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Students in the sociology program will be challenged to apply theoretical and analytical skills to explore, understand, and expose how power and privilege are distributed, structured, and replicated.

Sociology as a field of research and pedagogy also works toward change, with the goal of achieving social and economic justice across societies. Upon graduation students are well prepared for multiple career paths and graduate or professional programs. At UBC Okanagan, you can complete either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) major or minor in sociology. 

Program Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of this program, students will demonstrate:  

Depth and Breadth of Knowledge  

  • Describe and critically examine social structures, forces, and interactions.  
  • Analyze how power and social inequality are structured, legitimated, reproduced, and challenged.  
  • Explain, compare, and evaluate sociological theories and debates and locate them in their historical and present-day formulations.

Knowledge Methodologies and Research  

  • Distinguish and apply sociological methodologies and research methods to assess knowledge claims and their limitations.  
  • Demonstrate competencies for ethically designing and carrying out sociological research.  

Application of Knowledge  

  • Apply sociological perspectives to analyze and critique social issues and develop the capacity to use this knowledge to contribute to the development, assessment, and change of social policy, institutions, and structures.  

Communication Skills  

  • Effectively and responsibly communicate sociological knowledge in multiple ways to a variety of audiences.  

Awareness of Limits of Knowledge  

  • Examine the changing nature of knowledge, the social world, and social life.  

Professional Capacity/Autonomy  

  • Demonstrate the capacity to use sociological knowledge to be an informed citizen and to contribute to societal discussions of social injustices.  

Major in Sociology

Admission Requirements

Students must apply to the department for admission to the Sociology Major program. Admission to the Sociology Major program requires a minimum 68% average.

Degree Requirements


Major in SociologyCredits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements48
300/400-level Electives outside of SOCI_O18
Electives any level21
Total Credits120

Program Requirements

First and Second YearsCredits
SOCI_O 1113
SOCI_O 2093
SOCI_O 2913
200-level SOCI_O Electives19
Total 100/200-level credits                   18
Third and Fourth YearsCredits
SOCI_O 37623
SOCI_O 3773
One of SOCI_O 390, 3953
300/400-level SOCI_O Electives21
Total 300/400-level SOCI_O Credits30
Program Requirement Total Credits            48

1 Recommended to take 6 credits of 200-level SOCI_O in term 2 of first year 
2 Recommended to take SOCI_O 376 in third-year 

Minor in Sociology

To complete a Minor in Sociology, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Sociology out of the 120 credits required for the B.A. degree. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above.

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