You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements


The program leading to the B.Mgt. requires a minimum of 120 credits with the following requirements to complete the program:


ECON_O 1013
ECON_O 1023
ENGL_O 112 or ENGL_O 114; or ENGL_O 6 credits any level; or ENGL_O 3 credits any level and CORH_O 3 credits any level*3
One of MATH_O 100, 1163
MGMT_O 1003
MGMT_O 1103
PSYO_O 1113
One of STAT_O 121, 1243
MGMT_O 2013
MGMT_O 2023
MGMT_O 2203
MGMT_O 2303
MGMT_O 2403
MGMT_O 2503
MGMT_O 2903
MGMT_O 3103
MGMT_O 3553
MGMT_O 3603
MGMT_O 3803
MGMT_O 4903
Upper-level1 MGMT Electives218
Non-MGMT electives327
Upper-level1 non MGMT_O Electives3 or Upper-level1 MGMT_O Electives29
Non-MGMT_O electives3 or MGMT_O electives 26
*Students must achieve minimum 60% in ENGL_O 112 or 114, or minimum 60% in 6 credits of ENGL_O, or minimum 60% in 3 credits of ENGL_O and 3 credits of CORH_O. 
1 Upper-level means 300 and 400 level courses. 
2 MGMT_O Electives mean any MGMT_O course that is not a required course. For current information on MGMT_O Elective courses, please visit Faculty of Management. 
3 Non-MGMT_O Electives means any non-MGMT_O course. 

Advancement Requirements

Promotion to Second Year

Successful completion of 24 or more credits (with exception of the Vantage College Management Stream, see below). Note: 3 credits of ENGL_O is a prerequisite for all 200-level MGMT_O courses. It is strongly recommended that students complete their ENGL_O requirement in first year. Students must achieve minimum 60% in ENGL_O 112 or 114, or a minimum 60% in 6 credits of ENGL_O to graduate.

Promotion to Second Year for Vantage College Management Stream

To earn a promotion from first to second year, students must have completed the full Year 1 program with a minimum of 36 credits. A minimum average grade of 60% in the Vantage College Management Stream Year 1 courses is required. A minimum grade of 60% in WORDS_O 150 is also required. Note: Vantage College Management Stream students must register in MATH_O 100 or 116 and STAT_O 121 or 124 as co-requisites for Year 2 Term 1.

Promotion to Third Year

Successful completion of 48 or more credits.

Promotion to Fourth Year

Successful completion of 78 or more credits.

Note: MGMT_O 490 is required for degree completion. Registration for this course requires fourth year standing.


When choosing elective courses, students should keep in mind that these may contribute to a chosen minor. Minors are declared via Workday.

Minor in Communications and Rhetoric

To complete a Minor in Communications and Rhetoric students must complete 6 credits of ENGL_O at any level, or 3 credits of ENGL_O at any level and 3 credits of CORH_O at any level, plus an additional 24 credits of CORH_O as follows:

  • At least 6 credits at the 200- level 
  • At least 15 credits from 300- and 400-level courses, which can include 6 credits from approved courses that double count with their Major program. See the list1 of approved courses here. 
  • 3 credit CORH_O 499, Communication Capstone.  

Students may complete the 15-credit Certificate in Communications and Rhetoric, or complete an additional 9 credits to receive the Minor in Communications and Rhetoric, but cannot receive both. 

1 Note that some of these courses have cross-listings and/ or prerequisites.  

Minor in Computer Science

To complete a Minor in Computer Science, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Computer Science. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above. This may require students to take additional credits of study.

Minor in Cultural Studies

To complete a Minor in Cultural Studies, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Cultural Studies as specified below. This may require students to take additional credits of study.

  • CULT_O 100, 101;
  • At least 6 credits of 200-level CULT_O; and
  • At least 18 credits of 300- or 400-level courses applicable to the Major in Cultural Studies.

Minor in Data Science 

To complete a minor in Data Science, students must complete no fewer than 30 credits as specified below. This may require students to take additional credits of study:

  • DATA_O 101; 
  • STAT _O 205 or 230; 
  • MATH _O 101; 
  • COSC _O 111; 
  • DATA _O 301 or COSC _O 301; 
  • DATA _O 311; 
  • 6 credits of upper-level DATA _O; 
  • 6 credits of 300- or 400-level coursework from the following: 
    • upper-level DATA _O or STAT _O courses;  
    • a maximum of 3 credits of MGMT _O 429a; 
    • a maximum of 3 credits from: COSC _O 304, 322, 329, 344, 421.

Minor in Economics

To complete a Minor in Economics, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Economics. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above. This may require students to take additional credits of study.

Minor in Geography

To complete a minor in Geography, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Geography as specified below:

  • At least two of GEOG_O 108, 109, 128, 129;
  • At least 3 credits of second-year GEOG_O;
  • At least 18 credits of 300- or 400-level GEOG_O or GISC_O. 

Minor in Psychology

To complete a Minor in Psychology, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Psychology. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above. This may require students to take additional credits of study.

Minor in Sociology

To complete a Minor in Sociology, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Sociology. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above. This may require students to take additional credits of study.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.