410 Gender, Art, and Space in the Islamic World
Identities and Power List
CULT_O 309 Performance Art: Global Perspectives (ARTH_O 309, THTR_O 309)
CULT_O 340 Colonialism and Decolonization (ENGL_O 379)
CULT_O 346 Human Rights, Literature, and Culture (ENGL_O 384)
CULT_O 350 Indigenous Literature: Intellectual Traditions (ENGL_O 387)
CULT_O 351 Settler Studies, Literature, and Culture (ENGL_O 385)
CULT_O 360 Public Memory, Commemoration, and Identity
CULT_O 370 Writing the Self: Theory and Practice (GWST_O 340)
CULT_O 371 Modern Critical Theory and Interdisciplinary Methods (ENGL_O 309)
CULT_O 375 Auto/Biography Survey (ENGL_O 342)
CULT_O 390 Identities and Power: Areas and Themes
CULT_O 411 Performance Studies (THTR_O 411)
CULT_O 437 Postcolonial Studies (ENGL_O 437)
CULT_O 450 Studies in Indigenous Literature and Criticism (ENGL_O 473)
CULT_O 460 Posthumanism and Critical Animal Studies (ENGL_O 457)
CULT_O 470 Interdisciplinary Studies in Critical Theory (ENGL_O 412)
CULT_O 475 Topics in Auto/Biography (ENGL_O 456)
CULT_O 485 Masculinities, Media, and Performance
CULT_O 490 Topics in Identities and Power
CULT_O 491 Black Intellectual Traditions (ENGL_O 491)
ANTH_O 355 Ethnography of Development
ANTH_O 377 Sociolinguistics
ANTH_O 401 Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
GEOG_O 359 Culture, Space, and Politics
GEOG_O 480 Advanced Seminar in Critical Geography
GWST_O 333 Perspectives on Gendered Bodies
GWST_O 335 Gender and Women's Studies in Humanities
GWST_O 419 (3) Gender, Dress, and Fashion: Histories and Theories
HIST_O 352 Class and Culture in Latin America
INDG_O 301 Examining Indigenous Methodology: En'owkinwixw
INDG_O 303 Indigenous Studies Theory and Methodology
INDG_O 305 Indigenous Justice
INDG_O 306 Indigenous Land Claims
INDG_O 308 Indigenous Culture, Heritage, and Intellectual Property
INDG_O 310 Gender Nation State Resistance
INDG_O 420 Indigenous Perspectives on Food, Place, Identity, and Biodiversity
INDG_O 440 Residential Schools and Reconciliation
INDG_O 450 Women Feminisms Activisms
SOCI_O 301 Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment
SOCI_O 313 Advanced Studies in Sociology of Gender
SOCI_O 320 Cultural Studies in Sociology
SOCI_O 371 Deviance and Social Control
SOCI_O 415 Feminist Theory
SOCI_O 430 Labour in a Global Economy
SOCI_O 467 Social Movements
Other Cultural Studies Courses
CULT_O 495 Directed Studies
CULT_O 499 Community-Engaged Research in Cultural Studies

Not all courses will be offered each year; the program will publish the list of offered courses on a year-to-year basis at Cultural Studies.

Some of this program's third and fourth year course options are from other established programs, which may have program-based prerequisites that will limit students' choices. Students are advised to make themselves aware of these prerequisites as they plan their degrees.

Combined Major with Cultural Studies

A combined major is created by satisfying the requirements for a combined major in Cultural Studies and another B.A. program that offers a combined major (currently Art History and Visual Culture, Creative Writing, English and French. A single course can only fulfill the combined major requirement for one program.

The Cultural Studies requirements for the combined major include the following:

First and Second Years

B.A. requirements, including the following:

  • CULT_O 100, 101;
  • 6 credits of 200-level CULT_O, with at least 3 credits from CULT_O 200 TO 229 and 3 credits from CULT_O 230 to 299.

Third and Fourth Years

  • 21 credits of 300- and 400-level courses from the course lists provided for the major, with:
    • At least 6 credits of CULT_O designated courses from each of the following: 1) Media and Popular Cultures, 2) Identities and Power; and
    • including 3 credits of CULT_O designated courses at the 400-level.

Minor in Cultural Studies

To complete a Minor in Cultural Studies, students must complete the following:

  • CULT_O 100, 101;
  • 6 credits of 200-level CULT_O; and
  • at least 18 credits of 300- or 400-level courses applicable to the Major in Cultural Studies, at least 3 credits of which must be CULT_O designated courses at the 400-level.

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