Green Chemistry Concentration
Upon successful completion of this Concentration, the notation “Concentration in Green Chemistry" will be placed on the student's transcript and degree parchment.
First Year Credits ENGL_O 112 3 INDG_O 102 3 SUST_O 100 3 SUST_O 104 3 CHEM_O 121 3 CHEM_O 123 3 MATH_O 100 3 MATH_O 101 3 PHYS_O 112 3 PHYS_O 122 3 Total Credits (minimum) 30
Second Year Credits BIOL_O 202 3 SUST_O 200 3 SUST_O 202 1 SUST_O 204 3 SUST_O 205 3 CHEM_O 201 3 CHEM_O 203 3 CHEM_O 204 3 CHEM_O 220 3 Electives 6 Total Credits (minimum) 31
Third Year Credits SUST_O 300 3 SUST_O 304 3 SUST_O 302 1 CHEM_O 330 3 CHEM_O 336 3 CHEM_O 338 3 Electives 15 Total Credits (minimum) 31
Fourth Year Credits SUST_O 400 6 SUST_O 402 1 CHEM_O 333 3 CHEM_O 334 3 CHEM_O 462 or CHEM_O 448 3 CHEM_O 463 or CHEM_O 448 3 Electives 12 Total Credits (minimum) 31
Overall Total Credits (minimum) 123