You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Bachelor of Education Academic Regulations - BEd

For the Academic Regulations of ETEP and STEP programs, refer to the archived Academic Calendars.


Information in this section is supplementary to the general policies and regulations set out in the Academic Policies and Regulations in this Calendar and applies specifically to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program.

Professional Conduct in the Bachelor of Education Program

The mission of the Bachelor of Education Program (the “Program”) within the Okanagan School of Education (the “School”) at the University of British Columbia is to prepare teachers who are knowledgeable, skillful, flexible, and compassionate members of the profession guided by a sense of social and ethical responsibility in relation to their students and the wider society. The School understands teaching as a moral activity guided by ideals of human good and conceptions of what is educationally valuable.

While many graduates of the Program enter the teaching profession and teach in public schools, others teach in international schools, independent schools, or non-school settings such as museums, art galleries, and recreational settings. The current Program reflects this diversity by placing students in a range of learning environments including, but not limited to, public school settings.

B.Ed. students in the School must comply with this policy in their interactions with faculty, peers, teachers, staff, and students at all times.

Role of the School

The School is charged with ensuring that all graduates of the Program have the requisite competencies and can meet the professional practice standards to be eligible for professional certification as educators in the Province of British Columbia from the British Columbia Ministry of Education and Child Care. While B.Ed. students are ultimately responsible for their own behaviour, the School appreciates that students are still in the process of learning. The School and others involved in instruction in the Program are expected to model professional conduct and, where necessary, help B.Ed. students improve their understanding of professional conduct expectations.

Expectations for the Professional Conduct of B.Ed. Students

Professional conduct is the set of attitudes, behaviours, and characteristics deemed desirable in members of a profession and that define the profession and its relationship to its members and to society.

It is the responsibility of B.Ed. students in the Program to familiarize themselves with and meet the expectations for professional conduct in all settings.

Faculty members are expected to help B.Ed. students interpret specific school and/or practicum guidelines and apply them appropriately in their conduct.

Membership in the teaching profession demands integrity, competence, and adherence to ethical standards. Teaching is a profession that is enormously demanding and carries considerable responsibility as teachers assume a crucial and challenging role in the support, care, and development of other people’s children.

At all times B.Ed. students in the Program are expected to demonstrate:

  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Act with integrity and demonstrate personal and academic honesty in all interactions and communications, both orally and in writing. Communicate truthfully with students, teachers and other school-based personnel, peers, faculty members, and staff.
  • Acknowledge contributions made to course assignments, lesson plans, and materials designed or provided by others.

  • Respect for Others
  • Engage only in respectful interactions with others that do not discriminate on grounds protected by the British Columbia Human Rights Code.
  • Contribute to a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning and the conduct of professional work. Maintain personal composure and consideration for others in all interactions.
  • Ensure that all communications, including those on the internet and social media, are respectful.
  • Establish and maintain appropriate personal boundaries in relationships with others both on and off campus.
  • Do not engage in conduct that exploits students or others for personal, sexual, ideological, or other advantage.
  • Respect the confidentiality of student information, the dignity of children, and their right to confidentiality, subject to your legal and professional obligations, which include a duty to report abuse or suspected abuse.
  • Treat students and their families with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussions with other members of educational teams.

  • Responsibility
  • Be accountable for personal conduct. Show enthusiasm, initiative, adaptability, and curiosity.
  • Receive feedback in a non-defensive and receptive manner.
  • Meet expectations related to dependability, punctuality, attendance, and participation. Meet deadlines.
  • Use social media responsibly, refraining from posting any information or comments related to students or colleagues or any personal information without appropriate consents.
  • Assure the primacy of students’ wellbeing.
  • Respect boundaries between teachers and students in all interactions, including social media.
  • Create environments that are conducive to student learning.
  • Recognize your own limitations and seek help when your level of experience is inadequate.

B.Ed. students are expected to adhere to the UBC Statement of Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty, and Staff.

B.Ed. students are also expected to be familiar with and to comply with the policies of the University relating to conduct including but not limited to:

In addition, when B.Ed. students are in school or field settings, they are expected to be familiar with relevant policies and procedures governing conduct within those settings including but not limited to:


The Bachelor of Education at UBC Okanagan is an intensive full-time program and is highly participatory in nature. Regular attendance is a professional commitment that is expected of B.Ed. students in all classes and other mandatory scheduled events. Satisfactory attendance includes arriving on time, remaining for the duration of class or experience, and participating in all scheduled coursework, practicums, and field experiences. B.Ed. students who do not attend or participate regularly may not meet course expectations.

Vacations and other personal events should not conflict with classes, practicum, place-based learning and field experiences.

