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Basic Program Admission Requirements

Application for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing must be made through Enrolment Services. Inquiries relating to admission to the B.S.N. program should be directed to Student Recruitment & Advising.

Procedures, policies, and admission requirements to the University of British Columbia and the School of Nursing are specified in Admissions. Please see additional Nursing-specific admission requirements below.

Because of enrolment limitations, the academic standing required for admission is higher than the published University minimum, and not every qualified applicant will be offered admission.

Notwithstanding all specific program prerequisites, the School of Nursing reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant when, in the opinion of the University, there is sufficient and substantiated evidence (medical or otherwise) to conclude that by granting admission, the School of Nursing would jeopardize the safety of clients under student care or would otherwise be negligent in providing for the safety and well-being of clients, agency staff, or other students.

Admission from Secondary School

The admission criteria specific to secondary school applicants to the Nursing program are detailed in Admissions.

Admission from a Post-Secondary Institution

Transfer students who have completed transferable coursework at another accredited post-secondary institution will be considered for admission. See Applicants from a Post-Secondary Institution for information on the admissions evaluation of transfer applicants.

Transfer applicants to Nursing should present transfer credit for courses completed in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology. Transfer applicants should present with the equivalent to the following UBC Okanagan courses: 3 credits of CHEM_O 121, or 123, and 6 credits of BIOL_O 104 and 117, BIOL_O 116 and 125, BIOL_O 117 and 122, or BIOL_O 131 and 133. If an applicant has not fulfilled these requirements, the program prerequisites must be satisfied at the high school level.

Admission to the Nursing program is competitive and satisfying the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission.

Admission from Other Nursing Degree Programs

Students wishing to explore transfer should consult with the Assistant Director for the School of Nursing. Instances of transfer are considered on a case-by-case basis due to the School’s unique curricula and limited seats. Applicants must submit an application and have official transcripts sent directly to the UBC Undergraduate Admissions office for the purpose of admission assessment. In addition, in order to receive transfer credit or advanced standing, students who are seeking admission must submit a copy of their post-secondary transcripts, evaluations from practice courses, course descriptions, and course syllabi (detailed enough to facilitate thorough assessment of the content and evaluation processes of the courses) directly to the Assistant Director for the School of Nursing.

Transfer applicants from other Nursing degree programs are subject to evaluation in order to determine suitability for the program. It is important to note that the curriculum of the B.S.N. program at the UBC Okanagan campus differs from the curriculum of the Nursing program at the UBC Vancouver campus. Direct transfer between the two programs is not possible.

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