Psychology (B.A.)
Note: The UBC Okanagan campus also offers a B.Sc. Major in Psychology.
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Major in Psychology provides a strong foundation for advanced training that can lead to a career in Psychology or other professions.
Students gain a broad perspective in Psychology with courses in such diverse areas as biopsychology, cognitive, developmental, social, personality, and clinical psychology. In addition, students gain an understanding and appreciation of the empirical method as it is applied across the discipline.
Students intending to pursue graduate studies in Psychology are advised to consider taking the Honours Program because many Canadian universities expect potential graduate students to have completed an Honours degree (or equivalent).
Students are encouraged to declare their major in Psychology at the end of their first year. To be admitted to the major program, students must successfully complete both PSYO_O 111 and 121 (or equivalent) and a minimum of 24 credits. To continue as a Psychology Major, a student must complete both PSYO_O 270 and 271 (or equivalent); these courses should be completed in second year.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge Base
- Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
- Develop a working knowledge of psychology's content domains
- Describe applications of psychology
2. Scientific Inquiry & Critical thinking
- Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
- Demonstrate psychology information literacy
- Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
- Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
- Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry
3. Ethical & Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
- Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
- Build and enhance interpersonal relationships
- Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels
4. Communication
- Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
- Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes
- Interact effectively with others
5. Professional Development
- Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
- Exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation
- Refine project-management skills
- Enhance teamwork capacity
- Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation
B.A. Major in Psychology
Degree Requirements
Major in Psychology | Credits |
Foundational Requirements | 21 |
Distribution Requirements | 12 |
Program Requirements | 48 |
300/400-level Electives outside of PSYO_O | 18 |
Electives (including PSYO_O) any level | 21 |
Total Credits | 120 |
Program Requirements
First Year – Required Courses | Credits |
PSYO_O 111 | 3 |
PSYO_O 121 | 3 |
Total credits | 6 |
Second Year – Required Courses | Credits |
PSYO_O 270 | 3 |
PSYO_O 271 | 3 |
Total credits | 6 |
Second, Third, and Fourth Years – Breadth Requirement and Electives | Credits |
PSYO_O 220 | 3 |
PSYO_O 200-level or higher | 3 |
PSYO_O 300/400-level (or higher) credits | 30 |
Total credits | 36 |
Note: By taking PSYO_O 220, students will meet the Developmental breadth area requirement. Students can utilize 9 of the remaining 33 PSYO_O credits to meet the other three breadth area requirements. See Psychology Breadth Area Courses table below. Students may take more than 3 credits within each breadth area requirement. |
Program Requirement (Minimum) Total Credits | 48 |
Psychology Breadth Area Courses | |
Many Psychology courses fall within one of the following four breadth areas. Students must take at least one 3-credit course from each of the four breadth areas. For Developmental, this will generally be met by taking PSYO_O 220. Other Developmental courses are listed for students interested in taking additional courses within that area. For the other areas, courses from the lists below can be taken as program or degree requirement electives.1 | |
Cognitive & Behavioural Neuroscience: at least one of PSYO_O 219, 230, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 334, 3352, 434 | 3 |
Developmental: PSYO_O 220, 321, 322, 323, 420 | 3 |
Mental Health & Wellness: PSYO_O 280, 3355, 343, 346, 348, 3495, 3575, 402, 440 | 3 |
Social Psychology & Personality: PSYO_O 241, 252, 3495, 353, 354, 355, 356, 3575, 452, 455 | 3 |
Breadth Area PSYO_O Electives | 12 |
1 Relevant special topics courses (PSYO_O 380/480) may be used to meet breadth area requirements with permission from the program advisor.
2 Courses that are listed in two breadth areas can only be used to meet the breadth requirement for one or the other area, not both areas simultaneously.
Note: Not all Psychology courses are offered each year. Some courses are offered in alternate years, and some may not be offered for several years. Students are advised to check the current schedule of course offerings.
B.A. Psychology Honours Program
The Honours degree program enables high-achieving students in the Psychology Major to increase their concentration in Psychology and to gain research experience in the completion of an Honours thesis. Students are expected to satisfy high levels of competency in their academic achievement and to successfully complete a research project under the supervision of a faculty member.
Admission Requirements
- Fourth-year standing;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% from all courses in Psychology;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% over the last 60 credits;
- Preliminary thesis topic approved by a thesis supervisor (note: the department head must approve the thesis supervisor);
- Completion of PSYO_O 372 and PSYO_O 373 with a minimum of 76% in each of these courses.
Degree Requirements
Honours in Psychology | Credits |
Foundational Requirements | 21 |
Distribution Requirements | 12 |
Program Requirements | 54 |
300/400-level Electives outside of PSYO_O | 18 |
Electives (including PSYO_O) any level | 15 |
Total Credits | 120 |
Program Requirements
First Year – Required Courses | Credits |
PSYO_O 111 | 3 |
PSYO_O 121 | 3 |
Total credits | 6 |
Second Year – Required Courses | Credits |
PSYO_O 270 | 3 |
PSYO_O 271 | 3 |
Total credits | 6 |
Third Year – Required Courses | Credits |
PSYO_O 3723 | 3 |
PSYO_O 3733 | 3 |
Total credits | 6 |
Fourth Year – Required Course | Credits |
PSYO_O 490 | 6 |
Second, Third and Fourth Years – Breadth Requirement and Electives | Credits |
PSYO_O 220 | 3 |
PSYO_O electives 300/400-level (or higher) credits | 27 |
Total credits | 30 |
Note: By taking PSYO_O 220, students will meet the Developmental breadth area requirement. Students can utilize 9 of the remaining 33 PSYO_O credits to meet the other three breadth area requirements. See Psychology Breadth Area Courses table above. Students may take more than 3 credits within each breadth area requirement. | |
Program Requirement Total Credits | 54 |
3 PSYO_O 372 and PSYO_O 373 must be completed before admission to the Honours Program, with a minimum of 76% in each of these courses.
Graduation Requirements
- All requirements for the Psychology Major;
- Completion of PSYO_O 372 (Research Methods and Statistics), PSYO_O 373 (Advanced Research Methods and Statistics), and 6 credits of PSYO_O 490 (Undergraduate Honours Thesis and associated seminar) with a minimum of 76% in each of these courses;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% from all courses in Psychology;
- Minimum weighted average of 76% over the last 60 credits;
- Public presentation of the thesis; and
- A minimum of 54 credits of Psychology, of which 42 must be upper-level courses.
Minor in Psychology
To complete a Minor in Psychology, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Psychology out of the 120 credits required for the B.A. degree. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above.