B.Ed. students who, because of unforeseen events, experience a prolonged absence during a term must report to department head or designate to request academic concession as close as possible to the time when attendance is adversely affected.

See UBC Calendar Policies and Regulations on Academic Concession for information on conflicting responsibilities and unforeseen events.

Prolonged absence during a course or field experience may result in program discontinuation or withdrawal. Absences during field experience may result in the timeframe for field experience to be extended to meet duration and teaching assignment requirements.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for information regarding attendance, including reporting an absence.

Field Experience (Coursework, Practicums, Community Field Experience)

Practicum placements are arranged by the Field Experience Coordinator and are normally in schools and/or school districts in the Thompson Okanagan region. The availability of placements in some areas may be limited and B.Ed. students must be prepared to accept a placement for a practicum anywhere within 125 km of UBC’s Okanagan campus. B.Ed. students make their own arrangements for and bear the cost of personal transportation and accommodation during a practicum.

Arrangements for placements for the Community Field Experience are made by the Field Experience Coordinator in collaboration with other designated faculty and members of the community.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for information regarding the Guidelines for Assigning School placements, Pre-requisites for Commencing a Practicum or Community Field Experience, Transportation Requirements, Shared Driving Arrangements and Weather Conditions.

Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

B.Ed. students seeking accommodations during coursework or field experiences should consult either with the UBCO Disability Resource Center (DRC) directly or with the DRC faculty liaison person in the Okanagan School of Education. B.Ed. students must self-identify, provide appropriate documentation of disability, and register with the DRC in order to be eligible to receive academic accommodations. B.Ed. students must also share the letter outlining academic accommodations, issued by the DRC, to each of their instructors at the beginning of term. In many instances, an academic accommodation for coursework does not extend to the field experiences, including practicum. The Field Experience Coordinator should be consulted prior to practicum if accommodation is sought. For information on the procedure for requesting accommodations for coursework or field experiences, see Okanagan School of Education website.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for information regarding personal competencies required for becoming a teacher and the Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educators in British Columbia.

Written and Oral English Requirement

B.Ed. students admitted to the Bachelor of Education program must demonstrate competency in written and oral English. If concerns arise during coursework or field experiences regarding oral and written English competency, B.Ed. students may be advised to access Learning Support Services. Students may be excluded from participating in field experiences if English competency concerns are not satisfactorily addressed.


A Pass/Fail grading practice applies to all courses and field experiences in the Bachelor of Education program.

Determination of standing for Pass/Fail courses is criterion-based. In order to pass a course, B.Ed. students are expected to produce work that is of high quality and that satisfactorily meets criteria.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for information regarding assessment guidelines and procedures for the Bachelor of Education program.

Grading Coursework in the Bachelor of Education Program

a) Course assessment

To assess the learning outcomes for a course, instructors will develop the criteria for assignments using the program-wide rubric frame. The assessment rubrics are used for formative assessment (by instructors, students, and peers) during the course. The same assessment rubric is used for summative assessment when assignments are submitted and at the end of the course. B.Ed. students must satisfactorily meet expectations on all criteria for each assignment to receive a Pass for the course.

For the purpose of helping B.Ed. students develop their emerging understanding of their professional identity, personal and professional competencies will also form part of the formative assessment process.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information regarding personal competencies required for becoming a teacher and the Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educations in British Columbia.

b) Identifying/supporting students of concern during a course and re-submitting assignments.

If a B.Ed. student is experiencing difficulty and/or is failing an assignment (i.e. is ‘not yet meeting’ expectations for one or more criteria), instructor(s) will meet with the B.Ed. student in a timely manner and collaboratively determine a re-submit or remediation plan. This plan is shared with the B.Ed. student’s field advisor.

Re-submit/remediation plans are normally completed by the end of the course break following the course.

If a B.Ed. student fails an assignment, instructor(s) can provide B.Ed. students with a final opportunity to re-submit or remediate during the course break.

c) Assigning Course Grades

All courses in the Bachelor of Education program will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

Assigning course grades occurs during the Academic Performance Evaluation at the end of each course break or field experience. Prior to the Academic Performance Evaluation, instructors complete their course assessment for each B.Ed. student at the end of the course.

Field advisors ensure that the assessment information for personal and professional competencies is current for each B.Ed. student.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information regarding personal competencies required for becoming a teacher and the Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educators in British Columbia.

At the end of the course break, a B.Ed. student who receives a summative assessment resulting in ‘not yet meeting expectations’ for one or more criteria on the assessment rubric will normally receive a ‘Fail’ for the course may be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program.

