You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements for students who entered the program in 2020/2021 or earlier

A minimum of 120 credits in university courses must be completed. For use as electives, at most, 12 of the 120 credits may be from non-Arts and non-Science baccalaureate courses. Note: all baccalaureate courses delivered by the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies are deemed for this purpose to be Arts courses and need not be counted as outside electives. Students must also complete at least 48 credits at the 300/400 level, of which at least 30 credits must be completed at UBC.

A minimum graduating grade average (GGA) of 60% is required to be eligible for graduation with the B.A. degree.

First and Second Years Credit Requirements

To complete the first and second years of the B.A. program, a student must complete 60 credits in Arts or Science courses. These credits must be selected from the following:


Students must complete 6 credits of first-year English selected from: ENGL_O 109, or two of ENGL_O 112, 113, 114, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, or 156. Students who fail to meet the English requirement before completing 60 Arts-eligible credits will not be permitted to register in courses other than first-year English, until this requirement is satisfied.


Students must complete at least 6 first-year Science credits in Laboratory Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, or approved Geography1 courses from the following list:

  • ASTR_O 110, 111, 120, 121;
  • BIOL_O 116, 117, 122, 125, 131, 133;
  • CHEM_O 111, 113, 121, 123;
  • COSC_O 101, 111, 121, 122, 123;
  • EESC_O 111, 121;
  • GEOG_O 108, 109;
  • MATH_O 100, 101, 111, 116, 142;
  • PHYS_O 102, 111, 112, 121, 122, 140;
  • STAT_O 121, 124

1GEOG_O 128 and 129 do not provide Science credit.

Language other than English Requirement

This requirement may be satisfied by any of the following options:

  • successful completion of an approved Grade 12 course in a language other than English before studies begin at the UBC Okanagan campus. Note: once the student has begun studies at the UBC Okanagan campus, this requirement can no longer be satisfied with senior secondary courses;
  • successful completion of one of the following or its equivalent. Note: these courses have prerequisites;


FrenchFREN_O 104
GermanGERM_O 210
JapaneseJPST_O 201
SpanishSPAN_O 202, SPAN_O 204, or SPAN_O 252

  • demonstrated competency through examination in any language other than English. Demonstrated competency is defined as the ability to pass a final oral and written examination typical of a fourth-term university course where the first term is beginner-level. Students must make their own arrangements for such an examination by a qualified instructor (e.g., a university professor who teaches the language at an accredited university). The suitability of such an instructor must be approved by the program advisor for Modern Languages before the examination is taken. Students are responsible for any fees incurred;
  • students whose first language is not English may satisfy the requirement upon presentation of official transcripts indicating completion of secondary school in their first language;
  • classical language option: students who successfully complete GREK_O 111 and 121, plus LATN_O 300, will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirement;
  • American Sign Language: all four levels of the American Sign Language Basic Certificate offered through an accredited institution will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirement. Note: these courses cannot be used as credit toward the B.A. program.
  • Okanagan language option: students who successfully complete both Nsyilxcn I and II (NSYL_O 110 and NSYL_O 111) (Okanagan Language), offered through the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology at the En'owkin Centre or the UBC Okanagan campus, will be deemed to have satisfied the language requirement.

Distribution Requirements

Students must complete at least 18 credits from List A: Social Sciences, and 18 credits from List B: Humanities. The completed courses must include at least two disciplines from each list. Note: credits earned to satisfy the English requirement will not count toward the Distribution Requirement.


List A: Social Sciences
Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies1
Indigenous Studies
Political Science
List B: Humanities
Art History and Visual Culture
Creative and Critical Studies
Creative Writing
Cultural Studies
Digital Humanities
Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies4
Indigenous Studies
Japanese Studies
Visual Arts
World Literatures

1GWST_O 100, 110, 216, 223, 323, 333, 334.

2Except GEOG_O 108, 109, 200, 205, 207, 222, 271, 301, 304, 307, 310, 314, 317, 341, 356, 367, 377, 414, 422, 436, 437, 466. GEOG_O 491, 498 may be eligible dependent on the topic. Confirm approval with a program advisor.

3Except for ENGL_O 112, 301.

4GWST_O 100, 110, 215, 223, 235, 333, 335, 336, 435.

Progression Requirements


First Year0–23 credits
Second Year24–47 credits
Third Year48–77 credits
Fourth Year78 or more credits

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