You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Management

This dual degree program option offers qualified students the opportunity to earn, in one program of study, an undergraduate B.F.A. degree from the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies and a Master of Management degree from the Faculty of Management. This dual degree program option can be completed in four and one half years through intensive study and scheduling that includes one summer of study following the completion of their undergraduate program requirements. During the period of undergraduate study, admitted students are required to complete MGMT_O 100 Introduction to Business and MGMT_O 110 Introduction to Management Thought and Social Responsibility and at least two intensive, week-long workshops. The workshops are offered over summer terms, are self-contained, and can be completed in any order. Workshops will focus on personal development, and enable critical thinking on equity, inclusion, diversity, enculturation, emotional intelligence, social interaction, metacognition, research, inquiry, sensibility, sustainability, well-being, communication, and presentation. These workshops will emphasize social and economic issues in ways that link theory and practice.

Additional fees are required for the dual degree program option. Further information is available in the Faculty of Management section of the Academic Calendar.

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