See also Reinstatement and Readmission for more information.

Grading Field Experiences (Practicums and Community Field Experience)

All field experiences will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. For assessment purposes, during all field experiences instructors will use standard assessment rubrics and reporting forms provided by the Okanagan School of Education.

A B.Ed. student who receives a summative assessment resulting in ‘not yet meeting expectations’ for one or more criteria on the standard assessment rubric will normally receive a ‘Fail’ for the field experience and may be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program.

See also Termination of Practicum, Termination of Community Field Experience, and Reinstatement and Readmission for more information.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information about the assessment procedure during a field experience.

Academic Performance Evaluations and Progression in the Bachelor of Education Program


Academic Performance Evaluations occur at the end of each course or field experience and are cumulative. Determining each B.Ed. student’s progression status is the outcome of the Academic Performance Evaluation and will be either:

  • ‘In good standing’: The student is currently meeting expectations and is progressing satisfactorily with regard to the learning goals to date.
  • ‘Student of Concern': In the professional judgement of the School, the B.Ed. student is at risk academically and an action plan will be developed in an effort to support the B.Ed. student’s further learning. A B.Ed. student with a ‘student of concern’ status for more than two courses and/or field experiences may be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program.
  • ‘Fail’: The B.Ed. student has received a course or field experience summative assessment of ‘Fail’ and will be discontinued or withdrawn from the program.

Candidacy Review

After completing the Winter Terms 1 and 2 and the Summer Term 1 courses and field experiences, a comprehensive review is carried out for the purposes of determining readiness to begin the remaining coursework and field experience.

  • ‘In good standing’: The B.Ed. student is currently meeting expectations, is progressing satisfactorily with regard to the learning goals to date, and may continue with the final coursework and field experience.
  • ‘Student of Concern’: In the professional judgement of the School, the B.Ed. student is at risk academically and an action plan will be developed in an effort to support the B.Ed. student’s further learning. A B.Ed. student who is unable to satisfactorily complete this action plan may be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program.
  • ‘Fail’: The B.Ed. student has received a course summative assessment of ‘Fail’ and/or has received a ‘student of concern’ status for more than two courses and/or field experiences will be discontinued or withdrawn from the program.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information on the assessment guidelines and procedures for the Bachelor of Education Program

Letter of Completion

B.Ed. students who successfully complete the Bachelor of Education program may request a letter from the Okanagan School of Education that summarizes the Pass/Fail grading practice which may be used in future applications to a post-baccalaureate or graduate degree program.

Suitability Review

Although satisfactory performance in both academic coursework and field experiences is a prerequisite for progression, it is not the sole criterion in considering the suitability of a B.Ed. student for progression, graduation or recommendation for teacher certification.

The School reserves the right to require a B.Ed. student to withdraw from the Bachelor of Education program or to not recommend the B.Ed. student for teacher certification if the B.Ed. student is considered to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice of teaching because of persistent or egregious unprofessional conduct, or if it is deemed that the scholarship or professional fitness of a B.Ed. student is unsuitable for the teaching profession. In these situations, a B.Ed. student may be subject to a suitability review.

Unprofessional Conduct

For more information about expectations for professional conduct, please refer to Professional Conduct in the Bachelor of Education Program and to the Standards for the Education, Competence and Professional Conduct of Educators in British Columbia.

The examples of unprofessional conduct in this policy are not exhaustive, and the School will review allegations of unprofessional conduct on a case-by-case basis. This policy applies to all conduct of its B.Ed. students, even when not in the classroom or on practicum or otherwise related to the Bachelor of Education program. Examples of unprofessional conduct include but are not limited to:

  • behaving in a manner that endangers peers, faculty, staff, students, staff in practicum settings, volunteers, or others;
  • harassing or being abusive toward students, peers, faculty, staff, staff in practicum settings, volunteers, or others;
  • breaching confidentiality or other ethical obligations;
  • engaging in illegal activities that are inconsistent with the practice of teaching or likely to harm students or others

Responding to Allegations of Unprofessional Conduct

When investigating an allegation of unprofessional conduct, the School will follow the Protocol and Procedure for Investigating and Responding to Alleged Unprofessional Conduct in the Program outlined on the Okanagan School of Education website.

B.Ed. students should note that the laying of criminal charges, the commencement of civil proceedings, or the commencement of proceedings under another University policy or procedure does not preclude the School from following the procedures set out in this policy.

If the School becomes aware that a B.Ed. student has been accused of serious unprofessional conduct, then the School reserves the right to postpone the B.Ed. student’s advancement in the program, including graduation from the program, until the allegations of unprofessional conduct have been investigated and resolved by the School.

