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Computer Science (B.Sc.)

B.Sc. Major in Computer Science

Note: The UBC Okanagan campus also offers a B.A. Major in Computer Science.

This program provides students with a comprehensive overview of computer science including data structures, databases, mobile and web development, software engineering, numerical methods, and security. Computer Science graduates have an impact on society by developing systems used by millions of users and are in very high demand. Students must take COSC_O 304, 310 and COSC_O 341 in their third-year because they are prerequisites to COSC_O 499. COSC_O 499 must be taken in fourth-year.

Students must also meet the BSc degree requirements.


First YearCredits
COSC_O 111 or 1233
COSC_O 1213
ENGL_O 1091, or two of 1121, 113, 1141, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 203, CORH_O 203, CORH_O 205, APSC_O 176, APSC_O 2016
MATH_O 1003
MATH_O 101 or 1033
PHYS_O 111 or 1123
Electives2, 5, 69
Total Credits30


Second YearCredits
COSC_O 211, 221, 222                                                                                                                                                                        9
MATH_O 2213
STAT_O 230 or STAT_O 2053
Electives3, 5, 615
Total Credits30

Third and Fourth YearsCredits
COSC_O 320               3
COSC_O 304, 310, 34149
COSC_O 49946
PHIL_O 3313
Upper-level Computer Science electives                                                                                                                                                     18
Upper-level electives5, 63
Electives5, 618
Total Credits60
Minimum credits for degree5120

1Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL_O 109, 112 OR 114.

2COSC_O 101, 122, 123, 150 are recommended.

3COSC_O and DATA_O courses are recommended. MATH_O 200 is recommended as several upper-level COSC_O courses require it as a prerequisite.

4COSC_O 304, 310, 341 must be taken in third-year because they are all prerequisites to COSC_O 499. COSC_O 499 must be taken in fourth-year.

5At least 12 of the 45 Elective credits must be Science courses.

6 Students entering the B.Sc. in 2024 or later must complete at least 9 credits of non-science designated courses and 3 credits from INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. Students who entered the B.Sc. prior to 2024 are required to complete 12 credits of non-science designated courses. These students are strongly encouraged to take INDG_O 100 or ENGL_O 114. 

B.Sc. Computer Science Honours Program

Through coursework and research, the Honours in Computer Science is an intensive program of study. Students who complete this program will have the ability to work independently and with a high level of competency. The course requirements are the same as in the Major in Computer Science program, except the student must maintain a high grade level (a minimum of 76%) and the student must complete COSC_O 449 Honours Thesis (6 credits).

Admission Requirements

  • Fourth-year standing in the Computer Science Major;
  • This program requires a research project with an undergraduate Honours thesis. The thesis proposal and a research supervisor must be approved by the department head; and
  • Minimum grade average of 76% in all courses taken to date applicable to the Computer Science Major.

In exceptional cases, such as transferees from another institution, a student may be admitted to the Honours program notwithstanding the criteria listed above.

Graduation Requirements

  • Completion of the course requirements for the Computer Science Major;
  • Completion of COSC_O 449 Honours Thesis with a minimum grade of 76%. A written thesis is required, with a public presentation of the thesis in the form of a poster session and/or a seminar; and
  • A minimum 76% graduating grade average (GGA).

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