In addition to the general policies and regulations set out in Policies and Regulations, the academic regulations outlined in this section apply to the Faculty of Management. Academic Standing is assigned to students at the end of the Winter Session (May). Students with incomplete courses (e.g. SD or T standing) will have their Academic Standing recalculated once final grades are submitted. Courses attempted in Summer Session are not included in the sessional average calculation.
In Good Standing
The academic standing, In Good Standing, is assigned to a student who has earned a sessional average of 60.0% or higher.
On Academic Probation
The academic standing, On Academic Probation, is assigned to a student who has earned a sessional average between 50.0% and 59.9%.
A student placed On Academic Probation will normally be allowed to register in a maximum of 18 credits in the subsequent Winter Session (9 credits per Winter Term). This restriction may be modified or waived at the discretion of the Faculty. There is no maximum number of instances of Academic Probation permitted; students may remain as On Academic Probation for the duration of their studies, as long as their Winter Session average falls in the Academic Probation range.
Failed Standing
The academic standing, Failed Standing, is assigned to a student who has a sessional average less than 50%.
A student placed on Failed standing for the first time will normally be required to discontinue their studies for a period of one academic year (12 months) starting in the subsequent Winter Session (September). The requirement to discontinue may be waived at the discretion of the Faculty. If a student is permitted to continue, they will normally be allowed to register in a maximum of 9 credits in each of Term 1 and Term 2 of the Winter Session.
A student who has a previous Failed standing on their academic record (from any UBC program) will be required to withdraw from the University, and may only be readmitted under the Advancement Regulations.
Dean's Honour Roll
Student transcripts will receive the notation "Dean's Honour Roll" if an overall average of 80% or better is achieved in a program of 27 credits or more in any Winter Session. Exceptions are made for Co-op or Exchange students, who require at least 15 credits in a non-Co-op or non-Exchange term for this calculation. To qualify, students must pass all courses. Only courses taken at UBC will be used in this calculation.
Degree with Honours
The words "With Honours" will be placed on the transcript of record and the degree parchment of a student graduating with the B.Mgt. where the student’s average of all 200-level and higher courses taken while registered at UBC is in the top 20% of graduating B.Mgt. students. Only courses taken at UBC will be used in this calculation.