Where a B.Ed. student has been charged with a criminal offence that, if proven, would constitute unprofessional conduct, the School may postpone the B.Ed. student’s advancement in the program including graduation from the program, until such time as the criminal charges are dismissed or have proceeded through the court system to acquittal or conviction and sentencing.

If the School becomes aware at any time that a B.Ed. student has been accused of unprofessional conduct then the School may require the B.Ed. student to obtain an updated criminal record check pursuant to the Criminal Records Review Act and provide the results to the School.

Conduct that is considered unprofessional under this policy may also violate other University policies. The School or another unit of the University may commence proceedings against the B.Ed. student pursuant to those processes in addition to taking action pursuant to this policy.

Fitness to Practice

B.Ed. students are expected to recognize their own limitations, act responsibly at all times, and take responsibility for ensuring continuing competency and learning.

B.Ed. students are responsible to notify the Okanagan School of Education in a timely manner if they determine that they are not fit to practice.

While accommodations may be made to assist a B.Ed. student’s further learning, such accommodation cannot compromise the safety and well-being of students or the academic and professional integrity of the Bachelor of Education program.

A B.Ed. student may be discontinued or withdrawn from the Bachelor of Education program or may be subject to a suitability review if health-related and/or other problems render the B.Ed. student incapable of fulfilling the requirements of the program.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information about the Fitness to Practice Procedure and the Suitability Review Procedure.

Termination of Practicum

The Okanagan School of Education reserves the right at any time to terminate a practicum when it is determined that the scholarship, professional fitness, or professional conduct of a B.Ed. student is unsuitable for the teaching profession, or when responding to allegations of serious, unprofessional conduct.

A B.Ed. student will be assigned a grade of Fail (F) for a practicum and will be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program if:

  • the B.Ed. student ceases to attend the practicum without consultation;
  • the practicum has been terminated due to unsatisfactory progress;
  • the practicum has been terminated because the continuing presence of the B.Ed. student in the school jeopardizes the welfare of pupils and/or staff;
  • the B.Ed. student receives a failing grade on the final report.

In the event of a practicum termination, a B.Ed. student cannot continue with subsequent scheduled coursework.

B.Ed. students required to discontinue may pursue reinstatement or readmission. Completing the conditions specified at the time of discontinuation must be achieved prior to submitting a request for reinstatement or readmission. These conditions may include additional and/or repeated coursework. Please refer to the sections Reinstatement and Readmission for more information.

Termination of Community Field Experience

The Okanagan School of Education reserves the right at any time to terminate a community field experience when it is determined that the scholarship, professional fitness, or professional conduct of a B.Ed. student is unsuitable for the teaching profession, or when responding to allegations of serious, unprofessional conduct.

If a B.Ed. student’s community field experience is terminated, a grade of Fail (F) will be assigned and the B.Ed. student will be required to discontinue or withdraw from the program.

Review of Assigned Standing

A B.Ed. student who disagrees with their assigned standing is encouraged to first discuss the matter informally with the instructor(s) of the course, when possible. If necessary, the instructor may, at their discretion should they believe the original assigned standing was in error, change the standing by submitting a change to academic record form.

If the matter remains unresolved following the initial conversation with the instructor and the student believes that some or all of the material contributing to the assigned standing has been incorrectly evaluated, the B.Ed. student may apply for a Review of Assigned Standing.

A Review of Assigned Standing is undertaken to determine whether a B.Ed. student’s performance in that course was correctly evaluated. A Review of Assigned Standing is distinct from an Appeal on Academic Standing; the latter addresses procedural errors or irregularities as opposed to errors in assigning standings based upon academic judgment. For more information on an Appeal on Academic Standing, see the calendar entry here.

In applying for a Review of Assigned Standing, a B.Ed. student must submit the material to be reviewed in its original marked form, or if the material was not returned to the B.Ed. student, provide sufficient information for the academic unit to identify the assignment.

Components of an Assigned Standing that are intangible such as – but not limited to - live performances, live presentations, practicum assessments, or participation are not eligible for a Review of Assigned Standing, nor are graduate-level theses and doctoral dissertations.

In the Okanagan School of Education, appeals regarding decisions about course requirements should be addressed first to the instructor(s) and, if not resolved satisfactorily, to the department head or designate or, in the case of a field experience, to the Field Experience Coordinator or designate.

Please refer to the UBC Okanagan Academic Calendar for information regarding policies and regulations concerning a Review of Assigned Standing in a Course and Senate Appeals on Academic Standing.

