You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Environmental Humanities Concentration requirements for students who entered the program in 2023/2024 or earlier


Upon successful completion of this Concentration, the notation “Concentration in Environmental Humanities" will be placed on the student's transcript and degree parchment.

First YearCredits
ENGL_O 1123
INDG_O 1023
SUST_O 1003
SUST_O 1043
ENGL_O 1563
One of GEOG_O 128, GEOG_O 129 3
One of HIST_O 106, HIST_O 112, HIST_O 118, SOCI_O 111, CULT_O 101      3
INDG_O 1003
Total Credits (minimum)                                                   30


Second YearCredits

SUST_O 200


SUST_O 201


SUST_O 202


One of SUST_O 2042, CORH_O 203


SUST_O 205


One of ANTH_O 245, GEOG_O 233, HIST_O 218, SOCI_O 228


One of ENGL_O 2342, CULT_O 2722, GEOG_O 257, GWST_O 2722                 


One of INDG_O 201, INDG_O 202




Total Credits (minimum)



Third YearCredits
SUST_O 3003
SUST_O 3043
SUST_O 3021
One of ANTH_O 344, ENGL_O 3872, ENGL_O 388, ENGL_O 397                  3
One of GEOG_O 318, GEOG_O 358, GEOG_O 3653
One of ANTH_O 345, CCS_O 320, HIST_O 3953
INDG_O 307 3
300/400-level Electives9
Total Credits (minimum)31


Fourth YearCredits
SUST_O 4006
SUST_O 4021
One of ANTH_O 4452, GEOG_O 431, GEOG_O 4452, GEOG_O 461                3
One of HIST_O 408, GEOG_O 4262, GEOG_O 460 3
One of ENGL_O 458, ENGL_O 476, WRLD_O 440 3
One of ENGL_O 457, GEOG_O 423, PHIL_O 435 3
400-level INDG_O3 3
Total Credits (minimum)31


Overall Total Credits (minimum)                            123

 1 When deciding on electives for first and second year, it is recommended that students speak to their program advisor about which 300/400-level courses they may want to take. In addition to any of the course options listed in this concentration’s requirements, other suggested electives are: GEOG_O 108, GEOG_O 109, HIST_O 112, HIST_O 118, GEOG_O 217, HIST_O 222, INDG_O 205, CULT_O 317, ECON_O 371, ECON_O 372, GEOG_O 304, GEOG_O 314, GEOG_O 367, CRWR_O 473, GWST_O 440, INDG_O 450, POLI_O 404.

2 Check course equivalencies.

3 INDG_O 420 preferred. 

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