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Admission Requirements

The M.F.A. degree program is governed by the regulations of the College of Graduate Studies, including its standards for admission of students.

An applicant’s background must sufficiently prepare them for advanced work in creative and/or curatorial practice.

Applicants to the M.F.A. program are expected to have a bachelor degree in a relevant field, such as a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in Creative Writing, Theatre, or Visual Arts; a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Creative Writing, Theatre, or Visual Arts; or, in some cases, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Drama, English, Art History, Museum Studies, Film, or Theatre. Applicants are expected to have a B+ (76%) average or higher in their third- and fourth-year courses or at least 12 credits in Fine Arts courses relevant to their specialization with an A- (80%) or higher average in their courses at the 300 level or higher.

Applicants from a university outside Canada at which English is not the primary language of instruction must present evidence of competency to pursue studies in the English language prior to being extended an offer of admission. Acceptable English language proficiency tests for applicants to graduate studies are:

MFA Visual Arts & MFA Interdisciplinary Studies:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 97 overall with a minimum score of 24 in Reading & Listening and a minimum score of 23 in Writing & Speaking (Internet version); minimum score of 24 in Reading & Listening and a minimum score of 23 in Writing (paper version).

IELTS (International English Language Testing Service): minimum overall band score of 7, with no individual score less than 6.5.

MFA in Creative Writing:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 104 overall with a minimum score of 25 in Reading & Listening and a minimum score of 24 in Writing & Speaking (Internet version); minimum score of 25 in Reading & Listening and a minimum score of 24 in Writing (paper version).

IELTS (International English Language Testing Service): minimum overall band score of 7.5, with no individual score less than 7.

All applicants must submit a portfolio of artistic and/or curatorial work in order to be admitted into the Program.

In exceptional cases, applicants not meeting these criteria may be admitted to the program provided that all of the following supports/approvals are met:

  • they have the support of a faculty supervisor;
  • the portfolio of artwork and/or curatorial work is approved by the Department of Creative Studies;
  • approval is obtained from the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies Graduate Admissions Committee; and
  • permission is obtained from the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Contact the M.F.A. Graduate Coordinator for more information.

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