Review of Standing in a Field Experience

Where a B.Ed. student disagrees with the standing in a field experience (including practicum), the B.Ed. student may apply for a review.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information on the Procedure for Review of Standing in a Field Experience in the Bachelor of Education Program.

Voluntary Withdrawal

A B.Ed. student wishing to voluntarily withdraw from the Bachelor of Education program must obtain the approval of the dean or designate.

If a B.Ed. student is contemplating a decision to voluntarily withdraw from studies in the Bachelor of Education program, it is recommended that the B.Ed. student makes an appointment with an Education Academic Advisor prior to making that decision.

B.Ed. students wishing to voluntarily withdraw during a field experience must consult with the Field Experience Coordinator prior to formally ceasing to continue.

If the withdrawal is approved, the date of withdrawal will be recorded and a standing of W in all courses not completed on that date will be indicated on the academic record.

If the withdrawal is not approved, the B.Ed. student will remain registered in all courses and a final grade and/or standing will be assigned at the end of the term.

A B.Ed. student who does not complete formal withdrawal procedures will be liable for all assessed fees until such procedures are completed.

Program Discontinuation and Withdrawal

“Discontinue” refers to situations where a B.Ed. student is required to cease to be registered in their course of study for an indefinite period of time. “Withdraw” refers to situations where a B.Ed. student is required to discontinue and many not normally return to the program in the future.

All program discontinuations and withdrawals are approved by the department head or designate.

Academic Leave

B.Ed. students in good standing must seek approval from the dean or designate prior to taking an academic leave. The Bachelor of Education program is a cohort-based program and there is a limited ability to accommodate academic leave requests.

If a B.Ed. student is contemplating a decision to take an academic leave from studies in the Bachelor of Education program, it is recommended that the B.Ed. student makes an appointment with an Education Academic Advisor prior to making that decision.

B.Ed. students experiencing extenuating circumstances during a field experience and who wish to request an academic leave must consult with the Field Experience Coordinator prior to formally ceasing to continue.

Requests for academic leave are considered on an individual basis. When appropriate, supporting documentation from relevant authorities must be obtained to support the request.

Please refer to the UBCO Policies and Regulations for more information on Academic Leave.


“Reinstatement” refers to the type of registration required when a B.Ed. student is returning to the program after an absence of less than one year due to an academic leave or a required discontinuation of studies.

B.Ed. students who leave or discontinue their studies will not be entitled automatically to return. Each request for reinstatement will be dealt with on an individual basis and considered along with other admission applications at the time.

Prior to submitting a request for reinstatement, conditions specified prior to the academic leave or required discontinuation must be completed. A request for reinstatement may or may not be granted and is based upon space availability and the degree to which the B.Ed. student has met the conditions specified prior to the academic leave or required discontinuation.

A B.Ed. student who has voluntarily withdrawn or who was required to withdraw is not eligible for reinstatement.

Repeat or additional coursework may be required upon reinstatement.

Normally reinstated B.Ed. students who previously failed a course or field experience will be required to withdraw in the case of failing any subsequent course.

B.Ed. students who are granted reinstatement to the program may be required to authorize a new criminal record check.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information on the Reinstatement and Readmission Procedures in the Bachelor of Education Program.


“Readmission” refers to the type of registration required when a B.Ed. student is returning to the program after an absence of more than one year due to an academic leave or a required discontinuation of studies. A completed application form and application fee is required for readmission.

B.Ed. students who leave or discontinue their studies will not be entitled automatically to return. Each request for readmission will be dealt with on an individual basis and considered along with other admission applications at the time.

Prior to submitting a request for readmission, conditions specified prior to the academic leave or required discontinuation must be completed. A request for readmission may or may not be granted and is based upon space availability and the degree to which the student has met the conditions specified prior to the academic leave or required discontinuation. Additionally, if readmission is granted, a B.Ed. student must meet the admission requirements prevailing at the time of re-entry.

A B.Ed. student who has voluntarily withdrawn or who was required to withdraw is not eligible for readmission.

Normally, a B.Ed. student who requests readmission but who is unable to complete all requirements of the Bachelor of Education program within four years of first registration will not be granted readmission. They may, however, submit a new application for admission and, if admitted, will receive no credit for courses completed previously.

Please refer to the section entitled ‘Degree Requirements’ for information regarding the timeframe to complete the program.

Repeat or additional coursework may be included in the conditions for readmission.

Normally readmitted B.Ed. students who failed a course or field experience will be granted only one opportunity to repeat the course or field experience.

B.Ed. students who are granted readmission to the program may be required to authorize a new criminal record check.

Please refer to the Okanagan School of Education website for more information on the Reinstatement and Readmission Procedures in the Bachelor of Education Program.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.