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Physics and Astronomy


Major in Physics

This program aims to provide a comprehensive physics education with considerable emphasis on both theoretical foundations and laboratory practice. The theoretical and mathematical components develop the intellectual skills and versatility needed either to pursue physics professionally at the post-graduate level, or to cross over into other professions such as medicine, actuarial science, meteorology, and secondary education, in which a physics background is strongly preferred. The senior laboratory components consist of long-range projects rather than prescribed exercises, to encourage initiative on the part of the student and to prepare them for the inventive atmosphere of modern high-tech industry. Graduates of this program have attained success in high-tech industry, computer software development, secondary education, and post-graduate studies.


First YearCredits
CHEM_O 121, 1236
ENGL_O 1091, or two of ENGL_O 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, CORH_O 2036
MATH_O 100 or 1163
MATH_O 101 or 1033
PHYS_O 111 or 1123
PHYS_O 121 or 1223
Total Credits30


Second Year 
ASTR_O 210, or one of PHYS_O 225, 305, 314, 3203
MATH_O 200, 2213, 225, 317412
PHYS_O 200, 215, 216, 231, 23215
Total Credits30


Third and Fourth Years


MATH_O 319


PHYS_O 301, 304, 328, 331


One of PHYS_O 401, 402, 403


400-level Physics and Astronomy elective


Upper-level Physics and Astronomy electives5                                                


Upper-level science electives


Upper-level electives


Non-science electives6




Total Credits


Minimum credits for degree120

1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 or 114.

2COSC_O 111 and 121 are strongly recommended. Students considering a career in geosciences should take EESC_O 111, 121, and 350. Students considering a career in astronomy should take ASTR_O 110, 120, 210 and 321.

3MATH_O 221 may be taken in the second term of the first year.

4MATH_O 317 may be taken in the third year.

5PHYS_O 335 cannot be used as upper-level Physics electives.  Capable students are advised to consider selecting the directed studies course PHYS_O 448, which grants either 2, 3, 4, or 6 upper-level credits in Physics.

6 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114.

Combined Major in Physics and Mathematics

Provides students with a rich background in both theoretical physics and mathematics. The program consists of core training in both disciplines and electives that highlight common ground between the two fields. Graduates of the program will be well prepared for post-graduate studies in theoretical physics or applied mathematics. The combined major will also prepare students for further training and careers in education, finance, computer software development, or industrial research.


First YearCredits
CHEM_O 111 or CHEM_O 121; and CHEM_O 113 or CHEM_O 1236
MATH_O 1003
MATH_O 101 or 1033
ENGL_O 1091, or two of ENGL_O 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, CORH_O 203                                                                             6
PHYS_O 111 or 1123
PHYS_O 121 or 1223
COSC_O 1113
DATA_O 1013
Total Credits30


Second Year 
PHYS_O 200, 215, 2169
Two of ASTR_O 210; PHYS_O 231, 2326
MATH_O 200, 221, 225, 3172 and STAT_O 203                                            15
Total Credits30


Third and Fourth Years 
MATH_O 220, 319, 327, 350, STAT_O 30315
PHYS_O 301, 304, 3289
One of PHYS_O 4013, 4023, 41833
Two of MATH_O 303, 408, 459; STAT_O 4036
Three of ASTR_O 321; PHYS_O 331, 400, 4013, 4023, 403, 407, 408, 4183, 420, 425, 441, 4749
Non-science electives12
Total Credits60
Minimum credits for degree120

1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 or 114.

2MATH_O 317 may be taken in the third year but is a requirement for PHYS_O 301.

3Each of PHYS_O 401, 402, 418 may only fulfill one requirement.

4 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL _O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114.

Physics Honours Program

This program enables high-achieving Physics Major students to gain research experience through the completion of an Honours Thesis. It is particularly recommended to those students intending to pursue post-graduate studies.

The course requirements for first and second year are the same as in the Major in Physics program.


Third and Fourth Years


MATH_O 319


PHYS_O 301, 304, 328, 331, 401, 402, 403, 441                                                                                            


PHYS_O 449


Upper-level Physics and Astronomy electives5                                                                             


Non-science electives




Total Credits


Minimum credits for degree


1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 112 or 114.

2COSC_O 111 and 121 are strongly recommended. Students considering a career in geosciences should take EESC_O 111, 121, and 350. Students considering a career in astronomy should take ASTR_O 110, 120, 210 and 321.

3MATH_O 221 may be taken in the second term of the first year.

4MATH_O 317 may be taken in the third year.

5PHYS_O 335 cannot be used as upper-level Physics electives. 

Admission Requirements

  • Fourth-year standing in the Physics Major program;
  • Students with a minimum grade average of 76% in all courses taken to date may apply to be considered for the Honours program. Admission is at the discretion of the Department Head, and may be subject to a ranking of those students applying
  • Enrollment in PHYS_O 449 (Honours Thesis).  The thesis proposal and research supervisor must be approved by the Academic Department.

In exceptional cases, such as transferees from another institution, a student may be admitted by permission of the Academic Department notwithstanding the above criteria.

Graduation Requirements 

  • Minimum cumulative grade average of 76% for all second-, third-, and fourth-year non-elective science courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the Physics Honours Program; and
  • Completion of PHYS_O 449 with a minimum grade of 76%. A written thesis is required, with a public seminar presentation of the thesis research.

Combined Physics and Mathematics Honours Program

This program enables high-achieving students to gain research experience through the completion of an Honours Thesis. It is particularly recommended to students intending to pursue graduate studies. The course requirements for first- and second-year are the same as in the Combined Majors in Physics and Mathematics. 

Third and Fourth Years 
MATH_O 220, 319, 327, 350, STAT_O 30315
PHYS_O 301, 304, 3289
One of PHYS_O 4011, 4021, 41813
Two of MATH_O 303, 408, 459; STAT_O 4036
Three of ASTR_O 321; PHYS_O 331, 400, 4011, 4021, 403, 407, 408, 4181, 420, 425, 441, 4749
Non-science electives212
PHYS_O 449 or MATH_O 4486
Total Credits60
Minimum credits for degree120

1 Each of PHYS_O 401, 402, 418 may only fulfill one requirement

2 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 and later will be required to take 3 credits of an indigenous content course to partially fulfill this requirement

Admission Requirements

  • Fourth-year standing in the Combined Major in Physics and Mathematics program;  
  • Students with a minimum grade average of 76% in all courses taken to date may apply to be considered for the Honours program. Admission is at the discretion of the Department Head, and may be subject to a ranking of those students applying; Students taking PHYS_O 449 must have the thesis proposal and research supervisor approved by the Academic Department. 

In exceptional cases, such as transferees from another institution, a student may be admitted by permission of the Academic Department notwithstanding the above criteria.

Graduation Requirements

  • Minimum cumulative grade average of 76% for all second-, third-, and fourth-year non-elective science courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the Combined Physics and Mathematics Honours Program; and 
  • Six credits of either PHYS_O 449 or Math _O 448 with a minimum grade of 76%. 


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