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Political Science


The completion of a degree in Political Science has long been recognized as sound undergraduate preparation for careers in law, business, politics, social work, and public administration. The Major in Political Science is designed to produce a graduate with a solid understanding of the institutions of government, their relationship to politically active non-governmental organizations, the articulation and implementation of public policy, and the role of the informed citizen in a liberal democracy. At UBC Okanagan, you can complete a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree with a major or minor in political science.

Program Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:   

  • Develop strong appreciation for democratic values and principles, demonstrating an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society. They can engage in discussions on political participation, advocacy, and civic responsibility. 
  • Acquire a global perspective on political issues, recognizing the interconnectedness of political systems and the reciprocal impact of international events on local and national contexts and vice versa.   
  • Demonstrate an ability to analyze international relations and governance structures using social scientific models and empirical data. 
  • Recognize and appreciate the diversity of political perspectives and experiences, understanding the effects of political decisions on different, often competing, groups within society. 
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key concepts, theories, debates, and historical developments in the discipline of political science. 

Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating   

  • Acquire advanced critical thinking skills by evaluating the logic of and evidence for political theories and empirical political findings, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of political issues at local, national, and international levels. 
  • Apply political science theories and methodologies to analyze contemporary issues, demonstrating the ability to critically assess how political phenomena intersect with social and economic phenomena. 
  • Are able to analyze and evaluate the ethical dimensions of political choices, demonstrating an understanding of responsible democratic citizenship and the implications of political action on rights, power, justice, and the economy. 
  • Synthesize information from diverse sources to propose innovative solutions to political challenges, considering the structural and institutional factors that influence decision-making at the local, national, and international levels. 
  • Have the skills to critically examine the role of citizens in shaping political outcomes and identifying areas for improvement in fostering responsible and inclusive democratic governance. 

General Skills 

  • Possess advanced research and communication skills, including the ability to gather, analyze, and present information effectively. They are able to articulate complex political concepts in a clear and accessible manner for diverse audiences. 
  • Engage in reflective practices, considering their own values and biases in relation to political issues, and demonstrate an awareness of the importance of ongoing self-reflection in fostering responsible democratic and citizenship. 

Major in Political Science

Admission Requirements

Admission into the program requires an overall average of at least 70% in all courses attempted toward the B.A. degree.

Degree Requirements

Major in Political Science                                                                                                          Credits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements48
300/400-level Electives outside of POLI_O18
Electives any level21
Total Credits120

Note: Some program requirements may be applied to Foundational and Distribution requirements; see B.A. requirements.  

Program Requirements

First and Second YearsCredits
POLI_O 1003
One of POLI_O 202, 2303
One of POLI_O 210, 2203
One of POLI_O 240, 2503
One of POLI_O 221, 2703
Total 100/200-level credits                                                                                                       15
Third and Fourth Years: See POLI_O Focus Areas tableCredits
One course from each of the four focus areas12
Two additional 300/400-level courses from a single focus area6
400-level seminars: Two of POLI_O 401, 404, 409, 411, 413, 429, 430, 431, 435, 449, 454, 456, 464, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 486, 489  6
Additional 300/400-level POLI_O9
Total 300/400-level credits33
Program Requirement Total Credits48

POLI_O Focus Areas 
Political Theory 
POLI_O 354, 356, 358, 359, 360, 361, 365, 367, 369, 401, 454, 456, 469, 4621, 4701, 474    
Canadian Politics 
POLI_O 3032, 325, 3312 ,332, 333, 335, 337, 349, 363, 384, 4043, 430, 431, 4323; 449   
International Relations 
POLI_O 3644, 3665, 370, 372, 3734, 374, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, 386, 3875, 389, 435, 4646, 471, 472, 473, 4896    
Comparative Politics 
POLI_O 310, 311, 3127 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 3347, 411, 413, 429    

Note: Courses that are listed in two focus areas can only be used to meet the requirement for one or the other area, not both areas simultaneously.

Credit will only be granted for one of:  
1 POLI_O 462 or POLI_O 470 
2  POLI_O 303 or POLI_O 331
3  POLI_O 404 or POLI_O 432
POLI_O 364 or POLI_O 373
5  POLI_O 366 or POLI_O 387
6  POLI_O 464 or POLI_O 489 when topics are of the same nature.
7 POLI_O 312 or POLI_O 334

Minor in Political Science

To complete a Minor in Political Science, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Political Science out of the 120 credits required for the B.A. degree. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above.

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