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Economics (B.A.)


Economics is a social science dealing with choice among competing alternatives. To major in Economics, students must master skills of abstraction, deductive reasoning, and critical thinking, and understand the historical, cultural, and social context of economic institutions, policies, and events. A Major in Economics provides a way of looking at the world and understanding important aspects of human behaviour, and improves reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. It equips students with the skills needed to move on to graduate studies in Economics and related disciplines, or to enter a wide range of occupations.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will demonstrate:  

Critical Thinking:

  • Apply economic analysis to everyday problems to understand current events and evaluate specific policy proposals.  
  • Assess the role played by assumptions in arguments that reach different conclusions to a specific economic or policy problem.  

Scientific Literacy or Numeracy (Quantitative Reasoning):   

  • Combine quantitative evidence with economic models to assess the validity of various economic and policy relevant arguments.  
  • Collect relevant data, develop empirical evidence using appropriate statistical techniques and interpret the results while taking into account potential statistical biases.  

Communication Skills:  

  • Formulate well-organized written arguments that state assumptions and hypotheses and communicate them in an oral, written and visual format to a wide range of audiences.  

General Skills:  

  • Explain how incentives determine choices and shape human behaviour.  
  • Apply economic reasoning in personal decision making.  
  • Interpret sophisticated academic and policy analysis for a general audience.

B.A. Major in Economics

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the major program students must successfully complete:

  • All of ECON_O 101 and 102; and, 
  • A minimum of 24 credits

Degree Requirements


Major in Economics                                                                                Credits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements54
300/400-level Electives outside of ECON18
Electives any level15
Total Credits120

Note: Some program requirements may be applied to Foundational and Distribution requirements; see B.A. requirements.    

Program Requirements

First Year                                                                                                           Credits
ECON_O 1013
ECON_O 1023
One of MATH_O 100, 1163
One of MATH_O 101, 1423
Total Credits12
Second year                                                                                                   Credits
ECON_O 2043
ECON_O 2053
ECON _O 2253
Total Credits9
Third and Fourth YearsCredits
ECON_O 3273
ECON_O 3283
Microeconomics: One of ECON_O 308, 386, 4013
Monetary/ Macroeconomics: One of ECON_O 309, 345, 347, 356, 402, 4093
Economic History: One of ECON_O 2321, 330, 331, 338, 3393
300/400-level ECON_O electives15
Total 300/400-level ECON_O credits30
ECON_O electives any level13
Program Requirement Total Credits54

1If ECON_O 232 is selected for the Economic History requirement, then a 300/400-level course is required for the remaining ECON_O elective.

Minor in Economics

To complete a Minor in Economics, students must accumulate no fewer than 30 credits in Economics out of the 120 credits required for the B.A. degree. At least 18 of these credits must be numbered 300 or above.

B.A. Honours in Economics

The Honours program in Economics enables high-achieving B.A. Major students in Economics to gain research experience through the completion of a directed-studies project (ECON_O 499 Honours Essay) under the supervision of a faculty member. Students intending to pursue graduate studies in economics are advised to consider taking the Honours program since it better equips them to be successful; in addition, most of the high-quality programs in Economics expect potential graduate students to have completed an Honours degree.

Students who wish to enrol in the Honours program must submit a formal application to the coordinator of the Honours Program. After admission, students must complete ECON_O 495 (Honours Seminar) and ECON_O 499 (Honours Essay) in sequence during their final year of study. 

Admission Requirements:

  • Fourth-year standing in the Economics Major;
  • A minimum grade average of 78% in all courses taken to date that are applicable to the Economics Major;
  • A minimum grade of 78% in both ECON_O 204 and ECON_O 205;
  • A minimum grade average of 78% in MATH_O 100 or 116 and MATH_O 101 or 142;
  • Successful completion of ECON_O 327 and ECON_O 328.
  • Approval of the Honours program coordinator and the head.

Degree Requirements

Honours in Economics                                                                         Credits
Foundational Requirements21
Distribution Requirements12
Program Requirements60
300/400-level Electives outside of ECON18
Electives any level9
Total Credits120

Note: Some program requirements may be applied to Foundational and Distribution requirements; see B.A. requirements

Program Requirements

First Year                                                                                        Credits
ECON_O 1013
ECON_O 1023
One of MATH_O 100, 1163
One of MATH_O 101, 1423
Total Credits12
Second Year                                                                                        Credits
ECON_O 2043
ECON_O 2053
ECON_O 2253
Total Credits9
Third and Fourth Years                                                                         Credits
ECON_O 3273
ECON_O 3283
ECON_O 4013
ECON_O 4023
ECON_O 4273
ECON_O 4953
ECON_O 4993
One of ECON_O 2322, 330, 331, 332, 333, 338, 3393
Additional 300/400-level ECON_O12
Total 300/400-level ECON_O credits36
ECON_O electives any level23
Program Requirement Total Credits60

2 If ECON_O 232 is selected, then a 300/400-level course is required for the remaining ECON_O elective.

Graduation Requirements:

  • A minimum overall grade average of 78% in all Economics (ECON) courses;
  • A minimum overall grade average of 78% in all courses; and
  • A minimum of 54 credits of Economics with at least 36 credits at the upper level. 

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