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Master of Engineering Leadership in Resource Engineering Management (M.E.L. in R.E.M.)

The objective of this program is to meet an identified need to educate engineers with a unique combination of leadership and strong technical, multi-disciplinary knowledge applicable to the resource engineering sector.

This program is suited to students who wish to pursue their education in Resource Engineering Management beyond the undergraduate level, but who do not wish to pursue a thesis research program. This is not the appropriate program to pursue for applicants who are considering taking a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the future.

The completion time for this program is 12 months.

Note: Completion of this degree alone does not form an acceptable basis for application to associations of professional engineers in Canada or other associated professional accreditations.

Admission Requirements

The program is governed by the general graduate guidelines of the College of Graduate Studies’ standards for admission of students. Students admitted to the M.E.L. degree will normally possess a bachelor's degree in engineering or a related area, with a minimum GPA of B+ (76%).

Minimum English language requirements for the M.E.L. program include a TOEFL score of 580 (PBT) or 92 (IBT) (higher than the College of Graduate Studies minima), or an IELTS minimum overall band of 6.5 (with nothing less than 6.0 per individual test).

Relevant professional experience is considered a significant asset and should be normally a minimum of 3 years.

Applicants holding a four-year bachelor's degree who do not meet the admissions minima, but who have had sufficient formal training and relevant professional experience to offset the academic deficiency, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the Associate Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Engineering.

Program Requirements

This program requires the completion of 30 credits. This includes 12 credits of Professional Platform Courses, 12 credits of Technical Pillar Compulsory Courses and 6 credits of Technical Pillar Electives. Platform refers to foundational coursework focused on the professional skills required for an experienced graduate to be an effective professional leader. These courses are common across many of the Applied Science Professional Master’s programs. The Pillar contains the relevant technical material and is equivalent to a specialization.

For further information on the program, please see Master of Engineering Leadership in Resource Engineering Management.

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